I figured out how to force SG to ignore comment formatting. You're probably wondering "WTF? WTH would I need that?". To be honest, most people won't ever need to know this, but for the few that do here it is (since it's not mentioned anywhere else as far as I can tell)

If you want a post/comment to say #Swag without doing this ↓


Just add a \ (backslash) in front of whatever you want.
\#Swag, which looks like this → #Swag

PS: adding [](#) also works

Now you don't have a page-full of giant ass words!

Let me know if this is ever useful to anyone, or if you have a similar/related solution.
Or if you have a question related in some way to this (idfk what to even call this kind of post)

PS: Here's a GA for those that want one -> Potato ENDED

Now for some more interesting (and totally useless) stuff:
All of these have "."'s added to cancel the formatting

  • [/].(#) ends up like this → /
    (Links to current url+#) Can be used as a dead/dummy link.
  • [[].(#) ends up like this → [
    Not sure why
  • []].(#) ends up like this → []](#)
    Not sure why either...

This next one breaks any following text. I'm guessing it starts an formatting style that I can't end just yet (when you add ** but never finish it with another **, everything after the first will be bolded)
I have no idea why this ↓ does this.

  • [fail](\) looks like this → fail
7 years ago*

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Did you know about this solution?

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Kind of... (I know of a different solution)

mmh.. .cant make it work :P probably missing something in your post, there are no underscores :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Now it's working :D btw the GA has just ended!

7 years ago

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Just include before the hashtag(s)!

I don't understand what you mean by that.

7 years ago

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Fixed. I made the mistake I was trying to fix...


7 years ago

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Ah, I see. I just do this instead:

7 years ago

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Good tip though.

7 years ago

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EDIT: yay it works :D I will probably never remember/use it but it's cool :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Not sure if that's really to explain, but:

About [[].(#): [].(#) is, as you've said, the format for a link. The first [ doesn't belong to the format then, and so it's shown simply as it is and followed by a hidden link.
About []].(#): as is doesn't fit any formatting rules, so nothing is applied and it's shown as it is.

7 years ago

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*checks to see if this nifty thing works*

Well what do you know, it does. Thanks a ton for this. :-)

7 years ago

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Or you could just use the standard code \escape command. :P
\#ForExample (\\ to get that single \)

[[].(#) ends up like this → [
Not sure why
[]].(#) ends up like this → []](#)
Not sure why either...

The first one has all but the first character vanish as a hidden link, ergo you only see a single character.
The second one breaks the formatting with an interjected character (same as the . you're using), and thus it's not parsed at all, with the result that all characters remain shown.

[fail](\) looks like this → <a

As noted, \ is a standard code escape command. Any code directly following it is negated.
In this case, that's likely causing the <a href> HTML link to cancel midway through.

7 years ago*

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Aw man you saved me! now I can use this emoticon (which is one of my essential pack of very useful emoticons) ! *^*

Man, somebody from the staff should see this to add it to the "comment formatting" session! Could you change the subject to "Bugs - Suggestions"?

7 years ago*

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Closed 4 years ago by MrAwesomeFalcon.