This topic should be sticked for sure. Once i put a 20-bucks game as another 20-bucks game because it wasn't on the dropdown list.... but a 1-cent game as a 10-bucks game is so.... unfuckinbelievable.
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It's easy for me
For others... well, you have to force them to look at the important notice first
I feel sad for those who've been scammed, who don't read FAQ
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But, reading is to hard, there's no pretty pictures. No but seriously, when clicking on create giveaway, make the rules appear in big red lettering and make the user have to agree to them in able to make the giveaway, then automatically open the faq when they confirm the giveaway. Then make a No-Exceptions rule, if they break one rule, no matter the reason/excuse, ban them for 1 week with no points generation. Perma ban them for any infractions after that.
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This. I think it's time to have the FAQ appear during the giveaway creation and forcing the gifter to agree to them, would make it even better. The two-step banning process seems fair to me as well. You might just agree without reading once, but after you've been banned for a week you should definitely know what is allowed and what isn't.
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The thing is, all rules are fairly hidden. There is nothing that would even say "Rules" on the main page.
There's just the "Forum" link (which is used mostly just by those who fancy some howdoyoucallit socializing, I guess), and tiny "FAQ" at the bottom. And that one is right next to the never-bother-to-examine "Privacy Policy" link. Also, the users posting the violating giveaways don't actually have "frequently asked questions". They don't have "questions" at all, they just see the "Create" button and no reason to browse further.
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It's not about people not reading the rules... well, maybe for Dark Messiah MP it is... but it's clear to me that anyone that posts a giveaway for a game that is not in the list disguised as a different game, it's aware of the rules, and just chooses to ignore them (with the hope that they won't get caught, I suppose).
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He understood, he was clearly sad it's against rules, and his answer was "i've bought, i want to share now" or sumpin like that. He wrote in English. He understood for sure.
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Can't you just remove those games from the list? Or make it so that a huge red warning sign jumps out when someone tries to create such giveaway? IMHO majority of people don't bother to actually read the rules, nor to search the forums. Sadly, people are idiots and you'll have to adapt the site to that, because that won't change any time soon.
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Thing is, these rules are common sense. They don't need to even be said, so the non-English speakers are people that haven't read the FAQ barely have an excuse. That free shit you got from some polish website you exploited? You mean that's not allowed? So shocking! Misrepresenting things is bad? What do you mean?!?!
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I don't understand why people ignore the rules. The first time I heard about this site, a friend invited me and after that, I went to the forum to learn how stuff works here. How the point system works, whats necessary to invite, and even the "obvious rules" to prevent greedy people from trying to get a game they already have and trading invites for games. The obligatory reading of the FAQ and Rules should be the first thing to pop up when somebody tries to enter a giveaway or make a giveaway. But just the first time, and after that, a quick quiz to make sure that the rules was clear enough. I don't see a problem with a quiz. It's like 5 mins to read/answer and prevent the mods from wasting time banning lazy people who don't read whats necessary.
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I think the entire thought process of most people visiting the site can be summed up as "Game... free... give now!".
Anything stray thoughts interfering with the immediate gratification of receiving every game they want from someone is an unwelcome intrusion.
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Language barrier anyone? ;) I see alot of people not following rules speaking ENGRISH AS HECK.
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I still think an FAQ/Rules in the top navigation would do wonders for this site. Not everybody is a forum-goer, and maybe a few are simply overlooking the forums entirely?
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Don't submit Humble Bundles while they're on sale
Don't submit Dark Messiah Multiplayer
Seriously, why do you think it's clever to submit a HFSB as HiB1? All it's doing is making the site look bad, and it gets you banned. I would like to know what about the rules people have a problem with.
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