My last won game was three months ago and today, the day i decided to gift a little something...i won a giveaway out of the blue. I call it conspiracy from karma?!

How you call it?

(and i wasnt even trying to win, i enjoy the forums morz. yeah i leveled up my SG skills)

ok by entering on giveaways i was trying a little, but you know what i mean.

I ve even bought another game to gift, before i see that i won. yes.

No i dont believe in karma.
11 years ago*

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Maybe it was luck.

11 years ago

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It was random.

11 years ago

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Hope so because i dont believe in karma. even though SG tries to prove me wrong :P

11 years ago

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call it luck, well i call it fate..

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I call it law of great numbers. With big enough number of tries even the least possible situation has 100% chance of happening.

11 years ago

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a large enough group of chimpanzees with typewriters with a long enough length of time will eventually write everything that has ever been written.

11 years ago

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according to basic statistics - yes - yet it would take a lot more time (thousands times more) than Chimpanzeesare even at this planet to write even a single book ;P

but yeah - generally if you were immortal and spent infinity just flipping a coin you may be pretty sure that at one flip it will hang up in the air instead of dropping down ;p

11 years ago

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Not everything has 100% chance of happening. If we were immortal(which were not) and spent infinity flipping a coin(which I wouldnt do for more than 10 minutes) then Im pretty sure we wouldnt see a coin hanging up in the just isn't possible. Now sure, if something at least slightly has a chance of being possible, then yes, the theory holds some water, but some things simply can't happen.

Example: A dead person, given infinite time, will not come back to life...EVER! He's dead, gone, never coming back.

11 years ago

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read the link I provided in my first post - nit to mention that you base your statement on what? your few years of your puny life? history of humanity? neither of these is nothing compared to infinite numbers.

Law of great numbers is a stated mathematical law, based on fact that limes of expanding sequence will always go towards 1 (100%) if n -> infinity.

so as your examples are irrelevant - if you want to argue don't give puny examples based on incomparably small numbers - you would first ned to proove basic laws of logic and mathematic to be wrong.

11 years ago

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The reason I gave examples based on incomparably small(not even small, just nothing) numbers is because those examples are what prove the way you look at the theory wrong.

I read your link, but the link uses relevant examples like rolling die and things. Those are actual achievable things.

So essentially, what you're telling me, is you truly believe that with infinite time, the impossible could happen. You truly believe that gravity would be defied(as in your coin example) or that someone could come back to life?

11 years ago

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first - you cannot disregard theory with even big number of examples not to mention small number. To disreard a theory from mathemathical point of view you must use what is called general case. No number of specific cases can serve as a general case. To show it on example (which i believe would be much easier to understand) let's say you come up with a theory that if you substrack to integers you will always get a neutral number then as a proof you post that 2-1=1, is neutral, 3-2=1 is neutRAL, 4-3, 5-4, 6-5 each case you show is ok with your theory - does it mean you're then right? no, as this theory is obvioulsy wrong yet all your example cases still proove you right.

Back to examples - and did nyou see the future? I mean infinite future in infinite timeline, to know that nothing like that will not happen in infinite timeline? Not to mention ppl coming back from state of clinical death (discussable matter) let's think about our more extreme example - fliping a coin. Remember - you're immortal, undestructable and so on and on - at some point in timeline earth will get nullified, then no more gravity field, then coin doesn't drop. Not to mention infinite number of other possible cases (all with extreme low - next to zero - probabilities, but still). In infinite always-moving universe at some point of time other galactic object with it's own gravity field much greater than earth or even whole solar system may move close enough for it's gravity field to nullify earth's. Ofc seconds laters earth will be sucked to this object and obliterated, but the point is that the coin won't fall ;p

You've clearly not read the article close enough - just read examples, they're obvious (ofc they are - so it can be explained easily - giving basic examples to a theory doesn't mean the theory can be aplicable only to basic cases!) - if you read it whole, especially mathemathical explanation, not just examples you'd know that anything with 0.(0)1% chance of happening, whic usually in everyday life would mean 0, in infinite number of tries is bound to give positive result.

Other thing is that such an extreme cases like coin flipping are irrevelant mostly, as at local case such an example will still be so unlikely to occur that we don't need to even take it into consideration, but it's not a thing here. The thing is that somewhen in infinite timeline somewhere in the infinite universe the coin does not fall.

11 years ago

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You're an evolutionist aren't you?

11 years ago

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depends if you mean biological meaning of evolutionism or philosophical, but nonetheless what does it have to do with anything?

11 years ago

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let's just say it's very...evident based on your views and responses

11 years ago

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i rather believe it has much more to do with me studying theorethical math for some time in the past ;p

11 years ago

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Well all that learning shows a little of your beliefs in it when you apply it. The different ways people view the topic show different beliefs. Let's just say I enjoy psychology a little bit :D

11 years ago

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I had a lucky month on steamgifts. 5 games that month, most with a decent amount of entries. I won one game the next month, and another the next month(with 3 entries), but haven't won anything for 2 months now. Not much karma for me, just luck. Don't really believe in a steamgifts conspiracy...yet

11 years ago

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Well, congratz! Karma is not that much of a bitch afterall, huh? :P

11 years ago

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Btw, nice game you chose to give away. Toki Tori :D

11 years ago

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Well, I did Mirror's Edge GA 5 days ago.

Still nothing :(

11 years ago

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Congrats! Maybe that good luck will continue!

11 years ago

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It might be. I joined two weeks ago and my Gifts Sent/Gifts Won ratio is not to shabby.

11 years ago

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Very good, my bearded friend! Today probability god on your side!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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the whole universe is driven by randomness and possibility.
if you'd turn the time 24H backwards, and let the day proceed again without interfering, the day might end up being completely different.
a diceroll in vegas could make a guy happy instead of sad. we'll never know.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Que Sera Sera indeed

11 years ago

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karma is an excause for butthurt people to feel better

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Christian Bale is pleased with Kermit the frog.

11 years ago

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Karmic Conspiracy would be a good band or album name.

11 years ago

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Mad skeelz bro

11 years ago

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I blame the global warming

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by midnightshooter.