Story: The Murder Mystery

After meeting up with the very international team of agents at the airport, you all get into a small bus and drive off into the countryside. A few hours later you arrive at a big mansion. "Welcome to our new base of operation", Nordh proclaims and exits the bus. The agents unload their suitcases and enter the estate. Inside a butler collects all the bags and hurries off with them while a secretary divides everyone into different rooms and takes notes on sleeping arrangements.

Since you didn't get a chance to pack before leaving, Nordh has prepared a room with a stocked closet. You enter the room and crash onto the bed. Before you can process all that's happened, your brain shuts off and you fall deep asleep.

You suddenly wake up, as if someone had slapped you in the face. "Was that a gun shot?", you think to yourself. Rushing out of your room you can see all the agents arguing back and forth. Nordh calls you over and asks if you can help him solve what happened.

The Mansion
Catch the killer

Solution and story

Rewards (Level 2)
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
Rocket League

Additional info

Hint 1

8 years ago*

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Bump for solved!!

7 years ago

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Well done, agent. I knew I could count on you!

7 years ago

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Bump for solved!

7 years ago

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More solvers. \o/

7 years ago

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Bump for 3 days left.

7 years ago

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Bump for 1 day left.

7 years ago

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Another solver who didn't bump, so I will have to bump for myself since it's only 9 hours left. At least 21 bumps for 29 solves is a decent ratio I guess. :)

7 years ago

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Free bump!!

7 years ago

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Thank you. With only 1½ hours left it may be needed. :)

7 years ago

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Strange, my first comment didn't show up here...

You have roughly one and a half hour left to solve this fine mystery!
It took me about an hour, so you can do it, too! : )

Thank you Nordhbane for a puzzle I finally can solve ; ) The motive took me four tries, because I didn't connect a few things, but everything else was perfectly clear for me : )

I'm a bit disappointed, that I missed the six mysteries before and I really liked this format : )

7 years ago

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Good thing I will do more puzzles in this format then as a spin-off series. :) The Puzzle Agency changes style with each puzzle, need to keep it fresh. ;)

7 years ago

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Oh yes, I joined the group and I think I couldn't have solved the previous ones O.O You're quite the puzzle maker ;D
And as I read before, that you were worrying about the answer format for the ITH question: For me it was stated clear enough, especially with the example. And as I am not one of the hyper intelligent cypher cracking, math genius, programming nerds, who could work for any intelligence agency, it's probably fine ; )

7 years ago

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That's really good to hear. :)

Still going to look into having a more open ended answer, that will have to be manually checked by me for future mysteries, since some may require a bit more description, like a victim being shot by more than one person, and there may be different motives for each. So it can become a bit hard to nail the format then.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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FML! I had the solution but the wrong room number T_T

Very nice puzzle though :)

7 years ago

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