i have to say, i prefer nVidia. AMD might be the "better" company. less restrictive, and just less dickish. ^^ but with nVidia cards you will just have less problems. there are more games optimized for nVidia than for AMD.
maybe a i5 is the better option for you? the i5-4690 is a pretty good cpu, and cheaper than the i7's. you miss out on hyperthreading, but for most games HT doesn't give you any benefit performancewise (it can even be counterproductive).
Win10 is the future. you will have to use it eventually at some point, if you want to play modern games (DX12). if you don't like the start menu - there are always nice, little tools that can give you the start menu you want. i am on Win8.1 right now, and i have a Win7 start menu (and no fucking metro ^^).
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Good point, im sorta in favor of nvidia bit im unsure if my motherboard will be compatible with a geforce video card (if that makes sense xD)
Hmm Ive been thinking about an i5 but since I want to make video editing and streaming, I want to get my investment worth and get the most out of my buck
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well, i just gave a general statement about how i feel about nVidia/AMD. depending on your GPU-budget, AMD might be the more reasonable choice after all.
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That statement of having less problems with Nvidia cards is not true. You're just as likely to have problems with either manufacturer. The optimization part is partly true. Nvidia doesn't give AMD access to GameWorks or other proprietary stuff Nvidia has which makes it nigh impossible for AMD to optimize some things. Games without any proprietary technologies from AMD or Nvidia work equally well on both.
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with problems i meant e.g. bad optimization. you can read of so many games that have unplayable framerates on release, and even quite a while after that. you barely read anything like that about nvidia cards. as a customer, that is pretty important to me. i want a good overall gaming experience, and decent performance is a big part of that. with AMD cards you will get performance problems. yes, it might be nvidia's fault. but does that really matter to me, the customer, who just wants to play games? if i have to choose a good graphics card for my new pc, i choose the one i will have less of a hassle with.
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My new build:
i5 4460
Gigabyte GTX 750 Ti
750W Gaming SilentX PSU
Runs all games without any problem, including GTA V.
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What's up with the 750W PSU? ~450W would be enough for your system.
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The maximum power draw of a 4460 and 750Ti is 180W combined under full load, so even a good 300W PSU would've sufficed. But the 750W "Gaming SilentX" (No-brand) PSU sounds like a cheap PSU to me, so users often buy those things because they think, more wattage is better. Just hope the PSU won't blow up, as this often happens with the cheap ones (there's a very good reason that GOOD PSUs with that wattage cost well around $150!)
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I actually didn't bought this by my own choise, the guy who bought this for me checked it and said its real watt is ~350, and yeah it was cheap 40$, but works perfectly so.
Heres the link of this PSU: http://www.ebay.com/itm/750W-Gaming-120MM-Fan-Silent-ATX-Power-Supply-PSU-12V-/271229901254?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f268fd9c6
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why do you think 10 is unstable? everyone i know who is testing it right now says, that it is already pretty awesome (especially in comparison to early builds of previous windows versions).
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Wait a few days, AMD recently announced new GPUs which in a way beats most nvidia products, itll be released like end of june
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So Im trying to save up to buy myself a brand new mid-range pc with a budget of around 500 euro which is not much admittedly but it should be enough as a start
My questions are the following since Im kinda noob at this:
Amd or Nvidia? (as im not sure if i will be able to pick a geforce one)
What is the ideal "budget" option for an i7 processor that is actually worth something?
Bit unrelated: should I install windows 10 or just stick to windows 7? As im a bit worried that win 10 will causing me headaches
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