Hello everyone, it's been a while!

"What is PoP?"

  • PoP stands for Play or Pay. It was created a couple years ago as both a way to help people deal with their massive backlogs and a challenge for those that enjoy playing lots of games.
  • It's quite simple: you join the group and every 3 months (a.k.a. a cycle) you sign up - if you want - and some people will pick some games for you and you'll pick some games for them as well. The more games you beat, the more rewards you get. On the other hand, if you don't manage to finish any games, you create a giveway for the group. In other words, you play or you pay!

"How does it work exactly?"

  • A month before a cycle, a sign up post will appear and you'll have to decide if you wanna participate or not.
  • If you choose to do so, 2 random fellow members will pick 7 games for you (first member picks 4 games, second picks 3). You'll also have to pick 7 games for 2 different people as well!
  • You'll have until the end of the cycle to play at least 2 of them. If you fail to do so, you'll have to create a GA for the group.
  • The more games you play, the more points you get. At the end of the a 3-months cycle, the Top15 people with the most amount of points get invited to a handful of special GAs!

"How do I join?"

Here is our website, in case you wanna check it out!


Q: Do I have to play 7 games every cycle?
A: NO! The more the merrier, but just finishing two is enough to complete the "challenge"!

Q: Do I have to participate every cycle?
A: No. You can take a break whenever you want, just don't sign up before the next picking phase starts. However, you must participate in at least, 2 out of 4 cycles in a year.

Q: Why is BLAEO mandatory?
A: It makes picking a LOT easier. As you can see here

Q: Why do I need to have played at least 10% of my wins OR a total of 40 games played?
A: We must see that you're serious into playing your games, not just joining because of GAs.

Our group was inspired by both the old PoP events at Quips/Beardtopia.

2 years ago*

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Do you have a massive backlog? Do you wanna do something about that?

View Results
Of course! I'm joining this group NOW!
I have a massive backlog and I don't care because I like to waste my money!
Playing games in 2021??? pfft I'm here just to idle them for cards!


2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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weekly bump!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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10 months ago

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4 months ago

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1 year ago

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4 months ago

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I would like to rejoin the group. I left earlier in the year but I think I'm ready to rejoin and give it a proper go again.
Here my blaeo profile still got it, still use it. I will recreate my lists to make easier pickings again

2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam.

2 years ago

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Added thanks, great to see so many people wanting to join up

2 years ago

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I'm interested in this group for some time, but recruitment thread was closed. And now it's open yay so can I join?
My BLAEO profile.

2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you and give you some overview about the group.

2 years ago

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This looks interesting.
Do we have any say in what type of games not to include in those 7? Like racing games i only want to play with my son in about 2 years or more.

2 years ago

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You can create lists for PoP in Blaeo to sort them and make it easier for you're pickers to pick something. Like I have lists for the lot but also for the time sorting already :3
So yes, you can in that way say what you want and what you don't want. Plus you can ask for one repick from both pickers per cicle.

2 years ago

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Just to add to what Ninglor said, everyone has the option to add custom rules. Here are mine, for example:

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2 years ago

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defeat your backlog before the next sale!

Someone is very optimistic or underestimates the average backlogs. 😁

2 years ago

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You gotta be optimistic in a fight against a huge backlog. xD

2 years ago

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Can I join?
My BLAEO profile

2 years ago

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unfortunately, you're still a bit below our required played stats of 10% (yours is at 7.65%) It's almost there, if you manage to reach the required amount, just send me another message. :)

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2 years ago*

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Got to the 10%. :)

2 years ago

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That was fast!
Well, send me an invite on steam.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you to the group and give you an overview about everything.

2 years ago

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It all sounds exciting. I would love to join!


2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you to the group and give you an overview about everything.

2 years ago

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i'm interested and i'd like to learn more about the group


2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you to the group and explain some things about it.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you to the group and explain some things about it.

2 years ago

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Thank you! Added. I'll create lists on blaeo if it helps picking xD

2 years ago

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It helps a LOT. Thanks!
If you need any help to create them, let me know.

2 years ago

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So do I understand right that some people pick 7 random games of my backlog and I can beat two of games and up? If no, I can giveaway any game, not only the titles people picked me?

Blableo link if needed, but I never update it and I hate marking game "beaten" just cause I finished them once, that isn't what I consider beaten.

2 years ago*

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Yes. You may giveaway any game (at least worth 10p, no need to be unbundled or anything)

Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you to the group and explain some things about it.

2 years ago

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I am interested in joining. Finishing games in an eternal struggle for me. I'd love additional motivation.


2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you to the group and explain some things about it.

2 years ago

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Bump for exploring

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2 years ago

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That is the worst

2 years ago

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And then the way to return becomes impossible and you just lost that one collectable making it impossible to ever complete the set you have been doing for the last 20 hours.

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2 years ago

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Up! :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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may I join?

2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you to the group and explain some things about it.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Send me an invite on steam. I'll add you to the group and explain some things about it.

2 years ago

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Can i join? BLAEO

2 years ago

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Unfortunately, you`re still a bit below our minimum requirements (we ask for 10% and yours is at 4.08%), as you can see below. If you manage to reach the required amount, just send me another message. :)

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I almost forgot about you, sorry.
Send me a friend request on steam.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Let me know when you own a BLAEO acc. :)

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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No worries. Join whenever you want. :)

2 years ago

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Hello, I'd like to join. BLAEO

2 years ago

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Unfortunately, you`re still below our minimum requirements (we ask for 10% and yours is at 0%), as you can see below. If you manage to reach the required amount, just send me another message. :)

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2 years ago

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Now I think I can join in. Added ;)

2 years ago

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How do I enable to see such stats? I've got ESGST, but I can't seem to be able to see the option or it's working. I was hoping it's

Display playtime/achievement stats on the user's profile page.

Under User option, but maybe that's not it?

2 years ago

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Do you have steam privacy options turned on? If you have, they don't let the script collect your stats. That could be reason it's not working for you.
edit: you need this script: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/NyDOv/tool-do-you-even-play-bro-tampermonkey-userscript

2 years ago

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I'm not sure if you're refering to this. What does it show for me?

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2 years ago

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I was referring to that page. Everything is set to public, the script should have worked. Well, try to contact the creator, maybe he can help you.

2 years ago

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What I've discovered was that I had to go to the profile's I want to check and then hit Gift's Won. From there it would show me the interface.

2 years ago

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I forgot to mention that because I thought you knew xD

2 years ago

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That's okay, no worries!

2 years ago

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Update: Thanks! I got it to work! I USD the tool and now I can see, it's a bit of a work at first, but I finally figured it out. It's really slow if the person is old and has a long backlog of games.

2 years ago

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Np. Glad it worked!

2 years ago

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This looks interesting. I'll try to create a blaeo profile and come back to this.

2 years ago

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Go go go :3

2 years ago

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Done! Not sure if i should do this a separate post or not, but i'll do it later if this doesn't get seen. :)

I already took a quick glance and marked a few games to wont play, but i'll sync it with my steam collection later.

2 years ago

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I'm sure LastM will see it :3

2 years ago

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Hey! Sorry I missed this post. Send me an friend request on steam and I'll add you and explain everything. :)

2 years ago

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It's okay! You didn't get notified from the new reply after all. I just sent the friend request :)

2 years ago

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Why is there no option in the poll for people who don't have a massive backlog?

*disclaimer: not looking to join

2 years ago

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Because I though people without massive backlogs had gone extinct a few years ago. :P

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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pain in the meow meow intensifies

2 years ago

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Although I get the idea behind it, I find it not particularly the ideal thing for me as I do enjoy my games quite a lot. I've got a big backlog of at least 600 games and although I don't know if I'll play all of them, because some of them I have, I find it quite fun to challenge yourself to do this. For those who do want to respect it they can, but hey, people can do whatever they want to spice up their gaming session.

I can spend up to 100-300 hours/games I've picked nowadays and I hate switching from game to game unless it bored me or I have considered that it has an infinite replayability and I may return to it whenever I feel like it.

Good stuff for those who want a bit of a challenge.

2 years ago

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bump up

2 years ago

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Hello! Can i join?

2 years ago

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Send me an friend request on steam and I'll add you and explain everything. :)

2 years ago

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