Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Inside (2007) - Ultra violent and disturbing movie. To be honest I have no idea why it has such a high score. It's a movie about nothing. One hour of people slashing, cutting, shooting and burning each other in one house. At top of that the protagonist who is pregnant is tortured the most so it just seems wrong and it's pointless. This movie is what you would call "shock value" because to be honest it has no other value at all. Don't get me wrong, I like gory movies done right (Planet Terror, Evil Dead from 2013 etc.) but this one offers absolutely nothing, it's stupid, boring and tries too hard to shock people instead of getting them actually interested. 3/10

Cruel & Unusual (2014) - A guy who killed his wife has to re-live her death again and again. Pretty good thriller but the ending disappointed me greatly. 7/10

The Raid: Redemption (2011) - For the second time. One of the best action movies ever made. Brutal, fast, raw and interesting. Recommended for every cinema enthusiast. 10/10

North Country (2005) - Very good drama based on true story. It's about a woman who works in a mine along with other men and women and who is constantly put down by men working there. At one point she has enough and takes it to court. Worth watching. 8/10

Sex Tape (2014) - Pretty nice comedy. I was expecting something worse. The first 20 minutes are boring and stiff as hell but the rest is pretty nice. 6/10

Race To Witch Mountain (2009) - Pretty good family action/comedy/sf movie made by Disney. 7/10

Back In Crime (2013) - Pretty good French crime/thriller but I was expecting somethig better to be honest. Still, it was a good watch. 7/10

9 years ago

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Read My Lips (2001) - Good French flick. It starts as a drama/romance but ends as a crime movie. It could have been shorter though because it can be boring at times. 7/10

The Double (2013) - Absolutely magnificent movie about mental disorders. I think people who have experiences with all kinds of mental illness will appreciate this movie more than people who don't have experiences with such things. As a matter of fact I noticed that people who have never had any contact with mental issues label this movie as "surreal". I say it's drama, everything the protagonist experienced and did can be explained in medical terms. For some people it'll be a surreal fantasy movie, for some it'll be real life hard hitting drama. It's a great watch. 10/10

In Order Of Disappearance (2014) - Great Norwegian crime movie. It has great atmosphere, nice characters, good dialogues and beautiful landscapes to adore. 9/10

No One Lives (2012) - Gory slasher flick. At first it was terrible but by the end it was getting better and better. It's nothing special but it isn't bad either. If you take it for what it is. 6/10

Secret Wars (2014) - Good Polish movie about secret forces that do the "dirty work". 7/10

What We Do In The Shadows (2014) - Great horror comedy about a group of vampires which lives among regular people. Great dialogues. 9/10

Borgman (2013) - It's hard to label. I'd say it's crime/thriller with a hint of drama but also a lot of stuff in the movie is symbolic. Also, you need to think a lot in order to understand what it's really about. Don't let the plot deceive you, this movie is not as simple as it looks. Anyway, it's very good but not for everyone. 8/10

Mindscape (2013) - Very good thriller about a guy who can read people's memories. He gets a case he has to solve which looks simple but turns out to be really hard. 8/10

The Raid 2 (2014) - In my humble opinion it's the best action movie ever created. It's filled with great action scenes, amazing fights, intrigues and of course blood. It's very violent. Americans can learn A LOT from the creator of this flick. It's a masterpiece, it hops on my TOP 10 movies list. 10/10

From Paris With Love (2010) - For the second time. It's a great action movie with a hint of comedy. Travolta is great in it. 9/10

9 years ago

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The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
It was about time Isao Takahata had his own ghibli masterpiece, really enjoyed Grave of the fireflies but this is something else entirely, the art style is gorgeus,
its 2 hours long, but it offered a bit of everything, it actually strayed quite often from the main plot to introduce new characters and subplots, there was one sub plot in specific that didn't seem to go anywhere, but even that was enjoyable. I pretty much just sat there and enjoyed the ride.
finally the movie has a lot of metaphors and I guess different people could interpret it in different ways, giving more reason to re watched it, but you can still follow the story and have a great time even if you don’t.

The Final Member
oh…I don't even know why I watched this.
so basically, it’s a documentary about an icelandic man who constructs a penis museum, but he his lacking one last specimen to complete his collection, and that is…you guessed it, man.
Meanwhile the only 2 guys that are willing to donate are incredibly weird, one of them is an old man who claims sleeping with more that 300 woman and the other is an american who is willing to cut of his own penis before he dies if the owner of the museum accepts to make his weird and depraved fantasies come true, lets just say it includes making stuff like a superhero of a comic book series, oh and btw, the penis as a name, its called know what considering the material they had, this could have been filled with weird and crude humour, at least its not, I give them that.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
This is Shakespeare!
well ive seen this story countless times, but its still entertaining, in fact the plot might be what saved this movie for me, though really predictable by now, you could tell what was going to happen in the end even if you never read a book, if you seen Lion king you saw this.
Problem is, no matter how good the CGI is, when there's this much on the screen it always looks awful,
overall I have to admit, it’s a fun movie, just don’t question it, there's just no way you can make sense of some of the bullshit they put here

9 years ago

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  • Insidious 3 = 7/10.
    Whole lot of jump scares, but it has some refreshing scenes that you absolutely don't see coming.
  • San Andreas = 7/10.
    It's an action movie starring the Rock, it's obviously over the top but at least way way WAY better than Fast 7 and 2012 bullshit.
  • Mas Max Fury Road = 9/10.
    I've only seen the first one with Mel, I was worried with the characterization of Hardy but he does a nice job, the movie really sells well its atmosphere.
  • Tomorrowland = 8/10.
    It was way better than I expected, great story and acting. I did care for the characters at the end of the movie, Disney didn't fuck up!
  • Avengers 2 = 10/10.
    It builds on the first and improves it in every aspect. And I adored the first one so it's a 10 in my Superhero movies list.
9 years ago*

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Escape from L.A. 10/10 cult, badass, 3rd time i watch it :D

8 years ago

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10/10 Jurassic World, such an amazing movie :) people complaining about it are entitled to their opinions. But I found it to be as good as the first <3 <3 <3 I cannot wait to see it again XD

8 years ago

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Scenic Route (2013) - Two guys are driving through the desert and their car breaks down. That's basically the plot of this very good movie. And it has a great ending too. Recommended. 8/10

The Bonfire Of The Vanities (1990) - Very good Brian DePalma movie starring Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman. I really don't understand the average it has on IMDB. It's a great mix of drama and comedy with great acting and good dialogues. 8/10

The Equalizer (2014) - One of those movies that you'll either love or hate. One good guy against the whole lot of bad guys, starring Denzel Washington as the main protagonist. Great acting, great music, great atmosphere, great photography - everything in this movie is excellent. And the last 15 minutes are EPIC. Amazing experience. 10/10

Calvary (2014) - Irish movie. A priest is told during the confession by a penitent that he will die in exactly 7 days. Interesting and very good movie. 8/10

Betibu (2014) - Thriller from Argentina. It's pretty nice but nothing really special. To watch and forget. 6/10

The Doom Generation (1995) - Horrendous pile of shit with no plot. Just three people either killing others, cursing all the time or fucking each other. Boring, stupid, pointless and sometimes just disgusting. It's obvious the only "value" of this flick is the "shock value" but I've seen way worse so it doesn't shock me at all. Just bores. Anti-artistic. 1/10

8 years ago

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Monsieur Hire (1989) - Very good French crime/drama/thriller about true love. Recommended. 8/10

Student Bodies (1981) - Basically first (I think?) Scary Movie type of movie ever made which mixes comedy with horror. Too bad that it's not really funny. There's a few nice scenes and themes but overall it's not a very good movie. 4/10

The Warriors (1979) - Classic over the top movie about the gang of Warriors who has to travel through the whole city while being hunted by every other gang out there. Great atmosphere and very good movie in general if you take it for what it is. 8/10

300: Rise Of An Empire (2014) - I thoroughly enjoyed this flick. It's a little worse than the first one but still amazing. Epic is the most fitting word I guess. If you like spectacular action movies then make sure to check this one out. 9/10

Internal Affairs (1990) - Great crime/drama about a corrupt cop (Richard Gere) who is hunted by a guy from the IA department (Andy Garcia). Amazing atmosphere, great music, awesome acting. Recommended. 9/10

Zoolander (2001) - I honestly don't know what people see in this movie. Humor is even lower than American Pie type of humor. This movie is just boring, stupid and anti-artistic. Waste of time. 3/10

Why Don't You Play In Hell? (2013) - Masterpiece. It's a Japanese movie about a group of amateur filmmakers who are making a movie for Yakuza. Very grotesque movie, a mix of comedy and gangster movie that turns into gore fest towards the end. Brilliant! And Mitsuko was beautiful as hell, pure perfection - goddess. 10/10

8 years ago*

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My niece is visiting me for a week, so we watched Space Jam before she went to sleep tonight. Childhood favorite 10/10

8 years ago

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Sennentuntschi: Curse Of The Alps (2010) - Pretty decent crime/thriller movie from Switzerland. Nothing really special though. 6/10

The Acid House (1998) - Three novels about drugs and messed up lives of lower classes. It's not really good, most of the time you just watch messed up behaviors of people. The last story had a few funny scenes but that's about it. 3/10

Three Lives And Only One Death (1996) - French surreal cinema. Very good movie for fans of puzzles, thinking and Lynch. Recommended. 8/10

Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) - Possibly the best movie based on comic books since The Dark Knight. It's perfect in every aspect. A must see for everyone. 10/10

The Voices (2014) - Dark comedy about a guy who suffers from schizophrenia. He accidentally kills his colleague and has to deal with the consequences while his pets, cat and dog, talk to him and mess with his head. Very good movie, I was expecting something worse to be honest. 8/10

The Holcroft Covenant (1985) - Very good British crime movie starring Michael Caine. I don't understand the low score to be honest. 8/10

8 years ago

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Stand by Me Doraemon (Link to trailer. Warning: Major spoilers. Thanks, Japanese trailer editors.)

One of the best Japanese CGI movies (and retelling of an awesome manga/anime) I have ever seen. 10/10

8 years ago

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Les Choristes 10/10

8 years ago

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Star Wars The Force Awakens ;D 10/10

8 years ago

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Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009) - Weak movie. Not funny at all. Waste of time. 3/10

Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (2015) - This one is a lot better than the first one. Still not a great movie obviously but there were some funny scenes and I enjoyed it in general. 6/10

The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014) - Decent slasher flick, nothing too good but nothing too bad either. Acting was horrible, dialogues were terrible and editing was horrid but the movie in general wasn't bad for a slasher. 6/10

The Matrix (1999) - Yes, I watched it for the first time ever in 2016. It's an amazing movie, one of the best sf out there, no doubt. 10/10

The Matrix Reloaded (2003) - As good as the first one, worthy sequel. Amazing all around. 10/10

The Matrix Revolutions (2003) - Wasn't nearly as good as the first two but it's still a very good movie. Still, many questions are left unanswered and I didn't like some of the elements of the plot. 8/10

8 years ago

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Beneath (2013) - Very good movie about a group of people trapped in a mine. It kept me on the edge of my seat almost all the time. It's definitely better than Descent and Sanctum. 8/10

Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb (1964) - A satire directed by Stanley Kubrick. It's good, has a lot of intelligent humor in it. 7/10

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - Very overrated movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. Probably the most boring flick I've ever seen. Maybe it was impressive in the 60's but nowadays there's absolutely nothing gripping about this picture. It's predictable, every shot is extremely long and it's just so damn boring. Not a horrible movie but definitely not as good as people make it out to be. 4/10

A Clockwork Orange (1971) - Another Kubrick's movie. This one is great and has more content than you can intake at once. Very well thought and well directed movie. 9/10

The Shining (1980) - Yet another movie directed by Kubrick. This is definitely one of the best horror movies I've ever seen and Jack Nicholson was amazing in it. Also, cinematography was poetic. 10/10

Full Metal Jacket (1987) - Directed by Stanley Kubrick, it's an amazing movie about Marine Corps and war. Has some amazing and memorable scenes, great dialogues, very good acting and amazing cinematography plus awesome music. A must watch. 9/10

8 years ago

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The Gambler (2014) - It's a remake of The Gambler movie from 1974. This one is definitely worse in every aspect and it's pretty much vanilla version of the old one. It was decent but that's it. 6/10

Chappie (2015) - Another Blomkamp movie (the guy who directed District 9 and Elysium). This one gets the highest rating from me as well, just like two of his previous movies. It's just crazy good science fiction at its best with strong emotional elements put into it. Amazing experience. 10/10

The Heroin Busters (1977) - Old school Italian movie with some crime and some action elements. It was good. 7/10

Fragment Of Fear (1970) - Amazing UK movie about a reformed drug addict who's investigating the death of his aunt. The thing is that no matter what he says or what evidence he presents - no one seems to believe him. Very good movie, recommended. 8/10

Horrible Bosses (2011) - For the second time. One of the best comedies of the last few years from the US. And with great cast too. 9/10

Horrible Bosses 2 (2014) - The second part is as good as the first one and sometimes even funnier. Great comedy. 9/10

8 years ago

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10/10 for that beauty pageant scene

8 years ago

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Sin City (2005) - For the fourth time or something like that. Still as amazing as I remembered it. Perfect in every way. 10/10

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2014) - Worse than the first one but still amazing movie. The ending was horrible though. 9/10

I Am Afraid (1977) - Classic Italian movie about corruption. I enjoyed it. 7/10

Hot Pursuit (2015) - Pretty decent comedy, not really that funny but pleasant to watch. Probably mostly because of amazing smoking hot Sofia Vergara <3 6/10

Targets (1968) - American thriller about a maniac who goes on a shooting spree. Pretty good movie but not as great as ratings make it out to be. 6/10

Yasmine (2014) - Good family martial arts movie from Brunei. Pleasant and enjoyable. 7/10

8 years ago

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E.T 2 10/10

8 years ago

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Uncle John (2015) - Not a horrible movie but not a good one either. It's basically about nothing and it's very slow. Waste of time. 4/10

Schmitke (2014) - Surreal Czech movie about a guy who is sent to fix a wind turbine. His partner gets lost and Schmitke has to find him. It can be a difficult watch as the movie is rather slow and weird but I kind of enjoyed it. It was decent for what it was. 6/10

Interstellar (2014) - Absolutely amazing, one of the best sf movies ever created. A must watch for everyone. 10/10

Yes Man (2008) - Very good romantic comedy starring Jim Carrey and Zooey Deschanel about living life to the fullest. Inspiring. 8/10

Captive (2015) - A drug addicted mother of a child is held prisoner in her own house by a convict who escaped from prison. Decent for what it was but forgettable. 6/10

The Abandoned (2015) - Decent horror movie with a good ending. Nothing too special though. 6/10

8 years ago*

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Inherent Vice (2014) - Crime/drama with a hint of comedy directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. It's good but not as good as critics make it out to be. 7/10

Don't Be Bad (2015) - Italian drama with a hint of crime. It's a good movie but it's been done before numerous times. 7/10

I Saw The Devil (2010) - For the second time. It's a revenge flick from South Korea. It's one of my favorite movies of all times plus it's the best revenge movie I've ever seen. Be warned though that it's very violent. 10/10

Looney Tunes: Rabbits Run (2015) - Good cartoon, fun and pleasant. 7/10

Extraordinary Tales (2013) - A few short Edgar Allan Poe stories put into one movie, each done in different art style. Good experience. 7/10

The Incident (2014) - Amazing Mexican movie that will force you into thinking a lot. I love such flicks. 9/10

7 years ago*

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Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) - Very good animated movie, as good as the first one. 8/10

Perfect Stranger (2007) - Thriller starring Halle Berry and Bruce Willis. It's good but I've seen better movies with similar premise. 7/10

The Great Hypnotist (2014) - Outstanding thriller mixed with drama from China. Absolutely amazing from start to finish. 10/10

Dobermann (1997) - Good French crime/action movie. There were times when I wanted to rate it as lowest as possible and there were times when I wanted to rate it as highest as possible. Generally a movie definitely not for everyone. 7/10

Run All Night (2015) - Great action/crime movie starring Liam Neeson, Ed Harris and Joel Kinnaman. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. 9/10

The Here After (2015) - Swedish drama about a teenager who is released from juvie and comes back to the old community where he's not welcome. It's very good, pretty stern, grim and raw. 8/10

7 years ago

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Hollywoodland (2006) - Pretty slow paced and good crime movie starring Adrien Brody, Ben Affleck and Diane Lane. Not for everyone though. 7/10

Man Of The House (2005) - Light and decent comedy starring Tommy Lee Jones. 6/10

San Andreas (2015) - Good movie about earthquakes starring The Rock and Carla Gugino. It's very predictable. Great visuals though. 7/10

And Then There Were None (2015) - I don't mention tv shows in this thread but this one is so called mini series and it's 3 hours long so it's more like a movie. Anyway, it's magnificent. A crime/mystery based on Agatha Christie's novel. Absolute masterpiece. 10/10

Rango (2011) - Very good animated movie directed by Gore Verbinski. 8/10

Megamind (2010) - Another very good animated movie. Pure fun. 8/10

7 years ago

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I'm a big fan of robbery movies and in no way it was a 10/10, its a good movie sure. But the movie didn't offer anything new to the genre, it had some plot holes, okay acting and not enough heists (3 is the minimum for me).
I reccommend it, 6/10, but it so as near as good as Heat.

7 years ago

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I liked Heat a lot but I thought it was kind of overrated. Been a long time since I've seen it though so can't judge it properly now. And I absolutely loved Takers, I'm not scared to give 10/10 to a movie I loved, even if the movie is mediocre according to critics/most people.

7 years ago

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