If you think I don't have a life then maybe you are right. It's certainly not glamorous, flossy flossy. This is my life and what I spend most of my time doing. Taking care of this bunch and trying not to stress out. The chickens are my only source of income but somehow it works. Some of these dogs were used, abused and tossed out like garbage. The rottweiler in particular is covered in scars and is missing an eye. The akitas owners was talking about shooting them but they are working out real well as livestock guard dogs. Yes, I have 3 Akitas outside with my goats and chickens. Anyway there you have it, I need to get back to it. Cheers.

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3 months ago

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poooooo~ taaaaaaaa~ toooooooooo~

That's a lot of work, nice of you of taking care of all these animals

3 months ago

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They try my patience at times but they are all loveable. I think I am stuck with them but I guess that's ok, it's better knowing they are having a quality life. The big black one doesn't get along with anything so it's a shuffle game but he seems happy. I wish I could find a good home for him but certain people make it almost impossible to find homes for dogs these days.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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haha poor kitty

3 months ago

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"The chickens are my only source of income..."

Are they guiding your stock market picks?

I spent waaay too much time making this pic.

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3 months ago

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They lay golden eggs actually. Well people are always buying eggs and chickens that lay them anyway. Those little dark colored ones go for $5 each at a day old and that's actually considered a low price but I'm not out to get rich.

3 months ago

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Chickens are the way of the past. You should get with the times and get some fish!

3 months ago

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Fish you say? Time to work on my 401k or whatever.

3 months ago

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Spending one's time among so many chicks teehee and nature, breathing in clean air? Not too shabby.

3 months ago

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My thoughts exactly.

3 months ago

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It's a short commute to work and certainly no smog.

3 months ago

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Please protect your investment from unsavory characters. This guy comes to mind. 😅

3 months ago

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That guy was certainly funny and fitting for the Fallout universe

3 months ago

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Adorable animals! Thank you for taking care of them, they look happy

3 months ago

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I found a $50 box of hooves on amazon and they have been in heaven

3 months ago

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Nice doggos!

You seem to live a very peaceful life, but I suppose there's always the other side of the coin

3 months ago

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It's all fun and games until someone takes someone else's chew toy. Then Little Miss Sunshine turns into Bloodsport. It's pretty laidback most of the time really. I just have to kind of keep an eye on things. Some of the dogs like KFC and sometimes play can turn into rough housing.

3 months ago

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That are the weirdest cats I have ever seen...

3 months ago

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I'm too afraid to even try a cat, I love them though

3 months ago

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Looks like you have quite a big area for the chicken to roam. Glad that it's working for you as an income source!

3 months ago

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2.5 acres, I ran chicken wire all around it. I split it up to keep different chickens separate too, that's a big deal to some people. I lost some chickens so I took a chance and started training those Akitas and it paid off.

3 months ago

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You are your own boss its better than 9 to 5 white collar job. Just sharing my experience.

3 months ago

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It is nice but also when bad things happen you carry the loss. It is also nice not having to spend 1/4 of your paycheck on gas for transportation and all that commute time. There are definite plusses. I've not been losing chickens now those dogs are outside so it's been good lately.

3 months ago

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I like chickens, they are useful and easy to take care of. I wonder how you got your dogs to behave around your farm animals? I imagine most dogs would want to kill chickens.

3 months ago

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Some of my dogs I have to keep a close eye on, the Akitas just know if they would hurt a chicken or goat it would make me mad so they don't

3 months ago

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Here is one farmer's approach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig4xuDdchFk

3 months ago

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Maybe this will sound weird but this is the life I would like to eventually have...

3 months ago

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Well there's a lot less angry people to deal with that's for sure. I guess technically I don't even have to go to town since you can order anything including feed and food online these days.

3 months ago

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Thanks for looking after the animals. It is nice to see them have a chance at a decent life vs some of the alternative outcomes that could happen to them.

3 months ago

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It's a juggling act at times but life is precious.

3 months ago

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Ha! This is so CHICKEN of You!
Something only a DOG would do!

I admire people that can take care off so many animals!

3 months ago

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Lots of vacuuming and food bowls haha

3 months ago

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Don't forget all the back rubs and belly rubs and behind the ear rubs!

I had 3 dogs in my life and the 3rd one was a dog that was abused and ended up in shelter before I took him in so I know how hard it is and how much work and patience you have to have to be able to make such dogs trust humans again.

I can tell you that you are living a better more fulfilling life then most people by doing what you do. You would hate to work in a corporation as an office worker :P

3 months ago

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oh man I probably lose a third of my day on scratches and rubs

3 months ago

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invite me over so i can give all the dogs and chickens a big hug 😭 living my dream, happy for you :p

3 months ago

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haha any time :D

3 months ago

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This is a good living, not exactly extravagant but i think it's a humble mellow thing to appreciate and yknow those chickens could lead to that ultimate farm life

3 months ago

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You have played farming games yea? You start with the chickens then move up to goats and so on. I just got a few goats haha

3 months ago

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Thats so cool of u!

3 months ago

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And what's cooler than being cool? Ice cold!

3 months ago

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There be chicken in them there woods!

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3 months ago

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you can leave the "cat" part blank when embedding images, or replace "cat" with whatever text you want to appear when a user hovers over the image with their mouse

3 months ago

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thanks I have just been copypasting it, didn't even think about it

3 months ago

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Here is what we all need - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx2u5uUu3DE

3 months ago

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I do like me some Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet will always be the best though. So many hits.

3 months ago

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Like Frankie said I did it My Way.

3 months ago

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