Hello, fellow users!

I was just looking behind my window and thinking about things (lol so funny, so deep; I actually thought about stuff, you know?) and some idea came to mind - we all live in different countries, continents, etc. We have our rooms (shared or not) and I can bet that most of them have windows (no rudness intendet, I know how weird can architecture be) and I wondered - what it first thing you see in the morning, where do you look when you want to rest your eyes from PC screen or when you want to check the weather?
I would love to see that. I would love to see how different (or not) are cities are, where do you live. I would love to see how your homelands look for real, not how they are presented on ads for tourists.
But keep in mind that there is one rule - it have to be view from you room/bedroom/eventually room where you spend a lot of time. You have a great ocean view from your patio, but from you room you can only see other houses? Don't worry about that! Show what you see behind your window!

So I will go first. I live in Warsaw, capital city of Poland. My neighborhood, Ursynów, is on the south of city. It's mostly residential blocks but we have some nice things like parks (there is a lot of green here), sport infrastructure, shops, shoping centers, cinema - you name it. The district is prosepring and people no longer can say it is 'bedroom of Warsaw'. It's not far away from the city centre and it's greatly communicated with the rest of the Warsaw.
It's also kinda young. When Warsaw was destroyed by Germans during WW2, Ursynów didn't existed yet. First groups of residantal blocks was built here around the end of 70s, so over 30 years after the end of war.

I hope this little description was interesting for you :) I would love to hear similiar stories but single photos will also be cool. I might not answer to all comments, but keep in mind that I will check all of them :)

Oh, I almost forgot, this is the link to plenty of GAs: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Plenty of GAs
Let me answer befor you ask - no there isn't any mistake in the link

It's a panorama photo, but I think it look fine. open it in new tab, it's not as small at it appears on SG site

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8 years ago

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The past few days, the only thing that you were able to see was sand from that weird sandstorm that nobody predicted ._.
and now that the sandstorm is getting weaker, you could see old buildings/trees and other stuff :v, I'll see if I can get a good picture in these bad conditions.

Edit: the view from your house is really nice though, works as a painting.

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8 years ago*

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I saw some pictures on news website, and it looks like from apocalyptic movie. I guess it' not cool thing to actually experience it but nature never cease to amaze me.

8 years ago

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Yeah, it was awful. pic posted is about a month ago

8 years ago

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I have roof window so behind I see heaven. Sometimes I can see clouds, birds, planes, stars at night, hang glider, ISS almost everyday and fireworks. I don't see anything in winter if there is snow, yeah, then I see only snow, can't even open the window.

8 years ago

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It must be glorious to see the stars at night, from inside your room. I always wished for a window like that.

8 years ago

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Especially I have the window above my bed, so when I go to sleep I see the stars.

8 years ago

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Absolutely perfect!

8 years ago

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*If weather is good :-P

8 years ago

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Now this is amazing. Seriously.

8 years ago

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Well, if I want rest my eyes from PC at night and there is beautiful weather - it's hard to just see stars, iykwim

8 years ago

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Honestly, you can see it everywhere in this world where it's dark enough :)
We can see it here too!

8 years ago

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I'm not so sure :P Maybe my city emits to much light, maybe it's about geo location, but I can't recall seeing it from my city with my bare eye. Well, I actually did once, but I was few years old then and maybe it was my imagination

8 years ago

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You can! :)
But yeah, light pollution is a huge hidnerance :/

8 years ago

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Oh cool, thank you for this link! :D Maybe I will talk some of my friends to go a little behind a city to try to spot it when sky won't be so cloudy.

8 years ago

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You're welcome :) I hope you can convince them! :D

8 years ago

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Just some grape vines and my other house behind them.

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8 years ago*

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Hey, that's cool. You can open your window and you got some fresh fruits :)

8 years ago

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Hehe, that's true, it also partially shields me from the burning rays of summer sun.

8 years ago

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I like this thread ♥

A lot of thujas for me. I'm pretty close to the ground (that's why there are bars).

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8 years ago

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What kind of house do you live?

8 years ago

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Normal one? :p With some neighbours but not too residencial. (in France btw)
And there is one floor above me but I kinda live in basement floor but above the ground. :D

8 years ago

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So partially underground, or entirely above but the "ground floor" is higher because of the house being built into a hill or something?

8 years ago

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Partially undergound :)

8 years ago

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I'm glad you like it :) Nice view you got there, I watch Tour de France almost every year and France is beautiful :)

8 years ago

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I have a bunch of buildings at the other side of the street. 5-6m wide street. No sense I take a picture and my neighbours put me bad faces if they catch me.

8 years ago

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I See a Couple of Trees from the Back Yard of the House and Quite a Lot of Old and New Buildings Alike , I Am thankfully able to watch the sky and the stars at night before i sleep

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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That's so nice! She will be back for sure. Birds like a good drive through.

8 years ago

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It sounds like nice neighbourhood (if we will forget about gangs for a moment ;/). That whole story about bird is great. Seriously, I think that you might have a new friend :) If you will have a chance one day, try to take him/her a photo :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Well, it's a link that redirect me to fayeboo, and fayeboo told me that they are Sorry, something went wrong. but We're working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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A forest of TV antennas and roofs

8 years ago

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Human ZOO

It's something.

8 years ago

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Princeton, New Jersey. It's currently kind of grey out and there's a tree in the way, but on the other side of the tree is a beautiful library belonging to the seminary I attend, full of all sorts of fun theological books.

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8 years ago

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Did someone ever make a film in that area. Some time ago I saw some USA tv movie and I'm almost sure there was a scene with dude looking outside the window and it looked almost the same as on yours photo. Seriously!

Oh and one thing - seminary? Does that you will be priest?

8 years ago

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I'm not Catholic, so depending on what you call a priest, that precludes some definitions. If you mean a formal minister, the answer is maybe. I did my undergraduate work in Biblical Studies, which is the academic studies of scriptural texts and exegetical theological work from that starting point, so my dream world would be to become a professor. That said, I do feel called to ministry, so there is a chance I could end up as a pastor. Who knows? Not me.

There are quite a few movies and shows set in or near Princeton, because it is the place where Einstein did his work in the US. A Beautiful Mind comes to mind also, though there are quite a few movies/shows set in Princeton or the surrounding area.. There's a good chance, though,that it would look different; the library across the street from me is less than a decade old (I don't know when construction started, but I want to say it opened only four years ago) and would not be period accurate for most movies.

From what I've seen of the East Coast, this sort of scene isn't very rare.

8 years ago

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Well, actually I see myself as agnostic. My question was more a result of being uniformed on subject (I have general idea about religions creeds? you see, it's frustrating - I know more that it looks but my english can't let me express that -.-) that being ignorant, I hope you didn't saw that in that way.

Your studies sounds very interesting. Something that I would love to know better (althought reason might sound silly to you) but with all my life being shattered at this moment I can't even get near to it. Not to mention that I plan to dedicate my life to something else. Still, I totally feels you on that "Who knows? Not me." There are people at my age (24) that already have two kids, family van and a dog, while I'm just sitting here, making clickbait threads on SG.

Yeah, whatever, I will check that list of movies, maybe I will se familiat title :)

8 years ago

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Actually, it's not an uninformed question per se- outside of the US a lot of clergy would be categorized as "priest", and the Catholic church is probably the biggest representation of Christianity, so I get the question a lot, even in the States. The category is certainly relevant, but my denomination calls clergy... actually, I'm not entirely sure; usually everyone just goes by Pastor Name but there is actually a hierarchy.

Biblical Studies is very interested, and not everyone involved is actually a Christian- Isaac Asimov, besides writing on like, everything, ever also wrote a two volume biblical commentary (not, in my opinion, a great one, but well written and coming out of the context of contemporary scholarship and very well researched), despite the fact that he himself was an agnostic (some might call him atheistic, but I think he was more agnostic based on his writings) Jew.

I too know that feeling of being behind- so many of my classmates are married or have had professional experience, but I'm just sitting here fresh out of undergrad and completely clueless about a lot of things that I probably should know.

8 years ago

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Sorry for late reply. I somehow missed your comment between other notifications.

I have to ask about one thing. As far as I know there are many churches in states, with different approach to, basically, one religion (if I'm wrong correct me; I'm talking about different communities that are generally Christians or claim to be to be more clear). As I understand, your education doesn't focus on things like that, but maybe you have some idea why there are so many from lack of better word sections or more like group of belivers that choose to interpret religon as it suits them?

The problem is, I wouldn't even know where to start. You see, I probablly wouldn't be able to tell difference between good commentary and bad one. Also, damn I feel stupid typing this, in some movies or books authors mention some religious artifacts (for example - Supernatural TV show with and it's tables written by Gods scribe that contain incantations that can throw angles out of haven or close gates of hell). This is honestly interesting for me and I would love to check if artifacts like that very actually mentioned in Bible or, I don't know, in some other books. And if they weren't, was there something similiar that might have gave this idea to script writers?
I know Asimov, mostly becasue of his sci-fi books. Fun thing, recently I have read his The Last Question.

I belive we will figure this things sooner or later.

8 years ago

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The Last Question is a great story.

So, there are a lot of groups of Christians, and the terminology to describe them is quite vague. One simple way to divide it is major tradition- Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox are how I would identify the traditions. Catholic and Orthodox tend to be more monolithic- they follow one hierarchical structure and it's relatively simple, though Orthodox churches tend to separate by cultural groups, languages, or nations (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Egyptian Orthodox). The Catholic church has many orders, like the Jesuits or Franciscans, but they all are loyal to the Papacy, to some extent, as the head of the church. Protestant churches, on the other hand, are incredibly diverse, with easily thousands of denominations. These are kind of fluid, and they don't all disagree theologically but they often have divisions on major theological points, although they have a core of orthodoxy (proper belief) that unites their core theological understandings (like the Trinity, the Resurrection, etc.) and gives them some common ground, even if they disagree. Their big beef is with Catholicism and the idea of one human being the head of the theological institutions of the church, though they have become friendlier to Catholicism (and vice-versa) after Vatican II (a Catholic council) softened the Catholic church's stance on Protestants and Orthodox Christians- previously they were heretics going to Hell, no questions asked, but now if you hold proper Christian faith you can be saved (at least in theory, under some circumstances). The Protestant community is made up of denominations (what I thought of when you said sections). These have specific reasons for formation, but often it has to do with a reaction to a communal need or theological crisis- Lutherans broke from the Catholic church over the issues of indulgences, or buying salvation from sins using wealth, among other things, while denominations like the Salvation Army (which is actually a church, not just a charity) and the Church of the Nazarene (to which I belong) formed in response to problems in the community like alcoholism, poverty, and domestic abuse. There are significant differences among Protestant denominations, ranging from trivial (structure of a worship service, or what we call pastors/priests/preachers) to the more significant (who will be saved, how people are saved, can women be ministers?). However, most Protestants recognize most other Protestants to be Christians, even if not always good ones. An example of theological creeds for Protestants, if a little specific and refined, can be found in the Articles of Faith of a denomination (though the term for these varies) such as the one found in the Nazarene manual (yes, we make a manual. We're nerds. If you don't want to read it in English, there are also tons of translations here). Of course, in the Church there is often the issue of Christians who are not theologically Christian, that is, people who go to a church and do Christian things but aren't truly Christian in belief or behavior, but that's an issue for another time.

To make it more complicated, there are pseudo-Christian sects, like Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventists, and J------h's Witnesses (I don't use tetragrammatisms, or names for God derived from the Hebrew name for God, so I can't actually accurately name them. but the link should let you know if you're curious) that differ from the agreed core beliefs of the Christian Church (Church referring to the complete Christian community, as opposed to church which refers to a smaller group) by one way or another so severely that they no longer resemble normative Christians. Unitarians also do this (denying the Trinity) and there are way more sects that have similar non-Christian beliefs- even some that seem to be normal Christian denominations. These are usually recognized as such though, even if they do claim to be Christian, but the larger category of Protestants (Catholics and Orthodox churches, on the other hand, are skeptical even of Protestants, so it goes without saying that they agree with Protestants here) denies that these sects are truly Christian. The Articles of Faith that are listed in the manual, though a more exclusive view of Christianity, are similar to those used as a metric to determine if a sect is "Christian" or not- while something like article X (sanctification) is pretty much a Nazarene thing, others (I, Trinity, II, Christ, III, Holy Spirit, IV, Scripture, V, Sin, VI, Atonement to be specific) are considered pretty essential to Christian faith, though the exact expression of these tenets may vary.

As to your question about artifacts... Well, there's a lot there.
So, Catholic mysticism is pretty significant in the historical Church, and many things like relics and artifacts found in fiction have their basis in real relics, which are items or remains of saints venerated because of the holiness of that individual. The Catholic church names saints (Protestants are kinda sketched out by this practice, but recognize that some people are exceptional Christians) based on a number of criteria, including documented or widely observed miracles performed by or happening by the presence of a saint. Whether these are real or fabricated (an issue for another time), relics are often thought to have a potential to serve as sort of a prayer focus, that is, to intercede for the person praying as if the saint were praying (I'm explaining this poorly as my knowledge of Catholic doctrine is bad, but essentially Catholics believe dead saints can pray and intercede for other Christians who are alive, and their purity makes them better advocates. Protestants don't believe in that sort of intercession, for the most part, and believe that all Christians are equal before God, so praying with a saint interceding is nonsense to most Protestants) and this makes their prayers more powerful, and perhaps even that certain relics have miraculous properties. To answer your particular example about the tablets... ugh, this is hard, because I don't know the reference, but I'd guess it's probably referencing Enochian and perhaps a bit of Kabbalah (a form of Jewish mysticism) though I don't know for sure. For the most part, relics aren't really a concern for modern Protestants, though there are superstitious beliefs that certain artifacts, like a piece of the True Cross, (the cross on which Christ was crucified) would have healing powers, but such stuff is considered to be superstition at worst and miraculous, though nothing world changing, at best.

Wow, this has gotten really long. I think I at least tried to answer the questions, but I'll try to respond to any I forgot about.

8 years ago*

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Wow, I'm speechless. Thank you for all your work you put in that comment. Seriously SquireZed I really appreciate it.

After reading it, I have to say that at this point I have no further questions. You not only answered on things that I was wondering about but even put more interesting informations. Love it.
The best thing about it is the fact that you actually made me smarter and now I will have idea where to look and what to look when I will (oh and I will, belive me :)) try to dig more on in.

Once again, thank you, and big respect for doing that! :)

8 years ago

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No problem! It is what I'm studying and one day hope to do for a living.

I think I have you added on Steam, so we can get in touch that way if you have any further questions!

8 years ago

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Yes, we are friends on steam because I won Magicite from you (I was constatly dying at beginning of every attempt to play it and it moved to my backlog -.-) about month ago. When I will have some quetions I will message you there :)

8 years ago

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Gijon Asturias, in northern spain
Everybody has at least a tree in front of his house but i have the shittiest view of all :(
I can't uploud the photo now but i'll do in a couple of hours, in fact i'll upload two photos one from the room where my computer is and the other one from the first thing i see in the morning, don't worry both of them are horrible ;)

8 years ago

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The can't be that bad :) I'm looking forward to it :)

8 years ago

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Told you it's not the best view you'll ever see

8 years ago

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Thank you for takinf photo :)

Well, actually, you were right :P Do you at least have some nice person living vis a vis yuor window?

8 years ago

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it isn't the most beautiful view but it is what i see from one of my windows: http://i.imgur.com/5PuDuSk.jpg

8 years ago

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Small village near Paris, in France
I have a view on the balcony, my neighbours' house, the road behind and a line of tree. And i can't see it from my room, but every couple of saturdays morning, i can hear the sheeps bellow in the field next to my house...

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8 years ago

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OMG! It's a hard life for sure! >.< xD

8 years ago

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That sounds fun! :D And your balcony (and a whole area) looks so cosy :)

8 years ago

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Just from reading your thread title alone I thought you were trying to scare me. ): Don't be like that...

8 years ago

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I would never tought that this thread can be interpreted that way. Well, I better won't name my next thread with soemthing like 'don't look behind' or something like that ;P

Watch nice skittles commercian with rabbit :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCKrBWMBB-Q

8 years ago

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Well played Kartyl, took me a couple of minutes to realize what was going on with the link to plenty of GAs haha

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm a very lucky person. I live in the most crowded part of Holland but there is one small forrest (forrest is a big word for this small thing) but I live next to it. This is the view from my livingroom.
Wanted to share this but how do you create the "view attached image" thing?

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8 years ago*

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In this comment I posted some insturctions: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/HYt4N/what-do-you-see-behind-your-window-link-to-plenty-of-gas#RxvjgZh

Or you can go straight to comment formating sectiont and check there.

There is also a script that helps you do that. I use it and can comfirm that it works: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/H54j5/image-and-link-button-script

I'm aware that sometimes I can unnecessary complicate some thing so if you will have some questions, ask :)

8 years ago

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Thank you for your clear explanation it is a lot of work but I did it!

8 years ago

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No problem :) But I have to ask - is your wall just a gigantic window? It looks super cool, but I would be a little paranoid about it (you know, night creeps, things from horror movie bashing through it :P).

8 years ago

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Whaha I am a strong women, do not look at horror movies and got myself two very big bouviers (Dogs)

8 years ago

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Let's hope that your dogs can sniff ghost and stuff :P But I hope you will never have to 'use' them in defence ;)

8 years ago

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Not sure if they are not posessed already....

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8 years ago

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Even if they are, it don't have to be bad thing. You know, they are on your side, so you will be able to fight demonic power with other demonic power!

8 years ago

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I'm not sure where you are from but this is very common in Holland. The rich people have it without the ugly door in it, the poor have it like I do.

8 years ago

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In Poland, in residental block. So flat, actually. On one hand, one day I would like to have a whole house for myself (and my family, when I will have one :P) but on the other hand I kinda like living in area like mine :P

8 years ago

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I don't see anything interesting through my window (first picture) I live in Poland in a residential block on third floor. I see long row of a garages. Behind them is green wall that reducing car sound from freeway and behind it I have a big forest.
If i had apartment on the opposite side of block i would see playground, several residential blocks, sumermarket Lidl next to petrol station with small river next to them.
But from time to time during the summer can be really beautiful (second picture). Sorry for the quality of pictures but I don't have expesive smartphone.
Oh and BTW. This two big trees on the second pictures was cut down. Somehow i'm finding this sad :<

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8 years ago*

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Well, you have a lot green thingies around your block so that's nice. May I ask in what part of our great country you live?
View on the second picture is, indeed, beautiful. And don't worry about quality, it's great that you decided to post them :)

Do you know why they cutted this tress? I hope they didn't sell ground to some developer. It happens everyday in my district -.-

8 years ago

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There is a lots of green things. Especially behind the wall ;p https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:Giszowiec_kopalnia_Staszic_01.jpg

About the trees. I'm not sure. I thought that because branhes from them could be danger if they would fall on freeway. But firstly there was never any case like that (or I can't recall any) and second they were cutting some trees even near playground for kids. I don't know what an idiot decided to do this but now there isn't a single bench under a tree (what is a problem during summer when sun almost burning your skin).I don't have any pictures of it but there is one (little old) of this playground on wikipedia :) https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:Giszowiec-skatepark.jpg

8 years ago*

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Giszowiec, Katowice... As a person that family origins from Sosnowiec I feel like I should fight with you or something j/k I'm not that kind of dude :D

And yeah, tell me about idiotic decisions of local authorities. Jak to mówią - bo to Polska właśnie :P

Actually, after a short thinking, I belive that I was in yours area when I was younger. Maybe not exactly YOUR area, but as a kid, when we were visiting our family we were traveling between different parts of Katowice, Sosnowiec and other towns around. I honestly can't remember almost anything on my own (it was away in the past), but it looks nice on photos :)

8 years ago

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Yes it is really good place to live :) There isn't any problem with schools (two kindergarten, grade and two middle school) easy access to the downtown (it's 10 minutes by bus) . I have a lots of shops here (including two Biedronka, Lidl and Carrefour) and It's very quietly here.

BTW . Ja tam nie mam nic do Sosnowca tym bardziej, że tam studiuje ;p

8 years ago

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I dont know hot to attach images so I just post it lol



8 years ago

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Are you not afraid that one day at night aliens or anything else can pop out ? I watched too many films that why I propably could not sleep calmly next to corn field

8 years ago*

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lol I never saw a film where that happend. ^^

8 years ago

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Not even Signs with Mel Gibson? :P

8 years ago

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Just make it look like this and it will become an attachment (remove italics).

8 years ago

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Damn, If I would live there I wouldn't read or watch "Children of the Corn" o.0

8 years ago

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Behind me is a small park with trees and a public bathroom. I've been there. It's full of bees.

8 years ago

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It is night right now, but I live in an apartments building; if I look at the window from my bedroom, I see the jews cemetery, and between the building I live in and that cemetery there is a row of houses... The kitchen is faced towards the stadium - damn those noctural lights...

8 years ago

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Brick wall, in the midwestern US.

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8 years ago

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Amazing view! =))

8 years ago

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I am so lucky, I know ;)

8 years ago

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Well, if it' close enough, you can paint view of your choose :D

8 years ago

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Picked the window that wasn't plagued by a massive spider.

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8 years ago

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It is all yours? You know, behind the chair :P That big garden must be an amazing thing.

8 years ago

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Wow lucky you! This looks amazing.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Is it only me or this cloud looks like axe?

8 years ago

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To me it looks like an anchor :P

8 years ago

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That is amazing about clouds :) They have as amny form as there is people looking at them :)

8 years ago

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To me this looks like Eliott sitting on a pole breathing fire

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8 years ago*

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xD i guess i can see that

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8 years ago

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Currently, if I open a window and take a photo, it looks like this:

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8 years ago

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Damn, remind me of Silent Hill ;/ Please be carefull ;)

8 years ago

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Luckily it's not that dramatic. They're fixing up the building, so all the windows are covered in plastic. Spent most of the summer like this (it gets really hot).

8 years ago

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But speaking of Silent Hill, I actually have this place within walking distance (well, far walking distance, but still). And nearby it are many small (1-2 story) buildings.

That building has a very dark past. It's been a sanatorium, a hospital for terminally ill children, and during the crisis in Jugoslavia during the early 90's, the government did not realize what the background of that conflict was, so they just let a very large amount of people escaping from there stay in that building (I think you can figure out what the result was, having people who hate each other live under the same roof)

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8 years ago*

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I know what you mean. When you look at my picture you will see that two buildings are during renovation of elevation. Mine residantal block had it few years ago, also during summer, and some days was almost unberable.

About that building on your second post... Please, don't get me wrong, but places like that always somehow fascinated me. I don't know if it's about dark aura around them or something like that, but I always feel the urge to go into them. Sadly (luckily?) I actually never really had a chance (well once I did something like that, but I learned about place history long after my 'trip').
Is it still used or it's just left there, empty, to rot?

8 years ago

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They fixed it and turned it into an apartment building (which this area really need). Ghost hunters often go there and report all kinds of strange things, but the people living there somehow are never around when the ghosts are there,

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8 years ago

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Yeah, the thing with that ghost hunters is fact that they are prone to wishfull thinking. If they want to see ghost, they will see them.

It looks like a nice place on that new photo.

8 years ago

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Yep, it's a really nice area nowadays. I have a friend who used to live just a few 100 meters from it, and I'm actually looking at what an apartment would cost in that general area. A far cry from what it looked like just 7 years ago (I don't know if that picture is from 7 years ago, or from slightly earlier, but it's from this side of 2000 at least):

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8 years ago

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It's good to see that local authorities actually renew buildings and put them in good use. I can imagine similiar situation in my city - it would be destructed, sold or just left 4 dead left 4 dead hehehehe see what i did here? heheheh

So, you are looking for new apartment? I wish you luck :)

8 years ago

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Thanks! I've out-grown this one, I don't need the cheapest apartment possible as I'm no longer a full time student (though I do consider taking a few courses, possibly get a second degree on the side), though I'm not going to pay for an inner city apartment (those are expensive).

They've been getting rid of a lot of older buildings in the main city, but currently the situation here is dire, there are too few apartments on sale, and the demand is so high that even small ones that have not been renovated in decades go for a stupid amount of money. And they don't do anything about it. The people in charge needs to give incentives to actually build small, cheap and easy to build apartments, that people who are not rolling in money can buy, but they're not doing it. This was starting to become an issue more than 15 years ago, so it's not like something that just came out of left field.

8 years ago

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Oh I know the problem with new residental blocks very well. Right now I can't say that there aren't any new construction projects. Honestly, in some part of city there is even to much of them. For example - there was a plan to build another blocks in my district. Sure it wouldn't be a problem if they wouldn't force them between older blocks. In the past few years almost every piece of grass that was large enough to fit a new block was sold to developers. It's kinda funny because at the same time, local authorites are doing many things to make my district greener. Fortunatelly someone leaked plans from my housing cooperative and people fired (by voting) it's ceo. It looks like for now we can have some peace.

But enough about that. In Warsaw, as there are thousand of people who come here every year, some developers decided to build new houses. Hell, even whole districts. They only forgot about one thing - to talk with city authorities. In effect we have one or two big districts that are struggling to provide elementary things for their residents. They lack schools, hospitals, shops. There even was a time when most of this new shiny residental blocks with own parking lots and gardens wasn't suplied in water because the terrain never was considered to become a full district and there wasn't wnough pipes and water stations to handle the needs. I think that in some places this problem is still existing.

And last but not least - prices. Yeah, living in capital city is great but honestly I don't know if I will be ever able to buy my own flat. People are taking loans for 30 years to be able to afford them. It's fun because on one hand developers know that people don't have money, yet they can highly increas price few kilometeres closer to centrum of Warsaw, because it's so prestigious -.-

8 years ago

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I can see only the sky, with some stars right now... I have two roof windows =)

8 years ago

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When I was kid, I always wanted to live with home like that, on the top floor, so I would have that windows :D They always seemed so cool! :D

8 years ago

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I live in the attic floor and when I wake up I look at the sky. When I stand up tho I look into the backyard of my neighbors and they have a balcony at the same height as my room window, so when they're on it they can look me right in the eye. And sometimes I really hate it because it seems like they are waiting for me and are already looking at me, but that's what blinds are for, right?
Maybe gonna take a picture tomorrow when it's daytime.

Edit: This is what it looks like right now.

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8 years ago*

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"because it seems like they are waiting for me and are already looking at me"


I would love to make some linger comment but I can't stop laughung at your gif :D As always you delivered pure gold content :D

8 years ago

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Since you were interpreting the cloud in another picture I thought I'd snatch that beforehand and interpet it for you. :D
Thanks, man. :D
Edit: my neighbors are in the garden, bad time to take a picture. :P

8 years ago

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You can always just stood in the window at look at them with Elijah Wood smile from Sincity, and after few creepy minutes just raise your camera, take a photo, lower it and just stay there for another few minutes.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Hahahaha, this would indeed be an option! I think now is a good time tho! It's raining.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Why is this picture half black?

8 years ago

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Ich schaffe es nichtmals das richtig in Deutsch zu beschreiben, also versuche ich es erst garnicht in Englisch.
Dachschräge, Fenster geöffnet aber Kamera nicht ganz aus dem Fenster rausgehalten, weil ich dann doch ein Schisser war, weil was sollen die Nachbarn denken, sollten die gerade aus dem Fenster schielen. Stoff-Jalousie war unten und deswegen ist das Fenster schwarz.

8 years ago

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Aaah, das erklärts. Hübsch grün. Dachte immer, bei euch da oben is alles grau.

8 years ago

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Ja, das ist eine Ecke die etwas grün hat. Etwas weiter die Straße hoch sind ein paar Wälder, von daher ist die Lage garnicht mal SO schlecht, weil man gute Radwege hat in denen man vergisst dass man im Asphaltdschungel lebt, aber man kann mit Bus und Bahn auch schnell in die Großstadt.
Allerdings sind das auch die ganzen Gärten, die Straße selbst lässt das nicht vermuten.

8 years ago

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Sneaky photo is sneaky :D

8 years ago

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Love that gif! :D

8 years ago

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