Shovel Knight (Steam)
Shovel Knight (GOG)
Shovel Knight (Humble; $9.04 with Monthly discount)
$10 sale ends March 2nd for any place they were able to get them going.

DLC#0: Shovel Knight becomes Shovel Knight Treasure Trove (most likely to distinguish it from the rest of the added DLC, but mostly to advertise it as a complete package I GUESS)
DLC#1: Plague of Shadows is already released.
DLC#2: Specter of Torment releases in April (?) unless delayed.
DLC#3: Shovel Knight: King Knight’s (name TBD) releases sometime in 2017

Announcement article

All owners of Shovel Knight on all platforms will automatically own Shovel Knight:Treasure Trove instead and will continue to get each of the planned free campaigns and features via updates. It will work exactly like how Shovel Knight was updated to include its first campaign addition, Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Don’t worry! *


Around the release of this new campaign, all existing versions of Shovel Knight, on all platforms, will become Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove! With three full-fledged character campaigns, Challenge Mode, local co-op, Body Swap, and somehow even more content on the way– Shovel Knight’s adventure has expanded considerably since the original release. Along with the change, the price of Shovel Knight will increase to $24.99 in March.

this means all DLC, the unreleased Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows and Shovel Knight: King Knight’s (I think this too?), are free if you own it before April (but the price goes up to $25 in March)*

oh yeah

If I buy this as a gift, and gift it to someone (let's say a year from now) will it be as if they are recieveing THIS current version, and thus grant them access to everything (like current owners have & will get)?

The answer: yes
(oops. I had the wrong question)
I don't.. know!! The publisher or dev (?) might respond on the Steam forums, so lurk this and wait for an answer. I looked this up just to see, but I don't have any answers that aren't in the article. I don't want to give possible false information is all.

Here are better details for Shovel Knight and the DLC for free. Basically, you get it if you own Shovel Knight.

7 years ago*

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View Results
I'll wait for the price increase
Guess I'll get it now..
Already got it
oh yeah.. here's a giveaway


7 years ago

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Just buy it, guys. You use a Shovel as a weapon. It sounds absurd, but I'm sure I'll dig it.

7 years ago

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I see what you did there...

7 years ago

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And the award for greediest developer in the World goes to... Yacht Club Games, developers of Shovel Knight!!!

Ugh... And I thought they couldn't go lower than the place they are now in in terms of greed....

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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The game has been out for Three years and has never been more than 33% off...

Terraria also got an incredible amount of massive free DLC and has been 75% off more times than I can remember.

Also, let's see a few AAA games that have come out eversince 2014:

-Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor: you can find it for 5$ with all it's DLC
-Mad Max: was in Humble Monthly a few months after launch for 12$(10$ with coupon even), now for 5$ you can find it easily
-XCOM 2: barely an year since launch in Humble Monthly
-Total War: WARHAMMER: same story

I could go on if you want

7 years ago

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Shovel Knight is their only game. These AAA devs/publishers all have multiple games under their belt so they can afford to make their games cheaper quicker. As LordDarkness said, why would they lower the price when it's still selling well. Seems to me like you're the greedy one here.

7 years ago

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Well said, you are right on point with everything. Big publishers with a lot of games in their catalog can afford to throw out higher percentage discounts or take whatever they can get for something that might be bit older because they aren't only relying on one or a few titles. The story can be quite different for a small indie studio.

7 years ago

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If that was the case all other indie developers out there wouldn't make their games cheaper but I can't think of a single other indie game that hasn't been made more than 33% off 3 years down the line.

7 years ago

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Yeah, Re-Logic , the developer of Terraria and actualy every single other indie developer out there are AAA developers...

7 years ago

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Not even close to what I said. I forgot you even mentioned Terraria.

7 years ago

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Terraria is no AAA game. I gave a lot of AAA examples because AAA devs are considered greedy and I wanted to make a comparison between these devs and several AAA devs out there. Every single indie dev out there has several bundled games and at least 75% off sales off their game 3 years down the line.

If it would get a bigger price reduction it would sell even more copies and be available to a broader audience so it would only be a win-win situation.

7 years ago

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Terraria is a 6 year old game so that has something to do with it. I don't know why Shovel Knight hasn't been discounted more than 33%, but I do know that that doesn't make Yacht Club greedy. If you discount your game you aren't greedy, I don't see how that makes sense.

7 years ago

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The fact that they don't want to make a more than 33% discount on a 3 years old indie game makes them greedy.

Terraria had way bigger sale in its first 3 years of release than this game did.

7 years ago

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You thinking the discount should be greater is greedy. There is no greed in not putting your game on high discount. Discounting your game is the exact opposite of greed.

7 years ago

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It blows my mind how people like you can be so fanatically anti-consumer in defending a 3 years old game from going on a decent discount. I am sorry but if you don't see how incredibly wrong what you are saying is than there is nothing more to discuss here with you.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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If I am anti-developer than every single other indie dev which does what I expect this dev to do is anti-himself? Really? Get off your high horse with all this pretentious "they don't want to devalue their game" bs. Fact of the matter is this is as you said yourself even and I quote "They don't care about the people that will only buy it in a bundle or at a steep discount" greedy and anti-consumer.

If what I said was delusional bs than all other indie games with universally acclaimed games out there wouldn't do steep discounts: Torchlight, Victor Vran, Orcs must die!, Rogue Legacy, Terraria and the list is endless, and yet every single one of them does this except for the Shovel Knight devs.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Oh, shocker, you're a brit. Why am I not surprised. Now I can see where all the pretentiouseness is coming from.

Yes, 10$ for a 3 years old pixelated indie game is a big deal here in Eastern Europe. Considering you are a brit and I am not, I am surprised you do not know the definition of the word greed. I would suggest you look into it.

Yes, a THREE years old pixelated game is 10$. By the amount of replies, some even quite lengthly that I recieved it does seem that people do care about what I have to say and you too care, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered to reply to me.

I would love to hear some actual arguments as to why I presented a faulty logic and false equivalence besides the "You are just wrong" "argument".

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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So you attacking me based on my SG profile is OK but when I call you out with the same weapon I am the bigot? Really?

What has greed being a selfish desire got anything to do with its meaning? It being a selfish desire has no logical sense in your context. You are starting to make no sense at all.

Yes, that is exactly what it mean whether you like it or not. I don't care about game developers? What? Furthermore you still keep dodging to respond to my arguments and are acting as if making their game slightly cheaper to make it available to a broader audience is the same thing as filing for bankruptcy. Your are getting ridiculous.

7 years ago

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Yes, 10$ for a 3 years old pixelated indie game is a big deal here in Eastern Europe. Considering you are a brit and I am not, I am surprised you do not know the definition of the word greed. I would suggest you look into it.

Conversely, the amount of money for what you personally think the game should be priced at does not go very far in the United States, especially in California where the developer is located. I would suggest you look into it.

I would love to hear some actual arguments as to why I presented a faulty logic and false equivalence besides the "You are just wrong" "argument".

Numerous of the replies from people here have. You are just refusing to accept it because you are like a horse with blinders.

So you attacking me based on my SG profile is OK but when I call you out with the same weapon I am the bigot? Really?

Except it's not the same thing at all. There is a world of difference between looking at someone's profile and perceiving them to be a cheap game collector versus attacking them based on their nationality or race. If your arguments and convictions had as much credibility or merit as you want everyone to believe that they do then you wouldn't have resorted to doing so.

7 years ago*

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I really don't see what point are you trying to make with your first argument. A lot of devs out there live in the US and do bundles and major sales.

So I am the one like a horse with blinders for not accepting nonsensical answers or nonexistent ones? Really?

I have a hard time seeing how that is a world of difference when he attacked me calling him cheap which I am to a certain extent due to wages here and such. I found him to be nothing more than pretentious which is not unreasonable imo. It's not like I said that he should die or that he is a retard or anything.

7 years ago

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Lol, there're a lot of worse developers and publishers. Easily.

They said before you'll get free DLCs forever, right? You'll still get it... if you buy the game until now. They're still giving a chance. It was advertised two months before the deadline, so anyone insterested can jump in.

Imo, the change on the pricing model was done to reflect more on future releases. They probably thought before they wouldn't release so much content for the game post-release, so the price was fair for that.

This is a smart decision, that matches the current state of the industry. I'm not much a fan of DLCs, but since the "dlcs" will be split into standalone games (like Starcraft 2, for example), I guess it's fair. Specially considering you can get all of them, even unreleased, for a reduced price.

If a person wants just the competitive branch of the game to play as a party game, they'll be able to get it, for a reduced price. So it can actually be more fair, seeing like this.

Their game has been released 2.5 years ago... anyone wanting it should have got it by now, unless waiting for huge discount or bundle.

Unless there's something else about them that I don't know, I think you exaggerated a little.

EDIT: after so much time, most devs would just abandon the first game, make it a "Shovel Knight 2", and people wouldn't see it as a moneygrab... think about it! Some even kickstart it AGAIN when doing that.

EDIT 2: I think they avoided giving a higher discount so far because of the kickstarter, since people got the game there for $10. Some companies tries to be fair with backers for quite a while... instead of devaluing their help by offering their game for a lower value.

7 years ago*

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I am not giving 15$ for a 3 years old pixelated game when I can buy 3 AAA games of the same age or newer even with all their DLC for that price.

I think an indie dev not wanting to put their game at more than 33% off 3 years after release is deserving of the greed award...

I don't think you can name me another well reviewed indie game that did not go more than 33% off aftter it was released for 3 years.

For your first edit I would give Terraria as an example, several times 75% off, got an incredible amount of free DLC

Your second edit is a pretty lame excuse. Kickstarting should be about making games come alive not value this and value that... I am having a hard time seeing anyone being pissed when the game has been out for so freacking long already...

7 years ago

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You may not, but there are no shortage of people who have, and on multiple platforms to boot. You are also talking about a game that is priced at only $15 to begin with, not double that (or more), and which has also doubled/tripled in terms of content (for free thus far) after the initial investment (with more forthcoming). In terms of quality and the level of care that has been put into it, it is a premium indie game. That's not even up for debate. If it wasn't then it wouldn't have been as successful as it has been, nor offered on so many different platforms. This also leads me to the next point in that you don't seem to understand how business works when it comes to demand for something and judging market conditions. Why should they discount their game to 75% off when it continues to sell well with what they have been doing up until now?? It sounds to me like you are simply reacting like one of these spoiled, entitled, and greedy people who have gotten so used to getting so many games dirt cheap through bundles or whatever that they now expect literally every developer should have to follow suit and fulfill their every whim, all the while selling themselves short in the process. Guess what, that's not how business or the world works. Reality check.

I don't think you can name me another well reviewed indie game that did not go more than 33% off aftter it was released for 3 years.

In the case of Shovel Knight it is less than 3 years, and actually I can. Starbound has never been more than 33% off and it was first launched on Steam Early Access December 4, 2013 according to the Wikipedia page for it. That's over 3 years.

If that's not enough for you here is a runner-up. Project Zomboid has never been more than 40% off (despite having been on Steam since November 8, 2013) as the devs has stated that, as a courtesy to Kickstarter backers as well as early buyers who purchased it when it was still $8 very early in development, they will not discount it for less than that for a very long time. Not only that, but I believe the game will be going up in price again whenever it eventually transitions out of early access to the full release.

There's 2 off the top of my head. Note that all of the games are well-received, comparatively high demand, quality indie titles priced at $15.

post edit: add these to the list as well:

  • Darkwood never more than 25% off in more than two and a half years.
  • Salt never more than 50% off in more than two and a half years.
  • Secrets of Grindea never on sale at all in more than a year and a half.
  • The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth never more than 50% off in over 2 years.
  • The Forest never more than 33% off in more than two and a half years (although it did appear in a $12 Humble Monthly bundle).
  • Folk Tale never more than 40% off in more than 3 and a half years.
  • Overgrowth never more than ~27% off in over 3 and a half years (although quite surprisingly it was just included in the recent $30 Humble Freedom special charity bundle thanks to Humble themselves (who owns Wolfire games, the developers of this game)
7 years ago*

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Yes, So every single other well recieved and critically acclaimed indie game out there does what I expect it to do, get cheaper over time, Terraria, Torchlight, Orcs must die!, Ziggurat, Victor Vran etc. yet when one single greedy indie dev does not want to open their game to a broader audience they can't be called out on it because of rabid biased kickstarter fanboys like you who defend it like the next coming of Christ.

Sure thing, pal, I am the one who does not understand business for pointing out the greedy dev in the crowd. If the game would get bigger price reductions as a result of its quality it would also generate more sales. Or do you think every single other indie dev out there who does this has no business clue whatsoever and are doing this at a loss?

Project Zomboid hasn't even been launched yet, It is still in Early Access so sorry, but that does not count. I am talking about released games here.

Starbound has been bundled once. It was a limited first come, first served bundle but still it was an incredibly good bundle that did happen.

7 years ago

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rabid biased kickstarter fanboys like you who defend it like the next coming of Christ.

I never kickstarted it, nor am I a fanboy of it or anything else for that matter. Actually I don't trust Kickstarter, but that is another discussion entirely. I simply recognize high quality work when I see it. That doesn't make one a fanboy. Nice try though.

If the game would get bigger price reductions as a result of its quality it would also generate more sales.

It would as it would with anything else, but at the cost of a far lower profit margin. So I will reiterate, if the game continues to sell well and the demand is there with the level of discounts that have been offered so far then why would you undercut your own revenue merely to satiate the unrealistic expectations of the spoiled entitled uber-cheapass 'gamer' out there (more like collector these days) who is not real customer anyway? The answer is simple: you wouldn't. Again, you know nothing about business and ironically you come off as the greedy one with your anti-small-indie-developer views and selfish reactions that are motivated by personal avarice.

Project Zomboid hasn't even been launched yet, It is still in Early Access so sorry, but that does not count. I am talking about released games here.

Pure nonsense. Now you are splitting hairs for you own sake of convenience because I gave you 2 valid examples when you said no one could name a game that followed a similar trajectory. For the purposes of the discussion here what matters is that the games have been on sale for all that time and the associated discounts that they have received, not whatever arbitrary label might be assigned to them or whether they are complete or not. They never got big discounts in their entire history, period.

Starbound has been bundled once. It was a limited first come, first served bundle but still it was an incredibly good bundle that did happen.

Yea and it was only like 1000 keys and sold out within a matter of minutes, if not less. That's very little, and given that over 99% of the people who bought that bundle didn't receive it that doesn't count as far as I am concerned. It was an experiment by Humble at the time trying something new and it was controversial. Notice how they never did it again.

edit: Oh and before you accuse someone else of greed it might help if you try making a giveaway here for once so you don't look like a hypocrite. Surely someone who owns over 2000 games can afford to do so. Normally I wouldn't harp on this but you brought it on yourself.

7 years ago*

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You completely ignore my factual examples and keep talking as if you are a topdog businessman but fact of the matter at the end of the day all other devs do major sales and bundles so I highly doubt they are doing it at a loss as you claim . End of story.

It is not splitting hairs. The game is NOT released yet. It IS still in Early Access so ofc it is NOT a valid example. Facts are facts, man.

Also good try to fool me with Starbound too, the game just got actually released last year.

7 years ago

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Also good try to fool me with Starbound too, the game just got actually released last year.

Wasn't trying to fool you with anything. The release date for Starbound on Steam was changed to reflect the full release out of Early Access, however it was on Steam long before that (the price history on ITAD also reflects this) as per the original date that I gave you previously. Look it up and do some actual research rather than making erroneous statements.

I already explained to you why whether early access status or not was not relevant for the purposes of this discussion in my post above, and yet rather than paying attention to what people are actually saying you just keep ignoring things.

Keep digging the hole deeper. You know nothing, end of story. I'm not wasting any more time than I already have by continuing this discussion.

7 years ago*

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Yes, I know fully well that it was in Early Access and you considering a game's release on Early Access as its actual release is completely absurd. Are you now going to tell me if a game gets a Closed Beta or Open Beta that that date is the actual release date too? Faulty logic much?

Great one, man, got no actual argument to give so you throw the "You know nothing" card, classy, what can I say?

7 years ago

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you really think that other developers are not greedy because they are making deals? you really don't understand what capitalism and free market means
Before you say something more ask yourself why they are making deals for their games

7 years ago

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So you are saying that having a game sold cheaper is bad for the me and other consumers? Really?

Yes, ofc they are making deals to sell more games to get more money, ofc they are, but it is more of a win-win situation to a certain extent.

7 years ago

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man you need to learn how to read with understanding, where i've said it's worse for consumers?

Every publisher adjust price to sell the most copies of the game with the most profit, literally nobody cares if you like it or not or if it's good for you. One think that matters is profit. If they see that game is selling bad they cut the price, if after the cut game is selling poorly to their adjustment they make bigger cut or even drop regular price of the game.
If dev/publisher is happy from the earnings of the game they will not make price cut. And it's all. Moreover in bigger publishers/devs you need to think about budget for a new game too, if they don't have money they want to sell the most copies in short time to have a cash fluency because they predict in few months other game will make more profits.

7 years ago

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You should learn too, then. I never said other devs are not greedy. I only said that this dev in particular is the greediest of the bunch and backed it up with raw data.

Your points are not that relevant and don't really hold any ground considering every single be it AAA or indie game released out there does major sales. Or are you saying that every single other dev and publisher out there is clueless and Shovel Knight devs are the Gods of business and marketing?

7 years ago

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have some joke dlc

7 years ago

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That game is banned in NZ :(

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway and info.

7 years ago

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I don't really know what's going on here...

7 years ago

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Shovel Knight $10 (Feb 23 to March 2nd. Comes with free DLC). $25 after March 2nd

7 years ago

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bump :3

7 years ago

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Sooo i just bought the game. :)

7 years ago

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One of my favorites of 2014. Hope you dig it as much as I did! :)

7 years ago

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Bump for meh

7 years ago

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I guess I'll buy it... I really hope it won't be in the Humble Monthly.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Bump, thank you!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hmm, got on PC, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, 3DS...

I'm safe.

7 years ago

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lol you animal

Well in your defense at least the Sony platforms are crossbuy.

7 years ago

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Yeah :P

I love me some cross buy. Lets me put my PS TV to use.

7 years ago

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Now I have to wait till the end of giveaway before buying it. I hope I won't forget)

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the giveaway!
I've been looking at this game for quite a long time already but it is still expensive... So yet more thanks for the giveaway!

7 years ago

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You are not wasting, looks like a great game! Thank you for the chance :D

7 years ago

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I'll probably wait. Thanks for the info!

7 years ago

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This seems like the type of game to eventually be in a Humble Monthly.

Thanks. :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Once they separate the game into a few stanadalones, the original Shovel Knight (not the Treasure Trove edition) might have a possibility to end up in a Monthly.

7 years ago

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I'm not sure how my comment made you decide to blacklist me.

All I was saying that it was a succesful, popular indie game; exactly the type of game Humble wants in their Monthly bundles.

7 years ago

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I'm not sure how much certainty one can make that determination with after a month has passed. Fwiw, he had me blacklisted as well, even though I had defended him when his nationality was attacked by the other dude.

I agree that looking from the outside it would seem to be a decent Humble Monthly candidate though.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Already bought the game in 2014.

7 years ago

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Have own the for ages, I think I'm good....?
Plague Knight was amazing, cant wait for the next campaign.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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well, that's something new

7 years ago

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