7 years ago*

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I don't mind ref links if op says it's a reflink beforehand ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And thank you for wonderful GA .

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Couldn't agree more.

Also, happy anniversary!

7 years ago

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Thanks and a very nice use of Pastebin giveaways ^^
I will bump this like a lever action repeating high fiving cat with nazi ideology! ^^
Apparently it's Nazi ideology when I blacklist some asshole. ;)

7 years ago*

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I agree with your thread and the last one (which I forgot to comment on).

There's actually more Steamgifts NONO stuff going on but isn't really dealt with either.

For example people with Steamgifts groups sometimes have donate/ref links on their Steamgifts group page.
Another being people who link their youtube/streaming channels sometimes have ref/donate links on their page.

I guess another thing that should be considered is people who link their channel for youtube/twitch could be doing it for monetary gain, isn't that the same as ref links pretty much?

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Deleted-7638633.