Anyone know what's up with the CV? I've read through the related support stuff, but don't see anything new that would explain it. Even if the method were changed I don't see why that would alter what's come before. I've never had a huge CV, but was happy that I'd at least gotten past the $50 level (53.99), but now I'm suddenly down to $30 and getting "Contributor Only" messages from GAs. I get that prices drop over time, and bundles can kill something's value, but wow, if it's suddenly retroactive, and the value of an expensive game will only get reduced or removed later and effect someone's CV after the fact, man, that's just awful. Really hope that's not the case.

11 years ago*

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Somehow I find it hard to believe, that you ever had 50$...looking at your giveaway list.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Don't you normally have a Support tag?

11 years ago

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I left my staff position a while back ago. May not be back until December for a bit.

11 years ago

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Ah. Shame on me for only noticing now. I must make up for this.

11 years ago

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Take the opportunity to be normal and act like an ass on occasion. Think of it as a vacation!

11 years ago

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Better an ass on occasion with no power than one with power at all lol

11 years ago

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Nickle and diming to $2k like a boss

11 years ago

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red faction armageddon for whatever reason was not put in the bundle list despite it being in thethq bundle and they finally added it

11 years ago

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my theory: well asterisks get backdated to when the bundle started and for some reason several titles were left off the list in the thq bundle. They eventually added them to the bundle for the thq weekly(once it was bundled a 2nd time they pretty much had to) but initially didn't back date the ones that were also in the first thq bundle possibly by mistake/as an oversight. with the newest humble origin bundle the initial reasoning of trying to keep more "aaa" titles off the list(because at the time humble swore it was a one time only aberration to help a dieing company) isn't possible since its apparently going to be a thing with humble bundle now. ....So when adding the origin bundle they added the first thq one too I guess? and moved redfaction's bundle date back from the thq weekly to the thq bundle.

11 years ago

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mine increases, that's weird too o.0

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So you only dropped $20...some people have had their CV drop even more but it's just a number to begin with. I dropped $160 this time but I've made my peace with was a given that it would happen sooner or later. Maybe it's to persuade people to give more games away....who knows/

11 years ago

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I lost $72 from titles that had been previously in the THQ bundle, and had given to people here when I got them from the THQ deal on Amazon. If you click here, you can see how to fix it.

11 years ago

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i dropped about 50$ in the last days. dont know why either :(

11 years ago

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Just because you can't click the question mark beside the number, you gotta ask about it here?

11 years ago

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Well, this is a forum, after all. Y'know, a place for related discussions. Kind of a no-brainer, there. Still, clicking the ? takes you to the aforementioned support posts, which as I stated, aren't up-to-date on this subject. So yeah, been there, done that.

11 years ago

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Red Faction Armageddon is your problem. It was listed in the THQ Weekly in March 2013, but not listed in the Humble THQ in November 2012. Adding it to that moved back the start date for when it lost CV. Thus changing your total.

11 years ago

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I was wondering why it wasn't added earlier.

11 years ago

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Well, while there are some great games on the list, all your giveaways are from bundles, so the calculation is correct.

If you want to get above the $30 mark, you'll need to give away some non-bundle stuff :)

11 years ago

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Sorry you guys, my fault. I told Shobo to fix some dates on the bundle list.
On the plus side, anyone who gave away Botanicula or Ninja Blade gained some CV.

11 years ago

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Weird, i lost 270CV...(dont count Crazy machines , that happened moths ago).

Maybe its a mix of steam price drops + reajust bundle dates(amazon deals now bundled?).

11 years ago

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All the Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor giveaways, along with some of the other THQ games.

11 years ago

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Yeah, sorry.

11 years ago

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The thing is it was decided not to made bundled since it was in a multiple steam key in the bundle, but after almost 10 moths you guys changed your minds?not fair...

Mine where separate amazon keys that where cheap 2 moths after that.

11 years ago

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I didn't make the decision. I'm just trying to explain what happened.

11 years ago

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i know :P

11 years ago

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So were mine. Best way to solve it is this. :P

11 years ago

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Weren't these classed as exploitable keys after they were given away on a Polish website (intended for magazine subscribers)? I remember seeing people giving away heaps of these at the time...

11 years ago

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I giveaway those before the magazine thing apeared.

11 years ago

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Guess it's not that then :)

11 years ago

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Isn't the OP is abit too long for a "help, cv stuck @ 30$" thread?

EDIT: Maybe it's just because I'm tried now, but I don't understand shit of what you said. XD

11 years ago

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He is complaining that it was reduced to $30 CV, not simply "It won't go higher!" like many of these topics. He couldn't seem to understand that later corrections would date back to the intro date of the bundle.

11 years ago

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I wasn't complaining, I was asking a valid question, and offering an opinion on what was one of the visible possibilities. You'll also note that it took some time before someone (Dya) actually answered it, as opposed to the usual holier-than-thou trolling. So yes, I didn't understand it, and now that I do, yes, I disagree with its retroactive aspect. Maybe it can't be avoided to enact the changes, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a pretty crummy deal for some.

11 years ago

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One of the reasons for retrospective pricing is to prevent people getting away with making giveaways for bundle games before Steamgifts staff have had a chance to add an asterisk to designate them as bundled.

IIRC, Shobo deals with this, and he can't reasonably be expected to be online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and primed to immediately add an asterisk to every game as soon as a new bundle comes out.

The bottom line is that if you acquire a game though a bundle, a freebie handout (ie Metro 2033) or as the result of a grievous pricing error (Just Cause), even if it's not currently showing as asterisked, there's a supremely high chance that you won't get full CV for it, since it falls under the bundle rules.

That's a fair application of the rules, preventing quick-fingered users from deliberately exploiting timing issues. There's nothing crummy about it. It's common sense, and the only sensible way to ensure an obvious loophole remains closed.

11 years ago

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I'm not talking about current variations like that. If someone's CV has been the same for a long time (8 months for me), and suddenly drops, wouldn't you expect them to be surprised and confused?

(And I actually bought Metro 2033, a few days before the freebies. lol)

11 years ago

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Haha! That's pretty unfortunate.

Just scanning down your list, they all look like games which have been in bundles, so perhaps there was an initial mistake that has now been corrected (ie the asterisk was missed on one of them)? Corrections happen from time to time, so perhaps one of your giveaways has been subject to this? If so, look at it on the bright side: You got to bask in the radiant glow of an over-inflated CV for 8 months!

If you definitely didn't get some of these games via bundles, and checking through the bundle release dates & comparing them to your giveaway dates, there has genuinely been a mistake, if it's a big issue for you, raising it with Support might help resolve things. It's possible there's been a mistake on the bundle date in the Steamgifts database.

As I say, if you're worried, compare the dates, and work out which (if any) of your giveaways have been incorrectly designated as bundled. That should clear things up a little :)

Edit: Apologies - I must be blind! Dys has already nailed this. As I say, look on the bright side, and regale everyone who will listen with graphic tales of the fearsome size and girth of your virtual wang in times of yore...


11 years ago

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Not worried about it; I just wanted to understand what was going on.

11 years ago

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The original bundle list was compiled with help from the community. There were a few errors, and they've been corrected over time. This Red Faction Armageddon one wasn't noticed because it was already on the list from its second time being bundled.

It is kind of a bummer for you, but it's just bringing site behavior in line with the posted policy.

11 years ago

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If you're gonna create giveaways just for CV then just don't

11 years ago

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Says the guy that's given away even crappier stuff than I have, and won dozens of things himself.

If CV were something to be ashamed of, it wouldn't be offered or tallied, and someone enjoying the "reward" of it, allowing them to participate in Contributor GAs, isn't doing a damned thing wrong. Sell your guilt trip to someone else who's crazy enough to buy it.

Oh, and as for my GAs, I was new, and so were bundles. The flooding hadn't begun yet, and I didn't know there was a difference. It was just stuff I'd bought that I didn't care for, so it seemed logical to share it.

11 years ago

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"Says the guy that's given away even crappier stuff than I have, and won dozens of things himself." Wow so you're taking this personally? Good luck with that attitude.

If you gave away bundled games stop complaining, also try to READ, everything is in the FAQ. I just cringe when I see threads like these.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Like age? :p

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by CthulhuSaves.