Do not really have much to say.... wow, this is harder than I thought....

So, this is my first train... I always thought that it will be something awesome to celebrate some great event in my life... Alas, seems like life had another thing in mind...

Last night, when I was leaving Uni I got a call from home telling me that my 11 year old dog had just died... I know some of you may be thinking that "it was just a dog". But, after 11 years of your life sharing lots of good memories and caring for him, the bond just becomes too strong...

It was a hard hit for my family, though I suppose it may have been for the best since he was really weak lately... It was hard enough feeling the sadness within my family last night, but it was especially difficult arriving to my grandmother's home this morning and seeing his spot cleared out, with just one of his toys standing there, reminding us of a great animal who less than 24 hours ago was peacefully sleeping there, waiting for me to get home so he could see me one last time before leaving this world...

I feel like I should do something to avoid letting this slip by as if it was any random event... So, I decided to create an 11 cart train. I am sorry they are not great AAA games, but it is all I can afford atm...

Thx for all these years filled with joy... see you someday at the other side, my good fella...

PS: Feel free to bump the thread
PS2: Remember Yunie's thread :)

Edit: the Wall of Memories has appeared....

Edit: here's a pic I found of him

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Sad to hear that. We always know it'll happen someday but it still hits you hard. When you're feeling down, try to remember the good times. :)

8 years ago

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I lost my dog when I was 16, and I was devastated indeed. I cried whole night and I guess not one night. All those good memories, all those moments when I could have been better to him...
Anyway, it will get better after years, that's how our brain works. But we will never forget them.

8 years ago

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sorry to hear that. i'm sure he would have liked the train (did he like to bite moving stuff?)

8 years ago

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he actually loved those squeaky toys... he used to bring them to me so I could throw them and he could run after them :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss.

8 years ago

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It's sad to hear about a fellow SG member's loss. But remember, you are not alone and we are here to support you!

8 years ago

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Kind of a sad train :(
I'm not sure anyone would think "it's only a dog", our pets become part of the family, it's always hard to lose them.

With you, your dog had a happy life and it's what matters :)
Maybe you can make another dog happy !

I know... easy to say... I myself will have a hard time when my cat will pass...
She's 16 so I guess it will be sooner than later. Damn ! Now you make me sad...

Changing subject, I don't have the lvl to enter your giveaways, but I wanted to bump the thread anyway :)
Peace !

8 years ago

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thx for your words Arkelia... I am sure your cat has been living happily all these years and that she will still live for some more... so enjoy those remaining years :)

about making another dog happy... my girlfriend just happened to found a stray dog at her work place... we cannot keep it (sadly) but we already found her a home... so I guess she'll be happy :)

8 years ago

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Anyway you have my deepest condolences, I know how hard it has to be. My dog's like 8 years old now, and even though she has atleast 3 more years of life, I'm scared of her dying

8 years ago

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I'm very sorry to hear that. It must be a great pain and he was yours and your family friend for a long time. Have a hug hugs

8 years ago

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Sorry for your loss

8 years ago

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My sincere condolences. I'm a pet lover too, right now there's a cat on my knees... My advice: start a new adventure with a new dog when you'll be ready. That's what I did when I lose my beloved 14 y/o dog in 2008.

8 years ago

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I always hated the fact that dogs have such short lives compared to us humans. They are such great, loyal and affectionate creatures that they definitely deserve a lot longer lives, but what can you do, nature sucks.

8 years ago

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I wish you and your family the very best in these difficult times. I'm still not really over my best friend dying around 15 years ago... hard to deal with loss of loved ones. We are all lifeforms and one is no different than another, as far as I am concerned - everything in existence is extremely important and can impact us tremendously. Pets are definitely a big part of the family, and it's the same as losing any member, once we have established that close connection with them, which doesn't take long at all! I've lost a lot of family pets over the years, one just this year, very sudden and tragic. I'm too far away to have been there, but the suffering and loss is still the same in every case, no matter where you are.

I think he's in a better spot now, escaping the crazy rules and laws of nature here, perhaps, and that's how I try to look at death when I can, but still not being here with me or there with them is a maddeningly difficult thing, especially when it's just happened. I do think it's the beginning of a new chapter in each life though. Sorry to hear about this tragic event though, and wishing you a safe journey on your difficult path right now... For what it's worth, I'll take a few moments of silence to try to send some good energy your way - sad to hear about your loss though.

8 years ago

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thx fabs... I am sorry to hear about your losses... I think you are right... we have to see each difficulty as an opportunity to improve our life :)

8 years ago

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I know that feeling. I already lost 3 dogs in my life.

8 years ago

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I have already lost several (about 6 or so)... only two of them were lucky enough to have long lives but I like to think that I did everything I could for each one of them... :)

8 years ago

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Sorry for you loss :/.

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear about your loss

8 years ago

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sorry to hear about that.
My dog (St. Bernard) died half year ago after 12 years with me, I know your feeling.

Now I have BacuÅ› :D because my house was too empty without any dog

8 years ago

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that seems like a really nice dog... give him a big hug from me plz :)

8 years ago

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Sad to hear that :(

8 years ago

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thx Hiro ...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump :(

I also have a dog, ten years.... feel you bro.

8 years ago

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this is what i like from steam user, we share each other, and i'm sorry for your loss.
apologize for bad english

8 years ago

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no problem about your English Latf... I am not a native English speaker but I think SG is a great place for us to practice it :)

You're right... this is a great community with lots of great ppl :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Sorry for your loss
I buried 2 dogs already, both were raised by me since they were puppies. The first one, Bandit, I was too young to give it enough attention when it was gifted to me, but I really felt when he died. The second one, Bhertha, stayed with me for 16 years, she died of old age and I had to take her down due to a serious disease she got... I was holding her when she got the injection, a dig her hole and buried her in a quiet place in the garden, under an incredible heavy rain... I stayed away from dogs for years after that...
Some years ago, I received a new pupy from a good friend during my master's course, her name is Dawa and she is the reason I forgot my hardships when I get home after a hard day of work... This year my gf adopted a stray female, Marvel, she was badly sick when we got her but now she is a cheerful young lady.
Give ourself some time, and in the memory of your dog, get a new old and give it a great life. It really is worth it...

8 years ago

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I know... I am always looking forward to get more pets (dog, cats, etc.), esp. stray ones since it is really difficult for them to find a proper home in my country. Alas, space/budget/time restrictions forbids me from doing so.. perhaps one day I'll be lucky enough to have an animal shelter on my own :)

8 years ago

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I'm so sorry to hear that. We lost our dog this year too. Even though she had only been with us for 3 years, she meant so much to me. It's always very difficult when you lose a loved one, whether they are human or an animal.

8 years ago

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sad bump

8 years ago

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