I just wanna sent out my first giveaway. I added the winner and he refused!!
His comment permissions is on friend only I think. So I can't leave a message.
Now I think he is refusing all the friend requests cuz an error message appears whenever I try to add him.
I mean, what? Why u gonna do that!
Added and turned out he owned it already! Why would u bother entry my GA draw! That guy really pissed me off now.

8 years ago*

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key or gift?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You can email it to him. His email should appear in the winners screen.

8 years ago

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Yep, sent few mins ago.

8 years ago

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he probably thinks a bot added him.

just send the gift via email, or find an old comment he posted on sg and reply there so he gets a notification.

8 years ago

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If you can't get a hold of them, you might need to request for a re-roll. Try e-mailing them.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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But SG will request proof that you tried your best to send the gift to winner, so making screenshots of emails and Steam gifting is always a good idea in cases like this.

8 years ago

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Still waiting for his E-mail reply, might gonna hold it for 3-ish days before request a re-roll.

8 years ago

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I think SG will not accept any requests for reroll in cases of being unable to contact a giveaway winner before 7 days have passed - the same time you are given to send gifts before SG will accept giveaway winners' reports of not receiving a gift they won. ;)
So you might as well save energy/time and wait for 7 days before reporting it to SG support. (:

8 years ago

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  1. Enter his/her page on SG
  2. Find some old public GA
  3. Leave a comment
  4. Wait untill he/she will read it
  5. ???
  6. Profit
8 years ago

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Only way is E-mail and done. No giveaways or trades whatsoever.

8 years ago

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And this is why you should put at least 1+ on your raffles.

8 years ago

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Error message might not mean that he is declining the request, try adding through browser.
Has worked for me several times.

8 years ago

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Nope, both browser and client used so I sent an e-mail. Anyway, thanks for advice

8 years ago

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That is the best you can do, I'd talk with him by email, if he don't want the game ask support for a re-roll. I'm sorry you had this bad experience in your first giveaway. Next time you should restrict your GAs to Level 1+ at least. To reach this level any member can give one game. There was a 2 cents game this last sale so...

8 years ago

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idk, maybe I should restrict level next time.

8 years ago

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Setting the entry requirement to something like level 2 or so has never hurt anybody actively participating in this community. ;)

8 years ago

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Happens to me all the time. I'm sending them an e-mail afterwards, they unblock me, add me, and they say: "Oh, sorry, I thought that you're a bot". How the f*ck can they mistake my profile as a bot's profile? xD

8 years ago

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Totally agreed.

8 years ago

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Yep, I hate that. :B Also, about sending them the gift through e-mail, what if they accept the gift, then delete you again and not mark the giveaway as received? xD

8 years ago

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Also, if you accept a gift which is sent to you by email, then you will automatically become friends, so they might as well apologize then. :D

8 years ago

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I don't think you will delete the E-mail, or will you? :-)

8 years ago

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Outta curiosity, did you make sure to note in your giveaway that you'd be sending the game through steam?
If I'm not expecting a friend invite, I always assume bots/scammers on Steam, myself..
So I always keep an eye out for if anyone mentions they'll be doing that :)

8 years ago

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Nope, pls excuse me for not mention that since it's my first GA.

8 years ago

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Yea.... I'd meet her...HER!!!!

Fucking tuck brothers.. I don't want a female look a like!

8 years ago

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I am in love with vagina and real woman grown tits.

8 years ago

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Don't worry OP I made the same mistake the first time I did a giveaway. The E-mail option works the best with gifts^^,

8 years ago

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Better If he'd let me had the chance to leave a comment on his page, still I have sent an E-mail and waiting for his response.

8 years ago

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That happened to me once , also when i checked the user i saw that he had 2 wins without activation, so i ask for a reroll and the support team suspended him + reroll :)

8 years ago

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  1. Screenshot error message when you're adding the winner on steam.
  2. Sent an email with "hey, you won my raffle, unblock me (steam id, raffle link)", screenshot it.
    • Don't send the game on email! You might end up with forever pending/non received feedback and you'll have to contact support to fix it and the winner probably won't activate it since he doesn't know the rules.
  3. Wait 7 days, request reroll, provide screenshots — enjoy a new winner who actually knows what is going on.

P.S. If you still want to give the game to this guy for some reason: block him, un-block him and send an invite on steam again. I wouldn't do that, though.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for the advice, E-mail already sent to inform him couple of hours ago. Waiting now.

8 years ago

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Now something unexpected happened, that guy already had this game in his library. Why would you bother to entry my GA draw if you already had it! Now I am really pissed off.

8 years ago

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Screenshot the evidence, and put that in the ticket requesting a reroll. If you can see that he owns the game, you don't even need to talk to him at all.

8 years ago

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I never thought of that. Will be happy to check it next time.

8 years ago

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I use this script to more easily check winners for that sort of thing.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Don't be pissed if a winner don't accept your steam invite.

Just happened to me a couple of days ago.

I won a giveaway and the creator tried to add me and I refused. But the thing is, I play CS:GO, and I'm pretty good at it, so every fucking time I play CS:GO someone randomly adds me so they can play matchmaking with me, or if I already played matchmaking with them, they add me so we can play again.

And I just got used to ignore the invites.

And it happens the creator was going to send me the game as a gift, and he added me first and I ignored him. He got kinda pissed and sent me a not so polite e-mail. Not calling me names or anything, but a lot of caps-lock.

It happens I only heard about the giveaway won when I saw his e-mail.

So yeah, it happens. Its not his fault. :P

8 years ago

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Now thing is he owned the game already.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that is actually bad. Take a screenshot, create a ticket to support, ask to re-roll, and problem solved!

But... you may try to figure out for how long he does own the game tho, just to be sure of his intentions. If it happens he won 2 giveaways for the same game on the same day, and he entered yours before winning the first one, you might ask for the re-roll and leave it as it is. But if he owns the game for a longer time, and tried to deliberately receive your gift without trying to warn you that he already got it or anything, don't forget to blacklist him as well!

8 years ago

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Not sure how long he got the game since he never ever played it and hes from Ukraine,so I can only use a google translator which is not helping at all. Anyway, re-roll requested.

8 years ago

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He probably did get it very recently, purely based on the fact the game was heavily discounted last week (so naturally a lot of people were buying it for themselves or others), plus if he was able to enter the GA in the first place he mustn't have had it at the time. I would say don't be quick to assume the worst of him, but how you use your blacklist (and whitelist for that matter) is always up to you.

8 years ago

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I really shouldn't tho, little bit annoyed for unable to contacting him on steam for quite a long time. Shame on me, LOL

8 years ago

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I understand where you're coming from, but sometimes especially real life matters get in the way, and logging onto Steamgifts to receive, activate and mark a giveaway as received is just not at the front of mind. This is why there's a rule to give the recipient up to 7 days to do what's expected of them as the GA winner. Most people will of course follow through a lot faster than that. I've done a lot of giveaways now over the course of 4 years or so and never had to wait more than 3 or 4 days for the winner, and that was very rare.

8 years ago

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Yeah,I should be more patient. XD

8 years ago

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No i never met any of my winners nor had some beers with them.

8 years ago

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good luck i hope that person will except the game so it doesn't go to waste.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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