Ubisoft's sales breakdown by platform for Q1 2015/16 and compared to Q1 2014/15,
taken from the quarterly financial report they provide to their investors.

April 1st 2014 to June 30th 2014
36% Playstation 4
17% Playstation 3
17% XBox One
14% XBox 360
14% PC
1% Wii & Wii U
1% Others

April 1st 2015 to June 30th 2015
27% Playstation 4
23% PC
11% Playstation 3
11% XBox 360
11% XBox One
14% Others
3% Wii & Wii U

'Others' includes mobile and 'ancillaries' which I have no idea what that means.
Maybe it refers to phones, tablets, handheld consoles like 3DS and Vita?

PC continues to grow, taking a piece of everything except for the Wii & Wii U.
PC, Mobile & Ancillaries, and Wii & Wii U, have grown, while others have fallen.

What is everyone's opinion?

9 years ago

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You'd think with nearly 1/4 of their market being PC that they'd put more of an effort into it.

9 years ago

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They did a good job with AC Rogue for PC :p

9 years ago

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Never played it. I did love Black Flag but I'm a pirate fan. Love the Far Cry franchise. AC Unity set them back though. Might & Magic Heroes 6 had launch problems too, as well as the DLC I think. I don't even know if ubisoft had more problems with other games but those two issues set ubisoft back. I believe I read that they are in the running for the worst company this year.

I know people always say never pre-order, but if I love the franchise, I'll pre-order. If steam refunds weren't around I'd stay away from ubisoft until after release.

I didn't wanna mention Watch Dogs since I didn't have any technical problems but the game is meh for all the hype it got.

9 years ago

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Yes, Watch Dogs is a good game, but it's not what they promised.

9 years ago

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Especially considering this is likely by dollar amounts, not units sold. With how deep the discounts run on PC, that means they're selling a lot more units to make up the price difference. Hopefully, this change will encourage them to refocus things going forward.

9 years ago

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People love their port
Ubisoft did complain of PC user being 95% pirates too


9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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And that was after they said that their DRM was a great success and had done a lot to reduce piracy. If 95% were pirating things after the DRM went live, and the DRM was so successful, I wonder how many pirated things before...

9 years ago

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Their games were always pirated because they use the worst DRMs in history ever since the early 2000s. The only worse one I ever met was Steam when it originally started.

9 years ago

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Just gonna let you know that mobile does not include 3DS and Vita. Possibly because there are no recent Ubisoft games on either system.

9 years ago

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I still can't play HAWX 2, and doesn't care the customer

9 years ago

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My opinion is that those % doesn't say much. In 2014 Ubisoft had Watch_Dogs (and it was Ubi's bestseller and for many people who only watch commercials one of the reasons to get next-gen), can't remember any big Ubisoft game in last 3 months, so all those numbers comes from sales of
a) old shit
b) microtransactions and DLCs.

Which only shows how powerful those microtransactions (I'm guessing at least 50% of whole PC pie comes from F2P games - it would be close to mobile/Others gaming) and DLCs are.

9 years ago*

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With 95% of PC users being pirates Ubisoft must not have a lot of sales if PC can get 23%.

9 years ago

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i wonder who is still paying for ubisoft games...

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9 years ago

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