I need space in my HDD and Darksiders is around 9GB, so...
Library -> Write Darksiders -> Right click -> Delete All local content
An then an installer popped up O_o It's telling me to install the game, even if what I want is uninstall it!
Anyway I closed the install window and the game uninstalled successfully.
I wonder if this is "normal" in Steam or something's wrong with my portable HDD when I keep my Steam games.

2nd related question: TreeSize Free said my Darksiders folder (game) on E:/Steam/SteamApps/common/Darksiders have a size of over 9GB, but then I went to the folder and checked it with right click -> properties and it says the folder contents are under 1MB? O_o

1 decade ago*

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Odd.. I have not had that happen. I do not have that big of a HD so I have to uninstall things in order to install and play other games at times. So far.. like I said.. have not had that happen. Then again Steam can be glitchy at times for some people.

1 decade ago

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If are so tight on space that uninstalling a 9GB game will help you out then you have way bigger problems on your hands. You should really considered moving large amounts of files to an external media type to clear up space on your hard drive just for the health of your computer. Running at full capacity on your hard drive can cause some serious slow downs system wide. To be safe you should try to keep about 30% of your disk space free.

1 decade ago

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But external hard drives arent good for gaming right?:( So i've heard?XD only music,movies,programs,pictures idk non-games? So for games harddrives&solid-state-disks are best?idk aint a techy

1 decade ago

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Yes, you're right

But you might also read this

1 decade ago

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I was just referring to files other than applications...I don't like running applications from external drives unless I am on the road or somewhere that I cannot install locally due to one restriction or another. To get the best performance from your games you will want them on an internal drive (preferably solid state).

1 decade ago

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I uninstalled way more space than 9GB, Darksiders is not the only game I uninstalled (I have almost 400 games on my Steam Library) But Darksiders is the only game that caused that strange "bug".
Thanks for the computer health tip but don't worry, I have a well clean and tidy internal HDD and a 500GB external HDD that I use for Steam games and other things. I'm even so much cautious that I start uninstalling games when the windows usage bar reachs the red zone ;)

1 decade ago

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empty recycling bin also try restarting your computer.

1 decade ago

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You serious?

1 decade ago

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Darksiders comes on steam with some extra content like comics and soundtrack, which have its own installer. Steam runs this installer even while removing, presumably so that you could uninstall said content. However, if you'd not installed the content in the first place, then this 'uninstaller' looks/acts like an installer.

About the directory size, if you're unsure, you can just delete the Darksiders folder. I don't know exactly how TreeSize works.

1 decade ago

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At least it didn't herpa derp and delete steam altogether. So you have that going for you.

1 decade ago

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Use Revo Unistaller.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by L1NU5.