Finally won this today. And I'm happy about it. But is me, or is the game just tough?
I mean tough as in you want to throw your room mate out the window of your 8th floor apartment hard? Or am I just forgetting my Dark Souls play? I see it plays similar but the enemies, they hit HARD!
Impossible to dodge as the tank too.

And I'm liking it.

Anyone else enjoying the game?

7 years ago

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saw some gameplay on twitch, game is easier then dark souls

7 years ago

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Really? Then how was even someone that sucks at gaming like me able to beat DS2 several times? DS 1 I admit I'm stuck at the 4 kings.

7 years ago

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ds2 is the easiest among the 3 games haha

7 years ago

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It's way easier than any of souls game . That said it's significantly harder than your average game.
LOTF is generally slower game,enemies telegraph attacks way more and actually trading hits is viable option with heavier builds.

7 years ago

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Parry & riposte are your friends. Backstabbing too (If you walk slow, some enemies won't hear you - not sure if you have control over your movement speed on keyboard + mouse, but I'm guessing you play on controller so it doesn't matter). As for the difficulty, eh.. there's really only one annoying boss imo, the rest is relatively easy.

7 years ago

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Which one did you find annoying? For me it was Graveyard dude,took me a few attempts to actually understand what the hell is he doing and what should i be.

7 years ago

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Yep, that's the one.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Guess I have forgotten my DS play, then. Haven't played a DS game since October.

Edit- I should say that I prefer the speed attacks and rolling too. But that First Warden on the dual dagger class just hands my ass to me every time.

7 years ago

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Summon decoy->let him focus on him-> get behind-> do as much dmg as possible->get back in time->repeat.

7 years ago

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I don't think I have the decoy yet. I did the tutorials and it never mentioned anything. Plus it looks like in the start it's locked.

7 years ago

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It's been a while since I've played LotF, but AFAIK that boss has one attack that can't be blocked at all, so as long as you learn the pattern and avoid that one, you can chip away at his health in-between.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Also worth mentioning if one wants to use heavy armor: Equip trinket called "Back Breaker", it increases max equipment burden quite a lot. Faster roll actually made the boss battles really easy vs having the slowest roll. I started with heavy armor, noticed that you can't really roll with it and some bosses seem to require faster rolls -> equipped medium armor until I found the Back Breaker :)

Shame that the game won't be getting sequels, I really loved the setting and atmosphere! They are doing new game though with scifi setting: The Surge.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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you want to throw your room mate out the window of your 8th floor apartment

Hmm, I always thought you had to through your computer out, not your flatmate. Guess I've been doing it wrong all these years :/.

7 years ago

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Computers are precious! Roommates are annoying! It's a win-win.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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For me it was harder than dark souls. Then it got easier. And then it goes really easy. (but only much later).
I comparece it to a easier version of Dark souls, but much clunkier. I still enjoyed it though. But only after it started getting a bit easier.

7 years ago

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The bosses are "fakely hard". The game is not hard itself, it just disguises as hard.

Game is slow, it rewards patience, every single enemy, specially bosses, have some kind of opening for you. If you are playing as a warrior, be a warrior, don't mix it. Warriors doesn't doge, not in this game. Pick up your biggest shield and just block it. Game is A-B-C.

Third boss was extremely frustrating, level up your damage and/or vitality, be patient and kill it. Rest of the bosses were on the first try. Game is not hard ._. it's kinda meh at the end, trust me.

7 years ago

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