Do you stash points in unwanted giveaways?
I guess if they really wanted to they could track if someone was leaving an unusual number of giveaways; or maybe track the total "committed" + "held" point total and go after people who have an absurdly high total.
But it hardly seems worth the effort. It's not like it allows someone who does it to enter more giveaways than anyone else.
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Nah, I've been sitting on that many points for ages. I don't enter many giveaways (see screenshot below).
That was actually from a while ago when I had lots of free time and wanted to test some things out. I accidentally found a bug in ESGST at the time, because there is no way revilheart would have imagined a situation where anyone would have over 999 points. :D
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while ive never done it to random giveaways ive done it alot to my wishlist. during time when accel suguri and others were in humble monthly there was so many damn giveaways so i kept running out and having to remove entries just to enter the newer ones popping up
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Just keep in mind that what other people do =/= what is allowed - In other words, most people will vote "no" because they don't, but that doesn't mean you can't/shouldn't. :P
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Yeah but FateOfOne is support and he confirmed it so I guess we're cool... no?
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Here I was under the assumption that everybody was capped to 400P like myself.
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You both replied within seconds of each other, how terrible for my need for order and fairness.
Can't believe I've been a member for almost 5 years now and I didn't know that. TTILROTIEDOML (T)he(T)hings(I)(L)earn(R)andomly(O)n(T)he(I)nternet(E)very(D)ay
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If i could, I would send some points to you. I have 400p 23/7
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It would only be unfair if only certain users could use that feature
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I stashed points for a bit because there was almost no giveaways I wanted to win, so figured I'd save for some humble bundle games at some point. Stopped doing it though because it's just an annoying process.
That said, it's not against rules from what I remember Admin posting when point change was implemented.
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Pretty much only do it if I skip the monthly incase there's some good stuff after all.
But since I got most of them myself lately don't see the need to do all that effort for little return. Been at 400 most of the time lately since I'm trying to get a little better in playing my games than I used to do (and time is little to catch up, trying though :/)
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People tend like others have said to put points into long giveaways of games they do want and then remove them if giveaways they are interested in expire sooner so they can use those points elsewhere. It probably is frowned upon but there is nothing to stop you doing this if you so wish. It definitely isn't against the rules.
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What do you mean, it doesn't matter? Let's say I stash 1200P in giveaways that end up in two weeks. When a game from my wishlist gets into a bundle I missed, suddenly I can afford to join 4 times more giveaways than people who only had their original 400P quota. It doesn't matter that I have this edge over them?
If it's unclear, I'm not trolling, I really didn't understand what you meant. It sounded to me like you didn't know you can have more than 400P at a time.
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No, because it means that you either didn't enter in giveaways for long time to stash on points (so giving other users better odds to win games, and no chance for yourself). or you removed current entries from kinda-wanted GAs in favor of really-wanted GAs. Sum of points that is generated in a day is fixed, so you gave better odds to win to people from GAs you left.
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Limit is there so users won't come from 1 week/month/year of inactivity and have points that will last till end of their life. Stashing on the other hand requires your daily activity.
it is fair since everybody can do it on almost the same terms (excluding people with a lot of games that have limited amount of giveaways). Personally I'm OK with it, but there should be a limit of stashed points this way - for example by adding a button to stash points, making 1000P hard cap and removing option to quit ongoing giveaways (excluding auto-remove caused by account sync).
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I don't believe you should be basing fairness on availability to everyone, since everyone could use bots... just everyone would get banned now.
I don't think cg intended system to be used that way so imo its gray area - issue not worth bothering
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There is unlikely to be 4x the amount you can join which would end before point regeneration. This is also why giveaways of at least 24 hours would be "better manners" instead of one hour flash giveaways, in which case many people would miss out anyways. And you would get another 400+ points in 24h by then to spend on. Stashers would be able to join earlier but I doubt have too much of an edge as you're thinking with the amount of time and effort into all that banking.
I guess it depends how many games you want in a bundle, if you wanted ALL the games then yes, you'd probably run out and have to wait for point regeneration, but it's probably enough for about two or three games you really wanted to play.
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Well, yes, that's a good point, I never considered it in a context of time factor. I usually only open a bookmark for wishlisted giveaways once or twice a week and join them all at once with my 400P (it might be surprising but I don't stash, even though I'm the OP) and I mostly wishlist games I can't afford or consider overpriced so 10x 40P giveaway and I'm done. Have to rethink my strategy. :P
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My personal view of stashing points: It unbalances equality, cause the stashers can join more gibs and thus diminishing chances of regular users; i strongly feel, that to create more equality, a limit to the amount of points should be installed.
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I hope not. I'm stashing points for the release of Half-Life 3.
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That actually seems a functional method of changing the structure [unlike the "remove the option to leave giveaways" suggestion, which is just inviting trouble by no longer allowing users to exit giveaways (say, for a DLC they'd won, but which auto-sync doesn't catch, or for something they entered for after confusing it with a different game or by misclicking) ].
Some sort of (disable-able) entry and removal confirmation would likely be suitable at that point, to avoid any complaints about accidental P loss, but otherwise it's a change which would adequately resolve the concern at hand, wouldn't unevenly apply to any particular user, and wouldn't introduce any new complications.
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not always - for example in events it's quite often not - during Simultaneous Giveaways a lot of folks stash their points, because usually there are much more GAs to enter than points that you could regenerate in a month time (highest I believe was close to 2000 GAs done in an event group during a month, all ending at the same moment). Some people also tend to stash points for humble monthly release - duriong whole month there may be days without a single GA you're intrested in joining, but when monthly happens most of folks tend to dump GAs right away to get CV as fast as possible, so you have nothing to enter for most of the moth then suddenly for 24-48h there are much more GAs for your WLed game that you could enter with normal point regeneration (400P you mentioned would let you join 8 AAA GAs for example, during monthly release there are often few dozens of GAs for the same game you may want and you could enter only 8 of them).
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It is not against the rules - I've been doing it for years before SimGive events as well as many other people, and considering that event had lots of support members over the years and none of them ever said there's anything wrong with it, sometimes doing it themselves I am pretty sure about that xP
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If it did it matters less than the fact I mainly bother with my wishlist, which isn't that big and filled with games that people largely never give anyway, to the point I wouldn't be surprised if the majority never saw a single giveaway in the history of the site because I know for a lot I certainly don't recall any.
Then consider it is smaller than it once was because I have removed games more than added, because of wins and because the I games I bought with steam wallet from card sales(few as it might have been) it is no surprise I join so little really.
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Is it frowned upon (didn't find anything about it in the rules, feel free to correct me) to stash points you don't need at any given time in some expensive giveaways you don't want just to retrieve them (i.e. remove your entry) when your account is below points quota and many giveaways you're interested in are available (e.g. due to monthly bundles)... or is it devilishly slick?
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