Thanks for Larva Mortus :)
Others are taken but not by me
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Take away CV and there is no incentive to giveaway anything other then bundled games which most people can easily buy anyway because they are far cheaper then non-bundled games.
Just look at all the other giveaway sites, they have far more bundled games being given away then non-bundled games then even steamgifts does and steamgifts still has a ton of bundled games being given away.
So having CV on games might not be incentive for you, but for far more people it is incentive. Though it should not take any incentive to giveaway games at all, you should be doing it because it makes you feel good. I try give both bundled and non-bundled when I can. As a reward, an incentive, for giving non-bundled stuff away I like that I can enter giveaways others can't.
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You will notice I gave away 5 games.
I'm saying it takes away the incentive to give away games from the giveaway menu.
Plus the topic has been beat to death so often it was a fun topic to hide some games in.
Of course you still fail to address my one question. If We don't get full CV value for bundle games, why does it take full CV value to enter them?
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You do get full CV from bundle games, assuming you give mostly non-bundle games. If your giveaways are 80% non-bundled and 20% bundled, you get full CV for every game you give.
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Everything is bundled now a days tho. Unless it's a AAA game, it's bundled somewhere.
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No its not, because if they were then you would not try to use the argument that its a hard job to find one that isn't because no one would be able to do non-bundled games, so don't be over dramatic.
There are still many indie games that have not been in a bundle yet (Xenonauts, XenoRaptor, Shovel Knight, Bot Colony just to name a few) and there are some AAA titles that have been in bundles too. Batman AA and AC, Metro 2033, Darksiders, and Red Faction: Armageddon, Saints Row: The Third just to name a few)
And again its easy to find out what games are in bundles and what ones are not. There is also an addon called "Enhanced Steam" you could use. It will tell you right on the steam page (if you use a normal browser and not steam browser to look) if the game has been in a bundle or not.
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I do use it. And the two games I bought to give away so I could get past that mythical $30.01 barrier were both considered bundled games by SG even tho ES said they weren't.
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I wouldn't say it takes that much work; you can type the first few letters of the game name in the dropdown list to quickly scroll right to the game.
The reason not to give CV is to reduce the flood of heavily discounted games, so people don't feel the need to put up a hundred copies of a game they got for 1 cent each in a pay-what-you-want bundle.
The reason to create a giveaway anyway, even though you don't 'get' anything for it, is the recognition of having created more giveaways (even if they were of bundled games); and the knowledge that your gifts were distributed evenly among people who wanted them enough to pay the full value in points to enter the giveaway, rather than the first ninja who happens upon your post.
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It's about giving away games tho. Anything that reduces the number of games being given away is a bad thing.
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Do you really think a hundred games bought for a penny each are a worthwhile addition to the site? And not just from you, but from every single person who has a dollar to spend and wants some more CV?
The real answer though, is that more giveaways are not necessarily a good thing. The website can only support so much traffic at any given time.
A do agree that the current CV situation is not a perfect solution, but it is simple to implement and easy to understand. A better answer might be to have CV based on the cheapest the game had even been, up to that point. So pay-what-you-want bundle games would be worth 0.01, and free games would be worth nothing. But this would require a lot of effort, both to implement and continually track price changes.
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There are some people who can't afford games. So, yes, A hundred games or a thousand free games is a good thing. More traffic to the site means the operators can upgrade the equipment to support the loads so we don't have to wait 60 seconds for each giveaway to load (like we do now) and people who can't afford games get more chances to win games.
Of course if you're worried about moochers it's a bad thing as it increases the number of moochers here but it also increases the opportunity for people who can't afford those games to get them.
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Rather than debate the merits any further, I'll just say this:
If you're right, make your own website. People will surely flock to it, for the hundred or thousand free games with no CV requirements to worry about; and you'll get all the advertising revenue yourself, with which you can upgrade your equipment and support more giveaways for more people.
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It's not a debate because both sides of the argument have been put forth, argued, explained and beaten to death so often already that it's not even useful anymore. But nice deflection.
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For the record, I don't care about CV. Personally, I'd like to see it done away with but I understand people like to be recognized for their generosity. However, it does create a barrier to game giveaways.
Some people don't give away games because they get no CV for the giveaway (or recognition in other words).
Some people can't enter giveaways because of minimum required CV.
Both of those pretty much kill the whole "Give away games just to be generous" spirit of SG.
Of course some people don't want to have giveaways where "moochers" can get games without giving anything back so it's 6 of one and half a dozen of another.
Personally, I"d like to see CV required giveaways done away with. Moochers or not, give away games to give them away.
And I'd like to see bundle games give at least some CV with no limit on them so there is always some recognition for giving away games.
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Is there some kind of shortage of bundle game giveaways?
Even your own keydrops here-- despite your reluctance to create a giveaway for them, you somehow still managed to give them away..... here.
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The reality is there can never be enough giveaways. There will always be more want/need than there is supply.
My point was find a dead horse and hide some giveaways in it and it succeeded.
CV serves no useful purpose other than to show recognition to those who give and to keep others from entering. To me, CV pretty much kills the whole "Give away just to be generous" idea of SG.
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And my point is that you contradict yourself.
You're condemning CV recognition by saying "Personally, I'd like to see it done away with but I understand people like to be recognized for their generosity." But in the same breath also asking for more recognition personally: "I'd like to see bundle games give at least some CV with no limit on them so there is always some recognition for giving away games."
So perhaps instead of you believing, "the CV system is wrong," a more apt definition would be, "the CV system is not in MY best interest."
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I'd like to see it done away with. But since people desire recognition and the current CV system limits that recognition, the answer would be to give some credit.
Most of my game giveaways are gifts to friends on my friend list and not thru a site like this.
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Your argument is mostly valid. Not EVERYONE has a large income to buy AAA games. But there are people who go out and buy tons of bundles and give away every game in it. So if someone bought 100 $5 BTA bundles and gave away every single game, it should only (at most) count as $30 cv? Or someone pays for 10 full price gift copies Batman: AC Goty from steam, it shouldn't count towards CV because it was in a bundle a year ago?
My point is that the CV system is inherently flawed. It works in most cases, but not in all.
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Bundled list doesn't bother me much, but I've bought games before that wasn't bundled only to find out it's listed on SG's bundle list because of 'regional pricing exploit' :(
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Really makes it too much work to give away games like these because it takes so much work to make a giveaway and look up the game on the dropdown list so ninjas end up with all the free games. Especially now that so very many games have been bundled and it's hard to find games other than AAA games that count full CV value.
Larva Mortus 587NW-ZIGQ2-NLC0I
Pacific Storm 0ZM23-KM2GC-4KEMK
Pacific Storm: Allies 283KJ-NJPIK-EXXB4
Scratches: Directors cut 23RHQ-EK0N2-E00G5
Tank Universal 0WYKF-KIDEI-NTQQD
Of course I never understood why if you don't get full value for giving the game away, why does it cost full value to enter?
If you take one please post below. Not entirely sure if they all work so good luck.
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