LT;DR: wanted to know if there were any other factors in play beyond what is covered in the faq; Already answered, its sheer lack of luck.

Thanks for all who commented and had the patience

Hi there

Before anyone says 'RNG', 'its luck' and such i already know that.

What i want to understand is if im missing something about steamgifts, if theres something i didn't get about it. Im here for over a year, entered giveaways of all sorts, from groups, privates, puzzles... even giveaways with around 5% chance of winning (even over that if i can recall). Surely those were few but i have been there.

And no wins- bad luck, i can understand that.

The thing is, every single profile ive checked on the foruns, people with 1 year (and even less time) around here were all winners; Most of a bunch of giveaways, some few... but no zeroes like me. I got bugged about it and the last few topics ive commented i started to check a bunch of profiles... ive checked dozens in the last minutes, not a single unlucky profile.

Am i missing something?

Surely the most winners ive seen had high estimated wins; People in private groups, high cv and such... but ive seen little estimates coupled with 1-7 wins (funny enought was rare seeing 1 wins, almost all ive checked had more then that).

What im doing wrong?

How exactly does steamgifts rng works? Is it trully random, if so by what standarts/code? Hope theres nothing to do with regions or time of entry in a giveaway.
Generally i enter only few minutes before a giveaway ends, i go trought the trouble of checking odds, points and various choices, all in the hopes of better winning chances so waiting to see if the chances are worth the shot come in play... does this behaviour get in the way of my chances in any way?

Is there some or anything to do with all those generic thanks comments that bugs the hell out of me? Ive comented in few entries so far, only when i had something more to say about them but even those are getting tiring as my will to keep coming here gets smaller and smaller.

Anyway, thats it.

And please, if you're here for a year or more with 0 wins post please, so i don't feel like the unluckier active user on the foruns.

1 decade ago*

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I don't wanna be a dick, but I have more estimated wins than you in a few weeks and many less giveaways. You may want to dig harder, if you really wanna win.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Vincer.