am i right or what?

6 years ago

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Kinda. Except for the fact that unlike the lottery entering giveaways in SG is free of charge, you just have to pay for it with your free time.

6 years ago

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Wait, a sec, then who the heck i been paying for entering into giveaways?!

6 years ago

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The world may never know
:twizzles moustache:

6 years ago

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Thanks, I bought my first house yesterday.

6 years ago

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The way I see it playing the lottery is fine as long as A) it is money you can afford to lose and B) it isn't much. Yeah, the odds of winning are infinitesimal but as they say you have to be in it to win it. And if by some miracle you do it could be life-changing, so for that reason I'd say it's cool in small doses.

6 years ago*

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It's life changing indeed, just google "lottery curse." Most big lottery winners end up bankrupt within 10 years after winning the lottery.

6 years ago

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TBF, you probably don't hear that much about people who succeed, since they would've probably tried to remain anonymous. I don't play lottery

6 years ago

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Most people aren’t ready to receive a large amount of money - it requires an adjustment

6 years ago

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Most people aren’t ready to receive a large amount of money ...

That is an understatement. In addition to suddenly having the money to indulge your desires, there's the whole "everyone wants my money" aspect.

6 years ago

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Actually, not just lottery winners, but all rich people.
70% of all newly rich families lose their money by the second generation. 90% by the 3rd generation

TL;DR There's 90% chance Bill Gate's grandchildren will be poor/regular.

6 years ago

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If they don't die from something bad like a heart attack at the shock of actually winning.

6 years ago

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Indeed, I'd rather spend that money on games and crack cocaine.

6 years ago

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Coffee is my drug of choice.

like seriously, 2 weeks ago I hated it .

drank one cup and now I am doing lines of ground jamacian coffee off the kitchen counter as soon as I wake up.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I'm a bit of a caffeine addict myself. :3
( I sincerely hope no one took me seriously about the crack cocaine. I only buy that for all the strippers :X)

6 years ago

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very very too late

View attached image.
6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Same can be said about other essential things like air, water etc.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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none would believe me when i say "my headache needs a coffee, right now" :P

even if "my" caffeine acts little differently, say, from "yours", i think in my case that's a (bad bad) loop:

---> caffeine ---> internet at night ---> more caffeine --> headache for not sleeping enough ---> caffeine --> ...


6 years ago

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6 years ago

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thanks, heilurmes, this one comment of yours triggered... an espresso!


(5 y ago or so, if i'd take a coffee, say at 5 PM, couldn't sleep until 2-3 AM. yesterday, last espresso was at 2 AM, gone bed 5 mins after, and slept like a child...)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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that's why i don't spend my points, i'm not gonna waste them in games. 😠

6 years ago

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you are using this site wrong.

you are supposed to enter every GA with cards.

you get the juicy +1 AND you get games to idle for cards(money).

6 years ago

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i'm still trying to grasp the basics of professional leeching:

  • give away trash
  • enter all unbundled giveaways and idle them
  • bonus (remind everyone how generous you are!)

once i'm done with this i will move onto more advanced techniques like +1ing everything i can see. 💃

6 years ago

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Now I'm wondering if correct way is actually make a tool that balances:
1) Card value
2) Chances to win
3) Price.

For optimal spending of the points.

6 years ago

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Don't forget to include the number of achievements somehow for that other +x number

6 years ago

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All you're gonna get are insults and mockerys from people who have way too much money and for some god knows what reason they join giveways and mock you for not making any. All they will tell you is to make more giveways so you could raise your level and then you would have a bigger chance to WIN but by then you would have spend money than you could have spend elsewhere! i don't know like bying the game you want ... -_-
Just so you know don't complain ! Users don't like it here :/ And they will make you regret speeking your mind, after all if you're not rich enough to spend money on games just to collect by STEAM/Steamgifts logic you're stupid.
EDIT: if you wonna win just find a new group that makes private giveways ,collect your WINs from there and never hope for a WIN from a public giveaway they are just made so you could spend your extra points.

6 years ago*

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completely Agree.

people who make GAs are idiots with too much money on their hands.

6 years ago

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I resemble half that remark.
The first half. ;_;

6 years ago

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Finally, someone had the courage to say it. Those guys ruin the site.

6 years ago

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never hope for a WIN from a public giveaway they are just made so you could spend your extra points.


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6 years ago

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such accuracy ...

6 years ago

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PS thank you for all those that blacklisted me you're the best morons ever!
You did exactly what i wanted you to : helping me hide all your shitty giveways .

View attached image.
6 years ago

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if this site teaches you not to play the lottery or wast money on rng crap boxes and keys. it did you a huge favor!

6 years ago

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basic probability understanding is what you need

I had a discussion with a friend about probability and football (not american). Two teams team X and team Y with probabilities 0.8 and 0.2, respectively. He claimed that since team X in football has won 9 times over team Y that the probability of team X winning again is pretty low. In truth, it is still more probable that team X wins because each event it separate. Even if you look at probability of the combination of the events - team X winning 10 games in a row is more probable than team X winning 9 games in a row and losing one. But if you look at all the combinations together then it isn't very probable that team X wins 10 games in a row, because there are a lot of combinations and the sum of those combinations is greater than that one combination.

How is this related to giveaways? Well winning a giveaway is kind like Y and losing a giveaway X only with even worse probabilities (with 500 entries 1/500=0.002 to win). It is more probable that you lose every single giveaway, but if you participate long enough in giveaways the combinations stack up and it becomes more probable that you win at least one giveaway.

6 years ago

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it's a 50/50 chance.

you either win a GA or you don't.

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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To win in a giveaway you must not lose in a giveaway.

6 years ago

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thats the gambler's fallacy

6 years ago

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were you referring to my friend or what I wrote?

6 years ago

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Your argument for why the probability is still high is incorrect. Once the events occurred they don't influence the probability of the next event. So for your football example, P(winning 10 times in a row) is irrelevant if 9 games are already played. The probabilities for winning are exactly 80% and 20% respectively.
Counterintuitive, but history doesn't matter. If you lost 2000 giveaways you are no more likely to win your next one. Believing otherwise is gambler's fallacy.

6 years ago

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But that is what I exactly said. 9 games played and it is still more probable that team X wins. The probabilities for the next event is still 80 and 20 aka the events are independent.

What I was talking about in addition was the combination of events. What is the probably of X winning two games in a row? 0.8*0.8=0.64 it's the most probable combination after two games. After a lot of games the combination of winning each and every single one of the games is still the most probable combination of all the other combinations. But if you look at that one outcome/combination versus all the other possible outcomes/combinations it isn't very probable anymore.

For giveaways: It is the most probable combination that you lose every single one of the giveaways you enter, but as you enter more and more giveaways the outcome of losing them all becomes improbable.

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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Everyone has their vices. So long as it harms nobody else (and its effect on your wellbeing isn't too reckless), all the more power to you. Nobody is getting out of life alive, so any excuse we can find to derive some small joy at no expense to others, have at it.

Though perhaps try migrating your vice towards stock investment, I hear that's like a lottery that rolls every 5 minutes. :3c

6 years ago

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My accountant is fond of pointing out that - assuming one can afford the small amount - playing the lottery is a completely sound bit of gambling; one's odds of winning are low, but without purchasing a ticket they are non-existent, and so the level of investment versus return is reasonable. Any given ticket has a vanishingly small chance of winning, but no tickets has no chance at all. One ticket gets you in the game.

What is not sound is buying another ticket. It doubles your investment, and essentially doesn't increase the odds of winning at all.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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My mom buys her weekly lottery ticket, and my dad put the same amount of money in a bank account.

Every year, they compare who has made more money. Even with the occasional small wins that my mother manages to get, my dad always comes out on top.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Of course. That's why on the rare occasions where I buy a lottery ticket, I tend to wait a while before I validate it.

I haven't lost until I actually checked the number. Schrödinger's ticket: I'm broke, and also a millionaire.

6 years ago

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this site is the perfect example on why you shouldn't waste money playing the lottery

You can win PC games on SG, not money

6 years ago*

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For some, it is the same, when they somehow win a game that has an actual value so they can sell it immediately on G2A for real money. The small suspension is more than worth it for many.

6 years ago

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I think that the perfect example of why you shouldn't waste money playing the lottery is the lottery. SG is an imperfect example at best. :)

6 years ago

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did you ever see the episode of Sliders where one of them won the lottery?

6 years ago

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Entirely possible, even likely, but I have no memory of it. :) My memory is pretty bad. I know I watched quite a bit of Sliders, but don't remember much of it. I remember once they introduced penicillin to a world and once they left the toilet seat up where there were supposed to be only women. That's all that comes to mind at this moment.

So sorry for ruining what obviously is a great reference.

6 years ago

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you can prob find it on pootube. premise was (no spoilers really as it was opening scene nearly), the lottery meant winning loads of money, but also a logans run level euthanasia

6 years ago

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Ah. Nice idea, and can be extended nicely to SG. The more games one wins, the higher their chance of being permanently banned.

6 years ago

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I idled so many cards from SG I sold them for a million dollars and retired to my village home to spend the rest of my life shitposting and eating delivered pizzas.

6 years ago

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Dem profits!

6 years ago

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wrong since anonymous win every game

6 years ago

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I don't understand how someone can be as lucky as they are.

6 years ago

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To be fair, they're almost all rerolled. No matter how many wins that guy gets, you can take a peek a few days later and someone else has been selected.

6 years ago

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but the real zen is: "you shouldn't waste your money at all" :)

6 years ago

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If that's the case - I should play lottery.

6 years ago

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maybe ask this person if you want an honest answer Mavis Wanczyk

6 years ago

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Buying lottery tickets is normal, but on math it's not. Math - not even once.

6 years ago*

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If you could vastly improve your chances of winning the lottery by completing a couple of jigsaws and joining a few groups, then yes, they're virtually identical.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If you mean to say that this site proves probability and chance rarely work in your favor if there are enough participants, then yes.

6 years ago

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That's the only way one could compare SG to lottery. It's chance based, but other than that lottery costs money and eventually gets you money, SG costs nothing and eventually you can win some games (rarely something good).

6 years ago

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Pretty much this.

If OP meant anything else, then they are most likely wrong.

6 years ago

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Our UK lottery gives a lot of the cash to good causes and last time i checked it was owned by some Canadian pensions fund ,not sure how that benefits people in the U.K though.
Also UK lottery had the odds made worse a while back (increased the number of balls or something and raised the price from £1 to £2/2.50 ) so the chance of winning is even less than it used to be.

I do the free postcode lottery every day , just costs a few mouse clicks.
Sometimes i do the emoji lottery too :) ,though that seems a bit rubbish.

6 years ago*

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If the odds of winning the lottery jackpot were one in a couple hundred, you'd better believe I'd be buying up those tickets.

6 years ago

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+1, can you imagine that? would stack them up every day

6 years ago

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I've actually won from our national lottery a couple of times; nothing crazy like a million dollars, but several thousand worth.

You can't win unless you try.

6 years ago

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No worries and maybe contemplate a move to certain areas on Earth where the pickings are high with only a few cents in exchange. ^^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Dude, the trick is to break the 30$ CV barrier. After that you're clear to get every win.

6 years ago

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