So Summer Sale 2018 starts in 7 days. Usually Steam gives you Mystery Cards one week prior to the sale if you craft a badge, which will turn into Summer Sale Cards once the sale starts eventually. Today Mystery Cards should be dropped if you craft a badge.

Anyone here going to craft Summer Sale Badges like crazy, once the sale starts?

I never crafted a summer or winter sale badge and don't intend to. I rather sell the cards on the steam market...


6 years ago*

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Will you be crafting Summer Sale Badges?

View Results
Yes, I will be crafting the hell out of Summer Sale
No, I won't. The last time I crafted anything was in StarCraft: Brood War
No, I won't. The last time I crafted anything was not in StarCraft: Brood War though
Maybe next time

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6 years ago

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Just once or twice, if the badge looks good.

6 years ago

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Same here

6 years ago

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I will be crafting the sets that piled up since the last sale and use the summer sale cards i get to craft a round number of that badge. This way I hope to finally get to steam level 111 this sale.
Also really nice ratio 💙

6 years ago

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Steam level 111 is what I intend to go get too. from then, I have no desire to continue crafting badges on Steam anymore, because... well, it's kinda pointless...
thanks, you too :)

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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whats the benefit of getting any levels on steam, other than you that you can expand your friends lists? there is no benefit, it just looks better than my current level, 102 in my book ;)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Booster packs apparently drop more often if you are on a higher level,, but I rarely get them, I would even say I got more boosters when I was at lower levels.

6 years ago

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i'll do this too, then you sell the summer cards for crazy !_!

6 years ago

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I mean this is just a bonus for people who craft badges anyway. For anyone who don't care about any of the things you normally get for crafting a badge it's a very very bad idea to craft badges just to get mystery cards - there is far more value in the cards you'd lose crafting the badge than in the mystery/sale card you get for it. Whether you trade or sell normally just stick to that.

If you craft badges normally though just plan around sales and do as much as possible of the crafting in the week before the sale for some free goodies in addition to whatever you normally get from crafting them.

6 years ago

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It can depend on the set to a degree but what you say is true as a general rule.

For example some cards are only selling for £0.03 for me. After Valve take their £0.01 and give £0.01 to the dev I'm left with £0.01 per card at that price. So I'm looking at £0.05, £0.06 etc. per set for these minimum priced ones depending on how many cards are in the set.

If I can sell a mystery card for £0.07 I get the same £0.05 as I would selling 5 cards at the lowest price. A mystery sold for £0.08 gives me £0.06 etc. If I got in early I may even make a penny or two on those kind of sets, selling a mystery for £0.10 or so and receiving £0.08. I'd also be getting the emote and background for crafting a badge that I might be able to sell and I'll be leveling up too which can increase the chances of getting future boosters with every 10 levels.

I'm not going to do it though as I'm not ready and we're not talking about significant sums of money here at all are we? I might be able to make £2 extra or something if I crafted 50 extremely cheap sets as opposed to selling the cards from them. It's not exactly a big difference but if I wanted to get every last penny it might be worth crafting the very cheapest ones. I'm still actually farming cards not just on my main account but a couple of alternatives and I'm disorganised. Maybe in the future but it doesn't really matter either way.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Exactly how I feel too lol I'll craft the badge so I have it, but then the rest gets sold off so I can get more games

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The last few summer sale badges did not look so interesting, so I may postpone crafting my sets until the Christmas sale again, and maybe just craft one badge of the daily card drops.

6 years ago

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I usually craft level 1 badge and then help my friends complete their sets if they also want one. And by the end of the event I either craft level 2 if I have another set or sell rest of the cards on the market.

6 years ago

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I'm not as excited about the sale cards anymore, mainly because of the huge price drop in the recent sales. But I still enjoy collecting sets and crafting them all at the same time.

6 years ago

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That's what 1000 Greenlight games with cards did.

I remember selling Mysteries for like 30 cents... now it's 8 cent already on the first day.

6 years ago

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I used to get a bit more involved prior to the mobile authenticator. Now I can't sell cards any more.
I still usually try to craft the event badge once.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Sale badges and such are the only ones I craft since I can do it without spending anything

6 years ago

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I'll probably sell most if you can get anything for them, but will have to see how much more I need to level 500.

6 years ago

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I'm going to craft 1 summer set, and sell the rest.

I do however have more than 50 normal sets to craft this sale.

6 years ago

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This is what I typically do. Credit towards a game is far more valuable to me than badges or levels.

6 years ago

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That's what I do. (Unless I really hate the look of the level 1 badge, then I'll go level 2.)

6 years ago

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I just saved a few complete sets for badges (39 sets in total) for the sale because the discount vouchers normally aren't worth it... that's by far not as much as the typical crafter hoards tho. :3
Basically I don't really care. The sale's extra tasks normally provide atleast 1 or 2 badges for free anyway.

6 years ago

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Since coupons got nerfed, I saved the complete sets of the last weeks to craft them now. Going to sell the mystery cards fast and craft only one badge for it later (with cards from discovery queue or purchases).

6 years ago

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400 sets ready to be crafted. As for summer badge i'll craft only 1.

6 years ago

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I saved my completed sets for a summer/winter sale. I don't need coupons for bad/trash games so i prefer to get a few cards for it as a extra.
You get a few free cards over the event so make 1 or 2 badges shouldn't be a problem.
Normaly i craft then the sale badge as often i have cards for it (from the free cards and the extra ones for normal badge making).

6 years ago

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And I thought i was doing good with my 15 badges ready to be crafted since the last sale lol. But I don't spend money on cards, prefer to trade or sell some and use the profit to buy others.

6 years ago

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I'll be crafting sets like crazy as always. I look up every badge on steamcardexchange to see if it looks fugly or not and only make those that look "cool," "hip," and "on brand." Will do the same with the Sale badge once the images are up so I'll know how far to go. Last Winter sale I leveled all the way up to the rolling eyeballs because rolling eyeballs are glorious. I hope there are rolling eyeballs this Sale, but alas. We shall see.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I'll just sell all the sale cards and buy games instead!

6 years ago

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.I'll craft it once just to have it, but I'm doubtful I'll be crafting it higher. I've often crafted higher just to get a specific badge if it looks nice enough for me to want, the highest I've gone is badge level 20 but usually stuck in single digits outside of that one instance. However this time I'm not too keen on crafting any higher or it'll be sure to mess up my Steam level which I don't want to happen until it's inevitably gone in December. :p

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I usually craft them and very rarely put them on the market.

6 years ago

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Same. Craft then leftovers that can't be completed goes to the market.

6 years ago

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Yes, a couple of hours before the sales end I put those few leftovers on the market.

6 years ago

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You are level 585? That's... insane. May I ask how often you are getting booster pack drops? Just curious to know how much such a high level (and that many owned games) does in these regards.

6 years ago

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I get 3.5 boosters\week (3 boosters one week and 4 the following week).

6 years ago

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Oh, that's actually less than I expected it to be. Thanks for sharing the information though!

6 years ago

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No problem!

6 years ago

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Lvl 110 and 1400 games i got around 1 booster / 4-5 days, that's around 1,5 booster/week

6 years ago

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Boosters are nice but if one wants to craft badges to the V' level then they are of limited use.

6 years ago

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