I was looking for a way to run 2 steam accounts at the same time on 1 pc, I want to do this because Im usually installing steam games on my account, and my brother wants to play his games on his account on this computer (I share this computer). But I usually don't allow him because If I log out and he logs in, my game wont install and it causes a lot of problems/fighting/stupid shit.

SO, I actually found a way by using a program called sandboxie, where I should be able to download my games, and my bro can play halflife 1 or whatever he wants to play at the same time. I wanted to know if this would put my steam accnt in danger of being banned, so, I contacted steam support and over a week later (unusual for me, I usually get a response within 2-3 days), the replied "We do not support running Steam twice on the same computer. We will not be able to assist any further with this issue." I specifically asked them a yes or no question "Will I get banned or not", but instead they gave me this...this...idk-wat-to-call-it-answer, then they 'slammed the door shut'. ( i kinda expected something this.)

anyways I read online that other people have been doing this for months without problem (but all those threads are old). Anyone else have tried this sandboxie thing? This would solve a lot of hell @ home if I could do this.

1 decade ago*

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i dont think they would ban you for that.

1 decade ago

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Ask steam support 2 b sure

1 decade ago

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...Did you even read the OP's post?

1 decade ago

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Why would he do a silly thing like that.

1 decade ago

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I mean, obviously, you're right. Why would anyone read anything? That's just so silly. It makes me giggle.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I haven't even read your comment!

1 decade ago

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maybe, just maybe, I have a loads of tf2 items I dont want to lose, or maybe I have loads of games that I would want to keep, you know.

1 decade ago

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just don't experiment if don't want your stuff lost

1 decade ago

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As much as I don't support doing this, you could try downloading the .gcf or whatever files separately, like off some site, and then allowing your brother to play. Once your brother's done, move the respective files into place, verify game cache, try it. I haven't really tried it myself, but it worked for some people (apparently Steam kept downloading a corrupted file).

1 decade ago

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i thought downloading the game gcf's were illegal.

1 decade ago

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Is it? I didn't see this in the Steam Subscriber agreement... ._.

1 decade ago

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I believe AnonymousUser is saying he doesn't like how when he logs back into his account, some of his games have to update (rather than updating while the client isn't being used), which leads to him and his brother getting into a fight... because having to update a game is such a terrible thing and all.

As for your suggestion, I have no clue what you're talking about since Steam stores all user settings in a folder for the account name. So for example, any keybindings I change in Team Fortress 2 are kept in SteamApps\<myacctname>\Team Fortress 2\TF2 rather than in the common folder SteamApps\Common\Team Fortress 2\TF2

1 decade ago

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Not Steam. I mean download it off a site which has them uploaded, and then letting them update afterward through verifying.

1 decade ago

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I know what you said, I just don't see the point at all. Steam handles shared computers very well by keeping all your settings in a separate folder. Switching between accounts will not cause a game's files to change, unless there's an update.

But also, why would you WANT to download the files from another site when you can get them from Steam and know they are 100% clean AND most likely with a faster download speed?

1 decade ago

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I think OP have different issue. He's buying game for account "mine", and then brother comes and wants to play on account "brother". And to do that, he needs to change accounts, which also stops downloading on account "mine".

1 decade ago

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heres my brothers mindset "Why should I have to waste time watching my brother download/update his games when I could be playing mine in the meantime, after all he isnt even playing"

heres my mindset " why should I let my brother play when my games arent even finished downloading, when he gets off the computer, I still have to wait for my games to finish before i can play anything = mucho time wasted"

1 decade ago

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Solution: Get faster interwebs!

1 decade ago

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or 2 pcs

1 decade ago

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It isn't against their rules, you wont be banned for it.

1 decade ago

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well It kinda says it in the rules, it really says you cant run 2 steam accounts at once, but that's really vague and open to interpretation, which they just reiterated in the email.

1 decade ago

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Kind of curious where it says that... I skimmed over the Steam Subscriber Agreement and couldn't find any mention of using two accounts at the same time.

1 decade ago

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i remember reading it somewhere on the support page, cant remember were, wen i find it ill post it

edit 3:
found it here:
https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=8963-EIKC-3767#onemachine (actually this is the correct link)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I think they just mention that the application is programmed in such a way that allows only one person to be logged in at once. They don't say that it's not allowed, but instead seem to say that you'll have a hell of a time trying.

1 decade ago

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exactly wat I was thinking. but thats just 1 interpretation, but if there is some type of legal issue and they ban my account, and I call my lawyers, their lawyers could interpret the statement to "we actually meant that it is illegal for this user to run 2 accounts at once, therefore, you have violated the law, banned", im thinking they worded this specifically so that they can interpret it to benefit themselves.

1 decade ago

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It sounds like you're getting upset that your game has to update (Is this what you meant by 'my game wont install'?) when you're not on your account and taking it out on your brother. Seems like it could all be avoided with a little more maturity and the realization that IT'S JUST A GAME.

1 decade ago

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I have no clue how you came to this conclusion.

1 decade ago

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It sounded like he meant the games don't update when he said "my games dont install", I figured it would be the more likely reason to get upset than it being about ACTUALLY installing games.
I know the Summer Sale just ended and lots of games were bought by all, but do you really have so many games that installing becomes a issue, let alone a frequent enough issue to require jumping through the hoops needed to install, maintain and run two copies of Steam?

I still stand by my previous answer that a little bit of maturity combined with the realization that it's just a game will solve this issue without any sort of extra software.

1 decade ago

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No, it is about installing, not updating. Try to download something on account TWIZ while being logged to account TWIZ-BROTHER. You'll notice how those % doesn't want to rise when you're not logged in...

1 decade ago

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I second this.

1 decade ago

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not at all what im trying to say. Im trying to download my games, but my bro just wants to play his, and he cant stand the fact that Im 'wasting time' 'doing nothing' on the computer, when he could be playing

1 decade ago

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Not sure if this have been said but you can run 2 steam clients if you use sandbox. Sandboxie is a program you can use for this.

1 decade ago

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He says it right in his post.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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My liberal solution is to do your downloading overnight.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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+5 I do this as well. I keep the computer on and download my games, and I have my own computer. Less kinks and consumed bandwidth while using the rig.

1 decade ago

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Listen to this man.

1 decade ago

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That was your 2,500th comment. I feel honoured.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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You have a much better way of saying what I tried to say (about the program only allowing it to run once).

Like trying to run multiple copies of Fraps, hamachi, or daemon tools.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago*

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One thing I can think of, is to avoid 2 Steam instances to update the same game, thus writing/locking the same game folder/files.

Therefore, it is always advised to use a separate folder of Steam that run with sandboxie to avoid this situation.

1 decade ago

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Sandboxie is like a simplified version of VM (Virtual Machine).
Running a program in VM is like running a program in a totally different machine (using the same hardware, hence 'virtual').

Running Steam in 2 'different' machine is fine and doesn't violate anything. You should be fine.

Or, if you are paranoid, you can do this:
1- Create a new Windows user account, login there.
2- Download your game.
3- Switch user (Don't Log Off), and let your brother play his game. Your Windows account's Steam will continue to download, while your brother's Steam is playing game.

1 decade ago

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I STRONGLY recommend making 2 different steam folders else i for see problems, this will how ever take more hd space. Also add the steam folders and .exe to Sandbox settings->Resource Access->Direct Access

1 decade ago

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No problems here. Only thing that separates is the accountbased files automatically created in Steamapps, which suffices.

1 decade ago

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No problem.
I've been using it for several months now to trade between my side accs and main, and also to idle, lately.

You won't get into any trubs.

I'd recommend using normal Steam to run the most active account though, since the account running through Sandboxie is more limited due to restrictions on the Sandbox that sometimes bitch around.

http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1102531 (screw clickies!) some settings there if that link still works (I got weird internet right now), ignore the stuff that isn't general to a Steam Sandboxie.

Note that the agreement refers to something else, but allows the use of virtual machines to multi-acc. (I don't know how it is possible otherwise anywho, but I can imagine some ways it might be that Valve apparantly does not agree with)

Also, Sandboxie is a bitch on 64-bit sometimes.

1 decade ago

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Steam says that they don't condone 2 steam installations on same PC, meaning having Steam in C:\program files and D:\program files, an application would probably have conflicting issues if it's installed twice on same OS. You can't login using both accounts at same time if they're in same steam installation, you prolly can with boxie so if that works for you, I see no issue, but if something weird does happen then it's on your head as they warned you they don't support running Steam twice on same pc.

1 decade ago

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Honestly, easiest thing to do is to keep your downloads done overnight. That way, you can play, your brother can play and you won't have to fight over who's doing what. Also less slow interwebs while you're using the computer since during the day you won't be installing anything.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I simply use virtual box. I never heard of sandboxie but virtual box is a virtual machine so enough said ;)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AnonymousUser.