hey and hope you all are safe these days . i ran to a problem please help me out

My Power Supply had a electrical circut and then pc turned off had no explosion nor any smell or fire when it happend
i saw the motherboard and other parts and theire okay atleast physicaly i want to change my power supply and dont know wheter other parts took damage or not but power is dead one of transistors damaged

secound question i forgot my gmail password and i cant even recover it i only can user my phone number and i cant remember the last password i used since it was hard to remember now i cant recover it .. giving phone number email everything but it says we could not verify its yours what should i do .. sorry for poor english

4 years ago

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On a motherboard it's just really hard to tell, especially without testing equipment.

4 years ago

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what about cpu or Video Card ? someone said in this siutation there is a piece in power supply that will die to prevent damage to other parts anti something

4 years ago

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Anything could be possible but only way to be real sure is borrow (or buy) a power supply, if everything works, i think they survived and will keep running, they are probably safe.

Was it lightning or something else?

4 years ago

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only lightning no sound of explosions not that big i mean ... not like power exploded

every part looks fine from outside

4 years ago*

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No, i meant if lightning outside, made your power supply surge.
Was it an old power supply ?

4 years ago

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nah mate it was new Cooler Master 650w ..
it happend outside of the case from cable and i checked the power fiuse inside it has electrical power but i tried to start the power without the case using a 4and 5 green and black didnt turn on pretty sure power died ...

4 years ago*

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Like brandnew from the store (since it was outside the case)? why was it outside the case, were you testing something?

4 years ago

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mate , i`m saying lightning happend where you intact the cable to power supply from the outside of the case , but power was connceted to other parts inside of the case

and The building's electricity went out
there was a whole in one of the power Resistance

4 years ago

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The english makes it a bit confusing for me (and serious lack of sleep) i am passing this to someone else.

As for Gmail you are probably screwed there, with google offering zero help.

4 years ago

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thanks anyways , good night if its night there im really scared since everything is expensive here

4 years ago

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Thanks but people are starting to wake up (neighbours taking 4 baths) i doubt i can fall asleep by now anymore.

Yeah very sorry to hear, in most cases you'd be fine i think, best if you can borrow a power supply first before buying then you absolutely know it's that, but also that the rest is still fine.

If you think it might happen again in your building, get some protection for a next time.

4 years ago

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i will thanks i should look around

4 years ago

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Thanks but people are starting to wake up (neighbours taking 4 baths) i doubt i can fall asleep by now anymore.

Lol, same, got to bed super late yesterday, got woken up by the neighbors doing some crazy shit (sounded like some kind of circular saw, wtf :s)

4 years ago

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Like they smell it and do it on purpose. :p (maybe they murdered someone, don't know your neighbours).

Atleast these ones move out, though i think a couple is moving in, and a chance on some constant crying baby. :x
Although plan is for me to move out soon, whole corona thing pushes a lot back, hope even there is a job for me after it.

4 years ago

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Yeah I think they do it on purpose, it's always the same they make huge noises very late in the evening and also somewhat early in the morning, then they're fairly quiet the rest of the time... :s

Good luck with the incoming persons, hopefully even if they do have a baby they won't be as bad as the current ones ^^

4 years ago

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Well evening and morning, you sure those aren't specific noises some couples do?... :p
My neighbours easily even go in bath at 3:00. That itself isn't a problem but the fan they put on to keep the air dry that is so annoying. Must say i had trouble with the neighbour kid too gaming and yelling through his headphones up tilll 3:00 once caught him with his window open busy again, so yelled at him, his mother came outside we talked rationally and it's been quiet ever since, so sometimes just taking that talk might help. ;)


4 years ago

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Yeah, very specific noises, like a waterfall or a cupboard full of dishes getting knocked over 😨 The circular saw was an unusual one. One time they also had a chainsaw (a real one, yup, in a very urban area... they're providing me lots of acoustic entertainment)

4 years ago

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While I don't know much about your hardware issues I can answer your Gmail one to a degree. Easiest answer? You can't access it due to security measures on your account. If you don't have the associated phone number of two factor authentication, an associated email, or security questions set up it may very well be unrecoverable. The only possible solution I can think of is to contact google support (I think they have some message board stuff? Not really sure on that end) and explain your scenario.

Which in reality, is a decent security system. If it wasn't in place, so long as you had an email theoretically speaking you could get access to anyone's email, simply by recovering the password. But the benefits of multiple factors of authorization is an entirely off subject conversation, I'd suggest finding some way to contact google, as they're the only ones going to be able to really help here.

4 years ago

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i didnt make two step verifications but i used my phone number on it , and even with it i cant recover the account

4 years ago

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for Gmail: when it says "we could not verify..." means you've already tried to recover your account, but information you gave was not enough to verify that's actually you the owner.

doing it so, system also "locked" your account for security reasons. and, at this point, none of us can really help you.

my best tip: do not continue to "stress" it (asking for new verifications, passwords...) and try with the Help group in your language: https://support.google.com/mail/community

good luck!

4 years ago

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yeah i tried that .. nothing works there are some important files on the email i need to recover it i dont know why phone number is not acceptable for them ... i`m using it right and even if they question the date of the creation i can answer ...

4 years ago

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If it's a new power supply check if it's under warranty. If yes then return it back to the store where you bought it to get a replacement (in other words RMA it).
If not then you have to buy a new one or borrow a known working one.
Once you have the replacement PSU and before you test it, you have to do some preparation. Leave only the absolutely necessary components and remove everything else.
For example unplug any additional hard drive and leave the main one that has the operating system installed on it (Windows, Linux or whatever you have installed), remove any additional PCI express card from your system (for example a soundcard, a video recording card etc). If the CPU on your system also has an integrated GPU you may remove the dedicated GPU as well for extra safety.
Now you can try to boot the system and if everything goes well (hopefully) you will be able to replug any extra component (preferably one at a time) after you turn your PC off.
Regarding your Google account there's hope if you logged last time from the "broken" PC and if its hard drive is still fine. There are cookies saved in your browser and hopefully a saved password in browser's password manager.
Good luck!

P.S. Feel free to add me on steam if you're stuck somewhere or even better if you need some live help.

4 years ago*

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thanks ill sure do ill see you there

4 years ago

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and hopefully a saved password in browser's password manager.

Depending on your browser and settings you may also be able to access the password from another device.

4 years ago

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thanks that the only choice i have .. if my hard drive is intact from that circuit . i should be able to simply change my pw

4 years ago

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True that

4 years ago

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Check the fuse inside the power supply, sure is burn. Replace it and try to power on.

4 years ago

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You already got the good advices so no need for a repeat. Just a positive hope: it happened to me already (2 times), replacing the power supply has always worked, no damage to motherboard and components. Crossing fingers so it's the same for you !

4 years ago

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well thanks i gues thats common . ive just rebuild my pc again didnt see any damage for hours looking ... gonna try and see what happends

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Bryanfreak.