Im Nova 1 and wanna go down in ranks so if anyone wants to de-rank as well then add me.
im asking here cus i dont just wanna ruin some kids games so yeah

9 years ago

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Every time you play a game to lose it, you are ruining someones game.
I hate it when people I am playing against throw away the game. I have limited time to play, and I can waste my limited time being stuck in a game with no challenge against people who are not competing.

9 years ago

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i litterly just said im doing this cus i dont want to ruin peoples games but yeah i know how you feel because i did want to rank and people were throwing so yeah

9 years ago

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I am not just talking about your teammates.
When you throw the game away, you don't just affect your 4 teammates. You ruin the game for your 5 enemies as well.
People play the game to compete. If you are not gonna compete on your end, you are just wasting their time.

The only reason I could see deranking being useful is if you want to play with your lower ranked friends without subjecting them to higher ranked enemies. At your level that's not an issue. But perhaps the most important fact is that deranking is a lot of effort. It takes me on average 4-5 odd really poor games in a row to lose my rank. And chances are, if you ever stop deranking and playing normally, you would just rank up again. If you want easier games, I would suggest playing with silver friends in lobby. Doing that would find you easier games, and even if you win, you wont rank up quite as fast. And any losses would result in you losing rank really fast, which will suit you just fine.

9 years ago

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I dont throw the games thats litterly why im here so that i dont throw peoples games and i got carried to a way to high rank by all my friends who are a higher rank and i always go in a game and get carried by some random smurf so its really hard to de-rank, like the whole reason for this is so that i can play with people who arent serious and can mess around and not care if they get de-ranked cus i just feel sorry for all my team to have me there with like 1-25 or whatever

9 years ago

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If you want to mess about then go play casual game modes. Pisses me off when I play against idiots wanting to de-rank.

9 years ago

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casual mode (in my opinion) is so bad i wanna play with people my rank and would you prefer someone accidentally being really bad and getting carried or purposely bad so no one else has to play with them?

9 years ago

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But you say you're bad at the game so you will de-rank eventually anyhow.
I honestly don't see any logic in what you're saying.
Either way you ARE making the game less competitive for the opposite team if you choose to fuck about. So have some consideration for players who don't have much time to play.
Valve should maybe give players an option to reset their ranks and start all over, but ruining the game for even just one player is dis-respectful.
Or maybe Valve should temporary ban players who don't play competitively but to be honest I only come up against a team that is trying to de-rank every now and then so it is not such a big problem for me.

9 years ago

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i would de-rank if i stopped getting carried every game by random smurfs who ruin it and i do try to get better but its not easy when you get killed before you even know whats happened and yeah the start over thing would be good but then all the smurfs will just go in s1 games and ruin it for everyone and im seriously doing this for others cus i dont like ruining their games so i wanna get it over with so i dont have to anymore

9 years ago

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Thank you for not ruining other people's games

9 years ago

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Why would one want to de-rank? Also, don't you lose your rank if you stop playing competitive for a while?

9 years ago

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ah game should be about fun, not about "ranks"....

9 years ago

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i wanna de-rank cus tbh im not very good but i always get carried and rank up more so i wanna play with people and against people the same skill level as me

9 years ago

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less cheaters it's the 99% why people derank.
when you get high ranks you only find cheaters and cheaters and more cheaters and if you don't have enough you will find more and more cheaters.

9 years ago

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CT sitting mid, checking if you go A or B with a wallhack and then moving in the right direction... Oh boy, I wanna play with silvers again

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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why u want go down from nova 1?

9 years ago

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i wanna de-rank cus tbh im not very good but i always get carried and rank up more so i wanna play with people and against people the same skill level as me

9 years ago

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There's literally no difference between nova and silver.

9 years ago

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im guessing you're neither then cus there really is... or at least in my opinion it feels like it

9 years ago

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Nova 1-2=SIlver
Nova 3-4=Nova

8 years ago

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yo add me bro

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by minikidjnr.