Shouldn't there be something like new entries for X game that used to be in a bundle a while back could reward points again, but only on new entries? That way we'd see more giveaways such as Bastion, Limbo, etc.

1 decade ago*

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Eh... hopefully people don't give them away because they don't get much contributor points off of them. I like the system the way it is, but I fear soon every indie game will be considered "bundle games" at the rate Indie Gala is going combined with Royale, Groupees...

Indie Gala, Royale, and Groupees need to learn to limit their timeframes... I like the rate Humble Bundle (well technically the Android one counts) and Bundle in a Box is going.

1 decade ago

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This. People who care about contributor value are less likely to buy games which have been marked as bundle games, so an endless bundle status hurts these games.

1 decade ago

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so ppl hold back their bundle games,wait til you get more points again and then do the giveaways? Ppl shouldnt be so concerned about their contributor value

1 decade ago

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More concerned about the variety of the giveaways. :P

1 decade ago

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+1 for both the waiting until they're full value again, and for variety. I think I might have gifted bastion @ $4 cost for me for even $5 contrib. But not for free, I'm nice not rich. I'm not terribly concerned about my contributor value so I do give away bundle games that I have extras of or don't want, but I won't spend my money on sales that could be great games for people for no recognition, I'm just not financially able right now. IF I had a trillion dollars I'd make sure everyone played bastion/isaac/dustforce etc.

1 decade ago

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This. Ay argumenation got destroyed.

1 decade ago

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This. If there's an expiration for entry into the bundle list, a lot of people will just hang on to them and wait and we're back at square one. Not to mention that if you just give away stuff other than things off the bundle list, this becomes a complete non-issue anyway.

1 decade ago

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Maybe the solution is to limit the number of concurrent giveaways per-game instead of altering their value. That would prevent bundle games from flooding the giveaways without penalizing people who got the game through other means or diminishing the chance of indie games being given away.

1 decade ago

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Give to give, don't give to get.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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See my post above. I give because it feels good to give. I'm just more selective about what I give in order to maximize gains for all parties.

1 decade ago

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^ Well said. I don't think it's selfish to ask for a fair contributor value, if you're giving away games for free. Some people might give games for the pure generosity of their hearts, but some like to have at least some benefit for their contribution.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This + Marumisu's post.

1 decade ago

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I've been wondering myself if games should "lose" their bundle status after a certain amount of time after they have appeared in a bundle. I know contributor value isn't all that important to some people, but to some it's a crucial variable when choosing what games to give away.

If I'm making a giveaway and I had to choose between a game that doesn't net me contributor value and a game that nets me full value, I'm going to go for the latter one. If I have to spend an equal amount of money for both of them, I might as well choose the one that gives more back to me.

1 decade ago

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People still have keys from the first bundles though.

1 decade ago

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All this talk about give to give and dont worry about contribution value is stupid. If this was the case, they should ban contribution levels to enter in give aways and groups. Today there is like 20 give aways up for over 1000 dollar contribution. Who legitimately has given away that much and doesnt have Magicka that wants it? The whole system promotes abuse to enter in better and more selective give-aways.

To be honest, I don't really care about contribution because making it to over a grand isn't likely for me anytime soon... and If I did give away that much, Im doubting there would be anything here for me that I actually want and didn't buy.

The problem mention above is the biggest problem, imo. Games like Bastion, Dustforce, and Torchlight are fucking phenomenal games! By removing contribution from them makes it far less rewarding to gift these games over lesser titles. You don't go out of your way to lower contribution for steam's daily deal, deal of the week, or summer sale?

I love this site. I've only ever won one game, but since the contribution change, any extra keys I have or games I buy that may have previously been in a bundle, I dont give away here. I give them away over Facebook, Twitter, or at random forums. They seem to appreciate it far more.

1 decade ago

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This. There are like zero giveaways for Aquaria on this site, just because it was available in the first Humble Indie Bundle (which has also been given away almost never). I can't even pull up its stats, because it doesn't show up when you search for it. That's how infrequently it's been given away.

1 decade ago

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+1 for both

1 decade ago

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Give them out in a private steam group, be it in chat or with a giveaway, if that's your concern. That's what I do, I have enough contrib value, don't care about it anymore. Just throwing it out for pals.

1 decade ago

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Would a filter option that you can select it's a giftable copy rather than key, be simpler. Other than dota2 and the ship the majority of games that are thrown up from things such as bundles are keys or unredeemable urls. So in cases such as bundled items the giftable copies essentially are worth more (I understand you can get the keys legitmately for more without steam, but at least it increases chances or likes of bastion giveaways) Then give the winner an option to confirm it was a giftable copy and if not the contributer gets the lower value + a strike for trying to beat the system.

1 decade ago

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I like this idea. I'm not sure how well it'd work in practice, but that's a decent idea. I know I've skipped a few Steam sales for games because the game is considered a bundle key. I've no problems with giving away bundle games, but they're definitely worth a lot less on this site.

1 decade ago

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Fully agree. Exactly this idea would eliminate the sole argument against it. And a similar handling is in place for exploited keys already.

1 decade ago

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Well sites like playblink only permit giftable copies. So SG can still permit bundle keys but at the lower value they are trying to achieve. Unfortunately still messes up for GMG and Amazon keys but lessens the ammount that get punished for those who try to cheat the system.

1 decade ago

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Too many users cannot be trusted to either understand or comply with the rules. That's why bundle gifts were allowed in the first place, because it was a massive overhead on Support, and practically impossible to police the rule.

Gifters and winners will conspire to cheat the system. The system in place is the best workable solution given the fact that support do not have unlimited time, and there are a not insignificant number of registered users who are several bits short of a byte.

1 decade ago

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Not everyone is out to beat the system. Anyway I thought gifts were recorded when using the inbuilt trade in steam, so if people do mark as non-tradeable when it was tradeable they can prove it.
Those that fail to report gifters for mis-using the giftable copy system (if inplace) are the only ones that would spoil this. If you mean in terms of using groups so they agree to mis-use then maybe refuse the option to groups and make it a public/contributer option only.
If I think of anything better that could permit some of these games to be freed up as non bundle items I will post it up, but for now I think this is most workable solution. If admins don't have time to implement it, then it can wait, the site is still young tbh.

1 decade ago

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Not everyone is out to beat the system, but as I said, "too many" are. Trust me on this.

A lot of people will cheerfully tick "tradable", if they think they are doing the gifter a favour, or if it means the difference between them getting the game or not, which is what it could conceivably come down to under this system. Any system that relies on the honesty of users is doomed to abuse by those who are intent on doing so. For example, the vast majority of beta giveaways were marked as "received" by users, allowing the scams to go undetected.

Support have better things to do than trying to follow up proof from users through the Steam trading system, or screen caps, of the legitimacy of transactions. Unless something like this is automated (which it cannot be in this case) it simply isn't worth the time, or re-opening a loophole by which users can cheat the system.

I admire your faith in the general honesty of each and every Steamgifts user, but there are a sizeable number who will cheerfully abuse each and every loophole they find.

For the sake of a few contributor points, which IMHO people get overly excited about anyway, it's simply not worth creating another easily exploitable frailty in a system which generally works well.

1 decade ago

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True, if i'd thought it was perfect I'd have put it in a support ticket.

But there must be some way, I know playblink uses a bot but still requires human verification after the gift is recieved by the bot (steam user), seems quite a complex thing or at least to my small knowledge of scripting. But I reckon you could take the system they use to another level and exclude need for human intervention.

Maybe someone with a more detailed knowledge of scripting/automating can suggest something better.

1 decade ago

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This could be a plausible solution to the current issue. :)

1 decade ago

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Unfortunately this wouldn't work.

If we said after x months that bundle games were no longer considered bundles people would just hold on to the keys until those x months were passed. People will always find a way to abuse something.

1 decade ago

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They don't have to mention when/if they'll remove them. :P

But Mcad has a decent suggestion.

1 decade ago

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^ Very much this...

Mcad's fix is flawed, and would be a huge time sink for Support.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by KilluaZaoldyeck.