Sooo... Civ V Brave New World was released. You could have preordered at 10% off. But if you did that, because you're stupid enough to preorder anything, you just got effed because BNW is on a 33% sale, less than half a day after release.

Ha ha!

1 decade ago*

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I have had a preorder copy for 2$ (price error from brazil) which I traded later so sometimes preordering is better than buying later :P, but they really shouldnt take it on sale after 1day, because there are plenty who preordered for full price.
Always think twice about preordering a game if you really want it at release and dont mind if you loose some bucks then its fine to preorder.

1 decade ago

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Depends, I don't tend to preorder PC games but I preorder console games if they're either super popular and I might have trouble getting a copy on release day, or they come with cool bonus shit, which they sometimes tend to do. I don't regret anything I've preordered.

1 decade ago

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Pre-ordering is idiotic, yes. But not for your reason.

1 decade ago

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You're assuming that people only care about how much they pay for the game. Often people who preorder do so because they want to show support to the developer for the game and to get whatever preorder bonuses will exist. For some games, it's actually smart and for others it's not. But also don't forget that to many developers the preorder sales and sales in the week the game is released determines whether the release was a success or not.

For example, I preordered Ys I&II Chronicles+ back in February. It was 10% off then. That game didn't get any discounts again until the summer sale began. Yeah, I could pay less now, but I also wouldn't have been able to enjoy the game for the past 5 months. But with Ys games I'm perfectly willing to pay full price, I preordered to support the publisher's continued effort to bring my two favorite game series out in English.

And for the console and handheld games I preorder, often a preorder means that is the only way I'm going to find the game at a local store because they'd not order any copies besides what is preordered.

Yeah, it can be dumb for popular games that are going to get a price drop quickly enough if you only care about price. If you aren't going to play the game the day it comes out, then just wait.

1 decade ago

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"If you don't do what I do, you're stupid"

1 decade ago

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This thread became Pawn Shop (if u know what i mean)

and i'm all like this

1 decade ago

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I got Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass + Xcom: Enemy Unknown + The Darkness 2 for 25$

1 decade ago

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I've got burned a couple of times with pre-orders, and it's something I try to avoid. I'll still pre-order games I'm really looking forward to that have good pre-order bonuses. Like EU4 for example. I can't wait for that shit.

1 decade ago

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If you open a topic like this, you`re stupid.

1 decade ago

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If you buy precooked food, you're stupid because can cook it yourself for cheaper HUEHUEHUEHUE

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by mkrnic.