I'm thinking about getting a PS Vita. Does anybody here have one? What can you tell me about them? What are your favorite games?

EDIT: I have purchased this one and also got All-Stars Battle Royale for $10...

Choice 1

Thanks you!

Now the question is...Should I get PSN+ now? Or wait for better games?

11 years ago*

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get choice 1 cause it comes with a memory card so that will save you 20 bucks
and choice 2 says nothing about it coming with a game so choice 1 is best.

11 years ago

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alright...if i end up getting one, it'll probably be that one

11 years ago

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that's the most appealing model. I also recommend you gettin psn+, but just before knowing all the games that you'll get with the suscription, cuz maybe you don't like them.

11 years ago

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Yeah, Playstation Plus is a must. Worry about buying games once you have that, because you will get some nice discounts.

11 years ago

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so if i don't like the free 6 games the have right now, can i wait? do the 6 free games for vita change every month? i don't really understand it...

11 years ago

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Every month they add one or two Vita titles I think and they remove the oldest ones. Once you've activated them you can download and play them as long as you're suscribed. If your suscription ends you can't play them untill you suscribe again.

11 years ago

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I bought a PS Vita a few month ago from Ebay.

Definitely go with Choice 1, thats a new bundle with the Walking Dead game - which is great by the way - which came out last week. Its a 3G model instead of the Choice 2 which is just a Wifi only, it has a new game and a memory card.

My favourite games so far are: Little Big Planet Vita, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

11 years ago

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thanks man. have you tried all stars battle royale? it's only $10 on amazon so i'm thinking about picking it up as well

11 years ago

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I havent tried it yet, but i might give it a try. I have the Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 for the Vita

11 years ago

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If you have a Ps3 I'd recommend you picking it up there, besides the fact that it will give you both versions, I find hard to follow your character on the Tv, so I think it will be harder on the Vita. Also to pick up objects you have to touch the screen (not sure if you have to touch the object itself) and maybe that's some time you'll be exposed to other's attacks.

11 years ago

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On the other hand if you get a trophy on one version you get it on the other too!
so 2 Plats!

11 years ago

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I don't think it works that way, maybe they will be considered as one game, or two different games like Jak and Daxter (well, at least that one has different trophies on each version).

11 years ago

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Dont buy PS All Stars. I got it and its so unbalanced.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I'm looking forward a Killzone Mercenary Bundle.

11 years ago

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I got one for the house about 8 months ago. I think it was a waste of money. Nowhere near enough games out for it, and the memory cards for it are drastically overpriced. I got the 3g/wifi model with a year of Playstation plus included, which is 5 or 6 games, most of which have changed a few times since we bought it, so the total has been more like 13 free games. It came with a 4gb card, which isnt even big enough to download most of those games. I used Gamefly instead, since I already had it for the 360 and PS3, to get the Vita games shipped also. To date, it's gotten the most play on Retro Rampage, and Uncharted. Not worth the 300$ I paid for it by a long shot.

11 years ago

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Got my Vita last year on Black Friday. My favorite games would be Persona 4 and Soul Sacrifice, i also own Mortal Kombat and Uncharted which are good too.

Edit : I suggest waiting for the price drop.

11 years ago

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Waiting for the price drop? The price drop happened a few days ago...

11 years ago

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I own a NDS lite and am thinking about getting PS4+Vita for the next generation but am kinda afraid about the lack of original games for Vita (in comparison to how many of them were on my 'current' handheld :3 )

11 years ago

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I suggest waiting for the price drop before buying vita. I recommend Gravity Rush on vita which is an exclusive.

11 years ago

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Got mine from that Summer Sale at GameStop last year (came with Gravity Rush and 4GB Memory Card for free).

Go with the first one. You will get a much bigger bang for your buck. That, and the Walking Dead is a really good game.

My recommendations would be LittleBigPlanet Vita and Gravity Rush.

11 years ago

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Minecraft, Starbound, Terraria, and Borderlands 2 are some of the games currently in development for Vita. Or so I heard.

11 years ago

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Fun fact: Vita in latin means life which is ironic.

11 years ago

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defiantly get plus if you have a ps3 and vita..

11 years ago

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Every time I get any money I always end up having to spend it on something, so saving up for one seems stupid to me now. But i'm definitely picking one up when Borderlands 2 for Vita or Walking Dead Season 2 comes out (whichever comes first)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Razuto22.