I've had extra keys for a while now, doing nothing but collecting dust in my notepad and it is time to give them away and the unlucky one gets to suffer at the hands of RNG (like you don't do enough of that here already).

As this is for the base game and the expansion, please do not enter if you have vanilla game already. Also the minimum level for this is 5 to weed out bad people out. I'm sorry for the good lower level people that aren't able to enter as a result.

ze puzzle

9 years ago*

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After the puzzles I've completed these past few days, this one was a nice refreshing break :p

9 years ago

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Is it bad that I knew that one by heart?

9 years ago

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Everyone should know it.

9 years ago

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Agree bump :D

9 years ago

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Should we know it in Finnish as well? (I strongly suspect that they are not actually singing the "real" lyrics, as I think I can spot a few words I recognize in it, and they don't fit in).

9 years ago

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That's a weird song, I have no idea of what's going on with it. A rough translation of the humppabarbi part:

Humppabarbi, split the duck, we're gonna swim soon
Humppabarbi, split the duck, drown already, drown already

You could throw rest of the song to google translator if you wanted.

9 years ago

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I guess I will. Always suspect that it was nonsense, just not that it was that "bad". Explains why that band is so popular in Germany.

9 years ago

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Would be worse if you didn't :D

9 years ago

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It isn't bad, but it is disturbing though. :/

9 years ago

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I disgusted myself by knowing the answers without looking. I can't even name half of the US Presidents...

9 years ago

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You usually know more about things you care about. Just admit it, barbie is love, barbie is life.

9 years ago

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Repent, blasphemer! The power of Barbie is nothing compared to the Power Almighty Potato holds.

Can you hear me?!


The song is catchy, though.

9 years ago

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I don't know half the Swedish kings, so you're in good company.

9 years ago

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I'm not eligible for it but man, I now know how old I am for knowing name of the band and lyrics :D

9 years ago

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you're not alone :D

9 years ago

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Yes, and I am at fault 2. Even if I am not lvl 5 XD

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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my first puzzle :o thanks xD

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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almost +1

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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But... I googled for a word...
Will Barbie.... will Barbie forgive me ?! D:

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Whelp, I'm guessin' this thread has made your day. Looks like your Barbie infection is taking hold throughout SG and soon we'll all be Barbie aficionados.

9 years ago

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had a blast. thank you

9 years ago

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I'm ashamed that I knew answers to a lot of them, without searching in google...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Level 5. :D LoL. These people really needs to win free games :D

9 years ago

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Its not like they can easily afford it or anything (sarcasm)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I learned something new today too, few more = 400+

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Sometimes it's not about "need" but about wanting to give something back to the people who give away free stuff.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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okay so i won't eat, drink, won't pay for anything, and even go to live on the street just so i can give away hundreds of games to get 0.1% higher chance to win games in giveaways where people who has lot more money (they would be easily able to buy games) can enter too.)

9 years ago

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You'll just have to live with the fact that you'll not be able to join this particular GA. There are literally hundreds of other giveaways you can enter, most giveaways are not only for high level people, you're just acting like a spoiled brat because something that you want is out of reach to you.

9 years ago

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Why are you so upset about this?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Damn straight. All 'dem bastards should just bugger off .... wait what?

9 years ago

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I agree! D:

I don't get why people are so salty about it :\

9 years ago

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usually only generous to their private group.

Most level 5+ hold virtually no public giveaways... (though they still enter public GA's)

Personally, I think that's leeching more than someone with a slightly negative ratio

9 years ago*

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There's quite a few GAs / trains going on on the forums almost all the time by the higher level people. Those are always private but publicly available if you looked at them.

9 years ago

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Ah, that's right. I do see those forum/puzzle giveaways in the forum quite often. Sorry if I come off as bitter, I really do appreciate em C:

My beef potato is with some of the 'high level culture' and shenanigans that comes along with it. Anyways, now that I've vented I feel a bit better and...

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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As anecdotal evidence. I just checked every user on the first (entire) page of my wishlist. This is the breakdown.
level 8 - 1 user ( 1 is group giveaway)
Level 6 - 1 user (1 is whitelist/group)
Level 5 - 1 user
Level 4 - 3 user
Level 3 - 2 user
Level 2 - 2 users (1 is group)
Level 1 - 10 (2 is group)
Level 0 - 5 (1 is group)

Only 1 user level 5+ has their giveaway open to the public. I mean they can do what they like and i'm glad they are having giveaways!
I just dislike seeing the amount of posts on the forums talking about leechers and YER ON MUAH BLACKLIST, when many high level users don't really share the wealth but instead get credit for redistributing it into their small groups with giveaway requirements.

To be fair to this analysis, the level 6 and 8 groups are open to the public and those users are awesome! Although I supposed I wouldn't really see any people from the closed giveaway groups heh.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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Correlations are still useful for showing relative statistics. Most of the time, it is impossible to account for every factor and weed out every statistical phenomena or inaccuracy.

How did you label 'group-only' giveaways?

I may have been over-dramatic in my point (especially because I did not account for forum giveaways), but am I bitter at people talking down to us lowbies? Yup.

(Although not the majority and an offshoot of my original point) Should people who's giveaways pretty much all have only 6 entries get full credit for the game? I don't think so..

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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They have a green sign on them?

Well, duh :p. I meant, how did you categorize them? There is no way that only 1/5 have only have at least one group giveaway..

And you know why is that? Because...

Because I am relatively new and have seen it happen quite often?

Yup, that's exactly why. Because a few people, including you, are acting like entitled, spoiled kids with ridiculous demands that don't even make sense, and that gives all "lowbies" a bad rep. It doesn't matter how many people someone gives a game to, they're still giving it away, which is the purpose of the site.

And yet it is you who is acting childish right now. I give up. I doubt you would be capable of seeing my point of view even if you tried your damnest.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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We were talking about people who have almost no public giveaways (and whose recent giveaways are, therefore, group-only), not about people who have at least one group giveaway.

Virtually every high level user on the first page has only group only giveaways or invite only (excluding the giveaways they created when they first joined steamgifts). Is it possible they are all forum giveaways? yes. But there is no way of knowing that for sure.

No, I do understand your view very well, actually. You're no special snowflake,

You are also not as special as you think you are. Steamgifts has changed several times since its inception. The reason I doubt you will see my viewpoint in a reasonable light is because you have already lumped me into a group of dissenters whom you've already disagreed with. I do not think "Steamgifts is broken," I am not trying to "devalue generous contributions of thousands of SG users," and I'm not trying to "police users" (implying I want to 'fair' socialistic system for game redistribution.)

You want SG to work in a way that you see as fair, but that is not objectively fair towards everyone else.

There is no way to make SG objectively fair without overbearing regulation for the mods . The way it stands however, is that people with the highest CVs tend to keep to themselves in groups or invite only giveaways. How is it fair that those users freely win many public giveaways, when the majority of the giveaways they start are essentially a "friend circle-jerk." The only difference in the jerk is that there are 50-100 more users involved. If you can already create a filter based on CV and level, what is the need for a smaller, more close-knit giveaway group?

I am not trying to change the entirety of Steamgifts as you believe, just criticize the system for making it advantageous to keep a small elite circle to increase the chance of winning games. You've obviously invested a lot in the current set up, and feel like i'm threatening that security. Either way, I doubt we will agree on much.

I feel sorry if this is how you treat anyone in SG with opinions that differ from yours.

9 years ago*

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Virtually every high level user on the first page has only group only giveaways or invite only (excluding the giveaways they created when they first joined steamgifts). Is it possible they are all forum giveaways? yes. But there is no way of knowing that for sure.

And this makes the data nigh useless. But just speaking from what I've seen of the high level users here with a lot of invite-only giveaways, they tend to enjoy doing forum giveaways. In my case, you need to go back to page 4 to find an invite-only giveaway that was not a forum one. And personally, I prefer to do forum giveaways as it results in less "thanks" spam, and the people who visit the forums seem to have a better grasp of the rules of the site, meaning that I can do low-level giveaways without as big of a risk of re-gifting.

There is no way to make SG objectively fair without overbearing regulation for the mods . The way it stands however, is that people with the highest CVs tend to keep to themselves in groups or invite only giveaways. How is it fair that those users freely win many public giveaways, when the majority of the giveaways they start are essentially a "friend circle-jerk."


9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ah, a classical one, "I feel sorry for you". If you're going to talk in that manner, don't bother to reply and take your demagogy somewhere else.

I feel sorry for the people you "debate" with, because you are an asshole who is not actually looking to find objective arguments, just push your own agenda shielded underneath argumentum ad antiquitatem.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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Honestly, the impression I'm getting when I'm reading your arguments is not that you're trying to create some better system, but rather you being upset because you can't join a giveaway that you want to join.

You've not really been able to bring any real evidence of there being a huge "circle jerk" among high level people. If you look at the large giveaways on the forum, you'll see that they are more often than not hosted by "high level". Which is why they've become high level. Just for the sake of it, I looked at the 15 latest entries in the giveaway at the end of the puzzle up above, and only one seem to almost exclusively give away games to a small group (based on their first 2 pages of giveaway history). There are a lot of private giveaways with a high entry count going on, which would indicate forum giveaways. The majority of these have also given away a good amount more than they've received, indicating that there a lot of games seem to not be part of the "circle jerk". Obviously 15 persons is not a huge sample size, but I have other things to do than look through peoples giveaway history.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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Honestly, the impression I'm getting when I'm reading your arguments is not that you're trying to create some better system, but rather you being upset because you can't join a giveaway that you want to join

Damnit, I read that the opposite way which calmed me down greatly haha.

Yeah, I did become too emotional, especially after being spurred by that other dude (me and him are like water and oil). Pretty much I'm just frustrated at certain high level peeps being condescending/obnoxious to low level users but then only being a high level because they were part of a 'friend circle jerk.' I realize now that I overestimated how many people actually do this (thankfully). Thank you for hearing me out :]

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Nice barbie puzzle and cool games

9 years ago

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there are lv4 good ppl too.. not that i am one lol

9 years ago

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Did someone say Barbie? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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Fuck lv 5 man, seriously

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Solved it for the Lulz. Good luck to everyone who is entering

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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let be honestly here,... did you actually think there is someone who not know the answer

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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That is some fabulous hammer right there.

9 years ago

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A puzzle not requiring any google-fu or any hard thinking whatsoever from me, but made me feel a bit bad over knowing it by heart :D

9 years ago

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Can't wait to see what the hints are. 2h 26 min left.

9 years ago

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Have you checked on them hints already? No? Then do it now - they're so helpful!

9 years ago

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I did. So worth waiting for!

9 years ago

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Barbie everywhere!! Thank Himo

9 years ago

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The song is from 1997, I was 16 years old and hear it looooud and have shaken my blond long hair. Now I´m almost 36 and have the same hairstyle as the singer :-)

Thanks for the Diablo Chance! I only play it on Xbox.... ON XBOX... ON X B O X :-(

9 years ago

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The bad thing is I was 7 and still remember, what have I been doing that I know that song :S

9 years ago

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I love how I opened the song but still knew the answers by heart after thinking for a while. i only didn't remember the artist. I can't even enter the giveaways (I swear I'm a good person ;-;) but the puzzle was fun.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the GA's
Thanks, now that dam song is in my head for the rest of the day

9 years ago

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Oh very nice! Too bad cg lowered my level from 5 to 4 a few days ago. And all 51 of my giveaway slots are in use until Friday; so I'll be a day late. Hehe, fate is a funny thing.

Still, thank you for weeding us bad people out. :p <3<3

9 years ago

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Knew two, had to look up the rest of the lines, embarrassing to even know two... Lol.
Still, should have read the full description first, didn't see the level 5 until already on the giveaway page. Only recently reached Lv4.

9 years ago

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