For the sake of this poll, it's not important if your data is all on internal hard drives or if some of it is on external drives, but feel free to relate to this aspect in a comment.

Personally my data is scattered between multiple computers, with local network file sharing. I don't have NAS because I don't really see the benefit compared to adding more disks to my desktop computer (which is on 24x7), but I'd be happy to hear why this would be better.


7 years ago

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How do you store your files at home?

View Results
All on a single computer
Scattered between multiple computers, no local network file sharing (computers don't access each other's data)
Scattered between multiple computers, with local network file sharing (files are shared between computers)
Single computer + dedicated local network-attached storage (NAS or similar)
Multiple computers + dedicated local network-attached storage (NAS or similar)
Dan Quayle set up a potatoe farm in my house. Way better than any server farm!

One SSD drive for Windows and games.
One internal HDD for personal files like photo and music and movies.
One internal HDD backup of personal files.
One internal HDD backup of my SSD, I do occasional clone drive backup here.
One external HDD backup of personal files.
CrashPlan subscription that stores a cloud backup of personal files.

I had my laptop stolen a few years ago, and I lost all my important files. I've learnt my lesson and do multiple backups now.

7 years ago

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For Backups "just a Bunch of Disks" JBOD together with windows' Storage Places. Much slower than a hardware RAID, but ok altogether ...

7 years ago

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RasPi with a 2TB harddrive running OwnCloud

7 years ago

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I don't have many things to store, but I keep them between my 500 GB Hard Drive + 32 GB USB drive + 17 GB Google Drive.

7 years ago

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I have most of my gaming and personal stuff (and now my personal project as well) on my gaming pc and everything for my study on my laptop. They do not access each others files at all. I do have dropbox, but except for group projects for my study, I rarely use it.

7 years ago

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Burn it all no evidence of my travestys should be left un burned. no proof

7 years ago

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wanted to have to have some raid drives with my new desktop but worked out pretty dare so at the moment just have a whole lotta external drives that have not been backed up for ages :(

7 years ago

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Some on my desktop, some on my laptop, some on various drives both external and internal that I swap around as needed. I have some old ipods with broken screens that I use as portable storage. Piles of memory cards, cloud storage and even some floppy drives.

7 years ago

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Scattered all over my computer and my 2 TB external hdd. I have a really bad habit of not ordering anything though so usually hunting for ages to find some things :P

7 years ago

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I print out everything in Binary.

7 years ago

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On one or 2 computers and 2 external storages, not a network though.

7 years ago

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My desktop PC has nearly 8TB of disk storage, some of that being for backup purposes. That's my main home storage, shared through the network.

7 years ago

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