1 decade ago*

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It's a very nice game, for those who has an electric guitar !

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I have one :D

1 decade ago

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I don't know, I used to be excited about games like this...

About two years ago or so. Now it seems eh. If I can get hold of a USB connector for my guitar, sure.

1 decade ago

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It looks interesting but it kind of sucks that you also need to get the cable to hook up your guitar separately.

I don't know if this is accurate or not but I heard it also has a lot of tutorial things for people just learning to play. I've been playing for close to 20 years now so if that's a huge part of it, it would be a bit pointless to me.

1 decade ago

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I'd be down for rocksmith for sure... but it'll be kinda expensive.

One of the biggest selling points for me is the ability to use the in-game amps that you unlock to just jam out on your own if you wanted to... pretty neat to have all that hardware emulated in a program.

1 decade ago

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I would buy it, if it was on sale and the cable didn't cost much. I already have an electric guitar so I'm set on that department.

I'm kinda surprised that the Guitar Hero games aren't on Steam.

1 decade ago

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stare daggers at innocent acoustic guitar in the corner

1 decade ago

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Music Games will die soon.... They did everything possible with this Genre...

1 decade ago

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the thing is that I wanted to learn some songs and I've tried to find a teacher but never found one.

1 decade ago

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It's easy enough to teach yourself :) Buy an acoustic and learn some guitar tabs. Eventually you can perfect whatever song you want!

1 decade ago

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Played a 200 bucks Yahama electric guitar for over 4 months now.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I'd like to get it, but the freaking cable isn't sold here. The only way to play it is to order a cable from some european shops, but even then that will cost almost as much as the game itself >_>

1 decade ago

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I live in Belgium so I have to wait too.

1 decade ago

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Well that's awesome , I just have to buy ps3 or xbox 360. bummer

1 decade ago

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It's coming to Steam.

1 decade ago

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is it actually?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Holy shit, now I can undust the guitar, lets see if this actually helps on learning how to play!

1 decade ago

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It's definitely for beginners. Nothing too challenging for me, since I have extensive guitar playing experience. I'd give it a try, though, since I enjoyed the plastic stuff.
I'm worried there might be too much input latency, though, because of the analog->digital conversion. People on the Rocksmith forums tell me it isn't noticeable. But then those guys probably have a higher latency tolerance.

1 decade ago

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I have the game on Xbox 360. The game is pretty dead-on accurate in terms of input latency. The game also makes you check before each song that your guitar is tuned, and makes you re-tune it if it's not (some songs also require you to switch to Drop D). What I really like about it is the game automatically scales depending on how well you're doing. I've also played guitar for many, many years so in most of the songs I'm literally playing every note/chord of the original song. It's fun. :)

1 decade ago

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I have a pretty low tolerance for latency and the game is pretty great in that aspect. The only issue is that not everyone has the same experience with latency when it comes to the PC version.
I got a great experience from plugging my PS3 to my PC for Audio (and console directly to my monitor for video) and when the demo came on Steam, also got a great experience once I changed one setting (Audio Engine Setting) to lower the latency a little bit, but I've seen a lot of comments on the forum about a few people who have issues.

Those seem to be rare cases and it's probably something that will be improved with time (the developers have generally been good, even if a little slow) but it's one thing to take into account.

1 decade ago

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being watching it since it came out on xbox but they don't sell the bundle that included the cheap guitar, only way if you ordered it online, so i might get this when i get my guitar but steam will have to wait 1 year xD

1 decade ago

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I spend 30 minutes just to get through the tuning part (my horrible guitar's fault). Not really my type of game. Learning some new songs by tabs are more fun than this.

1 decade ago

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I would get rock smith on steam, if they included the cable. but having to pay an extra 30-40 bucks for a jack to USB cable is a bunch of bunk. You could probably find better low latency cables like that but I don't know if they would be compatibile with the software. What's disappointing about it is for those that already have interfaces for their guitar to play it on the Pc, they don't work with the game itself or so i've heard. I like the general application of Rock Smith, if it will help people step away from crap games like guitar hero and actually attempt learning how to play a real guitar. I am all for it. I hope to test it out at some point so I can see if i can recommend it for new players. I'm self taught, but not many people have the tenacity to learn an instrument, let alone do it by themselves. for anyone interested you can check out one of my older songs here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eRA7zIviR4

1 decade ago

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You can test it already, if you happen to have the cable. Steam has a demo.

1 decade ago

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Tried it last night, doesn't work at all. :|

1 decade ago

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I have it on Xbox. I like it, but I don't like most of the songs...they aren't my style. And I think for people learning guitar, they are better off learning to use tabs. I don't like how it seems to rush through learning chords. Everyone should start with learning basic open chords and I dont know if theyre even in there...just power chords. So as a learning tool..not so good. As a game it can be pretty fun, just wish they had more classic rock (not DLC).

1 decade ago

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Tried the demo, hoped that it maybe works with my 6,5->USB cable.. But it doesn't. Google says there's no way to get it working. But I don't wanna buy the retail version since I know how bad the Input Lag is on my PC (Heard some people had issues there). Anybody knows if the retail version can/must be steam redeemable?

1 decade ago

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Fuck yeah i would love this..but wait..NO PC? fuck no ;/

1 decade ago

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Check steam, there is already preorder

1 decade ago

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I've got this cable http://www.apogeedigital.com/products/jam.php Not sure if it works on windows but I hope someone will figure out how to connect third party cables to Rocksmith (as the PC platform gives more possibilities to trick the game).

1 decade ago

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Totally picking it up, hmmyeh.

1 decade ago

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I have this for ps3. Granted, I already knew how to play guitar going in, but it's actually a really great game. The detection on notes is spot on, and I believe it could serve as a great learning -supplement-.

1 decade ago

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Thx for Rome:Total war by the way

1 decade ago

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I wanted to get the game for a while when I was following it last year, but it looked pretty confusing despite me being decent at guitar. The $80 price didn't seem to interest me either. But a few weeks ago on my birthday, I found it at Walmart for only $50 so I finally bought it. Pretty fun game, a bit difficult and not that many songs that I know of or like. Glad there's DLC for it, so that helps. Also a decent party game, me and my friends spent about 30 minutes just messing around on the Amp mode during my party. I was really surprised when I found out it was on PC. Seems like a really big problem, considering you can't get a cable from a digital game. I would be trying out the demo on Steam but one of my strings are broken and cannot play the game at all, another problem with this game. Overall it's a good game, but I think it won't be as successfull on PC/Steam as it is on consoles, especially when the cable must be bought seperately.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Shootmii.