7 years ago*

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Thumb up @ SillyScream!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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<looks at avatar>
who are you and what did you do with Silly?!?!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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If just commenting is enough, well Ive done the first step!

7 years ago

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First step would be to activate the game you've already won here to your Steam account.

7 years ago

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I did activate it, I just Got rid of it later, (through steam support) cause I quickly finished and got bored of it...

7 years ago

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That's a really disrespectful thing to do.

7 years ago

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Some people checks users' accounts for won games that are unactivated. Even though you did activate the game, because you deleted it, you will not pass those check. I would suggest going to steam support and add back the game you won that you deleted. They have an option to do that, and it would make your SteamGifts user experience better.

7 years ago

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You should ask Steam support to restore it back on your account.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Ok guys, I get it It was a bad thing to do, even if it was a 1$ game, Im sorry just forget I ever commented and lets just forgive eachother...

Imma leave this Up, so it proves I really am sorry, and wont do it again, not just delete the comment like some people I know.

7 years ago

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Unfortunately, not many level 0 do check/active on the discussion section of the site, cause most of them are busy leeching giveaways xPP

7 years ago

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I'd Really appreciate it if i could get a level up.. I don't really have money to buy games and all this time at school, what i do is beg people to give me trash so i could sell and buy some cheap games to play. Sometimes it's sad, but i hope this giftaway would go to someone good and really couldn't afford it. If i get it it'll be a great thing :'D thanks for the try

7 years ago

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I vote for this guy.
Only 78 games on Steam and seems like he would really appreciate it. :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Interesting. Let's try.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Wait so you are giving people games to give away? :/

7 years ago

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yea so they can reach level 1 , that's the idea

7 years ago

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Why stop there...help me reach lvl9!

7 years ago

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Seems a little stupid to me, especially seeing as we have a rule about regifting.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Because its not generosity, you are screwing the system over, making a mockery of the entire level system. Regifting is against the rules, dress it up however you want, call it whatever you want. This entire event is a way around the rules we have in place, not cool. Now if you want to directly gift to level 0's to activate onto their own account, great stuff! I support that idea entirely.

I personally don't think we should even have CV or "levels", but whilst we do have it we should act within the confines it produces.

Gifting anything to anyone for the sole purpose of re-gifting devalues the entire idea of gifting.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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When you can reach level 1 without spending a penny, you are rewarding laziness and an unwillingness to give. Some of the people who have entered have won 5+ games already, they are pretty ok with the receiving part. What you are doing is completely against the spirit of things in my eyes, each to their own, your stuff do what you want with it.

A difference in opinion doesn't need to be so aggressively defended btw, it can be debated without the need for such a tone.

The problem with your checklist is, we're talking about people who have contributed nothing at all. Dev keys are giveaway in the thousands and by people who have given away numerous other things. I can't prove anyone received a game and directly regifted it, I think that's poor form. Tremor etc requires effort, maybe they sold cards on there, the time it takes to get coins can be quite consuming.

I mean, would you do a "hey, you're level 9? I'll help you become level 10!" thread? No because that's stupid, they clearly can afford to give their own things away. Look at a lot of these guys profiles, they have AAA games, they have emotes, cards etc in their inventories. They want to get to level 1+ so they can enter level 1+ giveaways.

Directly gift to the guys who "need" new games, but to just level up, its not right.

THAT though, is just my opinion, which is different to yours. We won't agree any further debate is pointless as you're clearly angry about it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'm done getting baited into arguments by obvious trolls, you do you dude, best of luck to you.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I totally agree, its the internet and we can't control opinions and that's why I disagreed with you. That doesn't mean the right response was to start shouting fuck at me and name calling. You've had an idea, I don't agree with it, end of discussion really.

Your reaction is why "we" needed to take time out, but "we" also got a lot of support and people telling us not to leave. The need to bring up Jaye is beyond me though and exactly the kind of thing that makes simple disagreements turn into full on flame wars. She hasn't said anything, wasn't referenced at all, why bring her up other than to cause an issue?

I'm done being baited by you guys though, I don't want to have a petty argument with you.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You said "we" when she pertains to this in no way whatsoever. You're bringing up past incidents when they have nothing to do with this idea of giving to level 0 to become level 1 whatsoever.

I understand the swearing, thanks for the explanation, a lot of people do that but when you read things with swearing in they can be easily misinterpreted.

I'm all for discussing your idea and how I don't agree. Anything regarding Jaye is out of order in my opinion as this has literally nothing to do with her. I really don't want to argue with you, I just don't share your opinion. I'd very much appreciate if you did want to reply to me, you kept it on topic, not any other issues you have with me. This kind of thing isn't fair on anyone.

If you do wish to discuss that, add me on steam and we can do it in private.

I want to reiterate though, I have no desire to argue with you.

7 years ago

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You set the tone when you compared what Silly is doing to regifting. I don't agree with the idea of providing games for others to level up with either, but there is no need to post bs about it. I've noticed quite a few giveaways in the past where the creator has thanked another well known and liked user for proving the game. It is nothing new. Some of those providers are also on your friends list.

7 years ago*

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I don't want an argument, I see it as promoting something I see as bad, I'm not the only person who has disagreed on the thread, but im the only person 2-3 people have decided to get involved and descend the conversation into an argument or try and bait one out of me.

I'm trying my absolute upmost to remain calm and to the point. Its difficult when everything you do is hounded by the same people. Referenced earlier in this thread unprovoked by a user who has hounded me for months in private or public, I've been swore at, I've had my girlfriend brought up yet again for no real reason...

Its very difficult to try and discuss things under that kind of conflict.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I haven't said you are bullying my girlfriend, now you are straight up putting words in my mouth.

I don't agree you should give games to level 0's to get to level 1. I have no idea how or why you mentioned Chicken at all.

7 years ago

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Directly gift to the guys who "need" new games, but to just level up, its not right.

What if I create the giveaway, it ends, and then Silly sends me the key, then I just use the key on my account? I don't care about a "not received" because I'm a leech. Or will I resist my selfish leech ways?

Dev keys are giveaway in the thousands and by people who have given away numerous other things.

There's this thread that came a few days later off of your comment. but apparently a user got to level 10 by farming devs. There are guides sold in another language that are like a how-to in order to do this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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If he was to give directly to a level 0 with say 50 games but no real top titles, I'd support that. Giving games to lazy people for them to give away, no.

Your profile is private, if you own 10 games, you have enough to idle cards to buy a game to giveaway. Hell enough gleam etc games get given away almost daily you can idle the cards to get a game to get to level 1 with. You can use tremor, you can trade, you can give unwanted bundle keys. There is no excuse other than laziness to not giveaway something to get to level 1.

As for the guy who was farming dev keys, ok, bad guy got to level 10. Lets put that into context though, he got to level 10...not level 1...level 10 without spending money and you are telling me that level 0's need to be donated games to giveaway?

Also, months ago, a thread was posted which showed people HOW to level up without spending a penny. This entire event stops the one thing that required people to maybe show SOME selflessness or effort in the slightest.

I'm not saying level 0 is a bad thing, i don't care tbh, be level 0 or level 10. I personally find this as a form of begging and re-gifting. That's my issue. Am I saying you are lazy for entering this event rather than making your own giveaway? Yes, unfortunately I am. In the time its take this event to be up, you could have idled 4/5 games, sold the cards, bought a 20/30 pence game, given it away, had the giveaway end and now be at level 1.

Edit: just noticed you've been a member for 3 years, which means you've had potentially 3 years to idle 30p to giveaway a game.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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I suffer with depression too, I've struggled in the past to finish university or hold down a job as a result. I have nothing but respect for your struggle.

That though, is not an excuse, you can follow rules to enter this event, you can follow forum posts, you have had 3 years to spend $5. Trade your ungiftable games for giftable ones? Tremor for viruses, seriously, use an anti-virus tool or...one of the many many many other games sites that give away thousands of games.

Your profile is private, fancy making it public so I can see how many games you own and how much is in your inventory? Have you not bought 1 bundle or game in the 3 years you've been here? If so, fine I'm wrong, you deserve the game. My money is on you buying a bundle of some kind, triple A's etc. All of which gives you ample opportunity to give 1 20/30 cent game away. Its laziness or a totally unwillingness to give anything.

I don't support the policy, but of course I'll follow it, those are the rules of the website. There are laws I don't agree with but I won't lobby my government to change them. I also have said a few times, your level doesn't bother me. I've made level 0 giveaways before, I'll do it again, its the attitude I don't like. 100,000's of others accomplish it, if you want to stay level 0 and win stuff never giving back, fine, thats your choice I don't blacklist people for ratio. As you've said personal problems can mean "winning" things cheering you up. I have no problem with any level 0.

My problem is with giving someone something with the express idea of letting them level up, it leads to the gifter giving a game he KNOWS is going to be given away again, eg re-gifting in my eyes. Also it leads to the giftee begging for a free game. These aren't explocitly the SG definitions of begging and re-gifting, but it is toeing the line and makes a mockery of the system we currently reside in. As for contributing to the site, no, we're self policing and we all report. I'm not sure how many times a guy who won't go on Tremor for fear of viruses is going to click adds, either way it doesn't exempt you from getting to level 1 like everyone else on the site.

TL;DR - no issue with you as a person, your level being 0, your total lack of giveaway in 3 years. I don't agree with this event, its a form of re-gifting and begging imho.

7 years ago

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Maybe you should close the whole thread and tell everyone to "Fuck Off" instead. ;_;

7 years ago

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I was thinking maybe I should open a parody thread and call out peoples mental illnesses instead?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Are you implying that I've done either of those things, because I haven't. :3
It wasn't Mully, either, because she was sleeping, but some jackass attacked her nonetheless. :3

So if it wasn't the person who opened the thread, and it wasn't me, then why are you even bringing it up? XD
In fact, why are you even replying to me? I am 100% positive I replied to SillyScream and not you.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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close thread
play the victim (important)
make everyone bl your enemies
leave sg
don't leave sg (required)
keep saying you left
never leave
profit$ 👌

7 years ago

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Posting because I'm level 0. I hope people don't call me a leech :<

7 years ago

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You haven't won a game yet (or even entered a giveaway), so by definition you can't be a leech. =)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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How do you know how many games I have? O_o My profile is private I thought

7 years ago

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I'm voting for you just so you've got to mess up those stats =)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Not sure if you noticed (or if this was intended), but this post got you added to the list in the OP...

7 years ago

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Thanks :x

7 years ago

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So you have to own less than 5 games to enter this; and have $100 unbundled worth of games to be on SG ? :P

7 years ago

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Have a bump

7 years ago

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Happy cake day! Like the new avatar. :p

7 years ago

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How to become a level 0 user? Should I open a topic in the deals section? :P Happy cake day.

7 years ago

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Ask support to delete all of your giveaways

7 years ago

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Ask support to delete your account, create new, pretending it's main account..

7 years ago

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I think I'll become a banned user this way. :P

7 years ago

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Oh, damn, i forgot to add #kappa and :p

7 years ago

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Posts comment
am i done?
(this counts as an entry right?)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I think I qualify. It's been about two weeks since I first registered. Thanks anyway.

7 years ago

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Great, now I have to increase my minimum level requirement to 2, thanks to this guy. If one great thing that came out of this thread, is that its really easy to find leechers.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I have no beef with you. I just disagree with you.
Nothing wrong with having different opinion.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I think this is a pretty cool idea. Kudos Silly!

7 years ago

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You mean you're actually giving away games and getting nothing in return?
You mean those games will be given away by others so they get something instead of you?
Insanity! Insanity, I tell you!

... or maybe that's what giving is all about. :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That's preposterous and you know it. SG is all about prophitz™.

7 years ago

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Nice idea.

I'll ask support to delete all my giveaways so I could start from scratch and go on leeching.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Internet communication problem.

I did mean it was a nice idea. The second sentence was a joke. It doesn't even make any sense. I don't think it would be interpreted as against your idea except that it mentioned the word 'leeching' (which I'm against).

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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No problem.

Just to clarify my previous response, I'm against the word 'leeching', not again leeching.

From my point of view, the people who deserve to win are those who haven't won much. The idea of getting people to level 1 is an indirect way to get that, so isn't a bad idea, but I wish that SG itself allowed me to limit giveaways to those who haven't won much.

7 years ago*

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Really confused by most comments.
Didn't know that supposedly you have to stop doing good things because there is a chance they won't work on good outcomes ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Just ignore and keep doing what you want, it's not harming anyone (:

7 years ago

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+1, kinda thought the whole purpose of this site was to give away games.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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not sure if this is still active but ill throw my name in the hat

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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wow, fast. thanks man

7 years ago

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Very generous of you. Sorry about all the people who care about ratios but don't care enough to use level limits or SGtools or Group giveaways to stop the dirty leechers from entering.

7 years ago

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For those who haven't won much, it may be worth mentioning Unlucky-7.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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can i lvlup?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for helpful idea, I am new in here, not sure how to enter to this opportunity.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Deleted-0940624.