What are your favorite tabletop games?

1 decade ago*

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Thunderstone, Arkham Horror and a fairly new addition: Mage Knight the Boardgame. And Space Alert! Almost forgot that one!

1 decade ago

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So...what is this 'tabletop game' and how much is the monthly subscription? Can my graphics card handle it?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I hear it has stunningly realistic super-high-res graphics.

1 decade ago

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Note that these will only work on a laptop. And only if it's closed.

1 decade ago

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These can also work on a monitor laying flat on a table or overturned desktop towers.

Also works optimally on XBOX 360 and PS3. I do not recommend balancing games on phones or on the Wii.

1 decade ago

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I like Catan (specifically Cities and Knights, with some house rules), Risk (though this takes forever), Dominion, B.S., Egyptian Rat Screw/F*** (a.k.a. Beat Your Neighbor Out Of Doors) (but only if no one is wearing rings or has long fingernails), and a card game that is named after a Chinese dictator.

1 decade ago

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Bananagrams #1

1 decade ago

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any card games played with a normal 54 card bicycle deck. i really gotten into sevens

1 decade ago

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When I was younger I went through a few different card games. I started with Pokemon cards (stopping shortly after the release of the Gold/Silver generation cards). I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh when it first came out and kept playing it until around the end of the series (the actual one, not the spinoffs). After that I started playing Magic: The Gathering, stopping after about a year of playing it because I started having to buy cards myself and couldn't afford it.

As for board-game style games, I personally enjoy chess and checkers but don't play them too often any more.

1 decade ago

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Risk, Monopoly, Mao.

1 decade ago

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Board games:

Battlestar Galactica by Fantasy Flight, with the Pegasus expansion.

I have a bunch of friends who used to play a variety of board games. For the last two years we've played pretty much nothing but BSG because it's so very good. Based on the new TV series, but don't hold that against it. All the players are humans, and their aim is to survive against nasty cylons and bad things for long enough to make the jump to safety. Except, one or two of the players are secretly cylons who can try to subtly sabotage the humans, leading to much mistrust and hilarity. Sometimes you don't discover you're a cylon until halfway through the game. Aaaah, fun times.

Also love RoboRally (which you can play online at gametableonline.com - you should check out that site if you're into board games. And brettspielwelt website for eurogames)

Edit: oh and Galaxy Trucker, fantastic fun!

Card Games:

It's kind of like that mafia party game, except with cards. And the theme is spaghetti western. Everyone who has played it has loved it.

Canasta is my favourite traditional card game.

1 decade ago

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BSG rocks! my gaming group love to play it almost every day :)

1 decade ago

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Also for card games: Scum, Bullshit, Egyptian and for Poker: Day/night baseball, queens and followers, and low card in the hole

1 decade ago

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card game : Ultimate Terror Mau Mau(UTM) : a modified version of a popular german cardgame. Makes a lot of fun with many people and even more when everyone is drunk :o)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Cardgames: Doppelkopf, Canasta (in teams), Skat ... and some others like Wizard, Bang! and if it counts "Anno Domini".

Boardgames: too many to list.

1 decade ago

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My favorites for playing with my friends are smallworld and Zombies!!! but with the family i like to play Yspahan and keltis :P

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LuckyBoy.