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Pid game from Steam

Please make something

Excuse me for my bad english, but 8 speech french.

9 years ago

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Pid was free.

9 years ago

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it was given away free, so you cannot make a giveaway for it. :)

9 years ago

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It is not allowed to give it away here because it has been given away for free in the past.

9 years ago

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You cant create a giveaway for Pid because it was free along time ago! http://www.epicbundle.com/article/steam-key-for-free-pid

9 years ago

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Ehhhhhhhh ok

I win a game key the last week, but I have this game.
ok I understand a little
not 100% because the game now is no free in World. But ok

9 years ago

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see - when a game is given away free in massive quantities...what do people like to do around here? There is a LOT of them that take these free keys and then promptly end up making giveaways for the game on Steamgifts. Not only is it spammy, it also shows a complete lack of integrity, trying to boost their standing in this website using something which they didn't pay for.

That's why games given away free in large quantities are removed from the giveaway list. Mind you, even if its re-added, there will still likely be a lot of people holding on to those free keys waiting to earn CV from it. Not your fault, yes, but that's how the system works. :)

9 years ago

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If you are not going to do anything with the key, you can post it here and someone will grab it. Or you can give it to one of your friends. :)

9 years ago

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OK thanks for Help

9 years ago

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Thanks every one for thé explications. I understand not a problem

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by FredyJackson.