What are your first impresions of the game, to those of you that own it.

I've played around 10 hours since its launch and I'm really not finding any game breaking problems. It's true that the AI has some problems and there are things that I don't like on the game, but is it really that bad according to the general outcry there seems to be?

Opinate on.

11 years ago*

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Send me a copy, then i'll review it for you :)

11 years ago

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no you wont !

11 years ago

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was like 32 USD for preorder on nuuvem

11 years ago

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I was going to warn you, seems that somebody has already been there.

11 years ago

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no problem dude

11 years ago

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The Angry Joe footage is hilarious.

11 years ago

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I'm rather allergic to bullshit so I tend to stay away from his channel.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That's a good allergy :p

11 years ago

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^^ +1

11 years ago

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His full review is out. He trashes the game, but his score isn't all that low, in hopes of future fixes. I didn't encounter any of those ridiculous bugs, but now I'm kinda wary of continuing playing until it is better.

11 years ago

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The game stopped working for me yesterday, I can't launch it since then. Also I must play it on lowest details - it looks aweful and setting higher settings doesn't have any impact on graphics, it just lowers FPS.

11 years ago

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first impression: ITS SHIT
second impression: its not that bad but it should be much better

11 years ago

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Since Empire, I did not pre-order a Total War game and I am happy about it. Last good game from CA was Medieval 2, after that it went fubar. Shogun 2 was kinda ok, I liked some things and hated others, but overall it was a good game even though not on par with rome/medieval II. Seeing how dumbed down the game has become and always has the same problems in every iteration (mainly AI) I have a feeling the only thing that gets improved and use to market the game is the graphics (which is funny, cause the reason why I originally bought the original Shogun TW was the screenshots of those huge armies). Add the fact that the game is hard to mod, compared to its predecessors (expanded map? total conversion mods? ) just so that they can sell you their factions DLCs and there is not much to be happy about. I would like the Total War games to be great, but so far this seems just a wishful thought.

11 years ago

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Still betting that there will be some amazing mods within a year or two

11 years ago

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Betting against it. What great mods were there for Shogun 2?
Sure maybe some small good ones, but nothing like TATW mod was for medieval 2 for example.

There are many things I dislike the genre now. Mainly how it has become more mainstream. And graphics has always been the least important for me personally. Features comes first and I dislike many in Rome 2, one being the capture the flag style in maps just so that AI has any value.

11 years ago

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Agree completely, but Shogun 2 was just as bad as the rest. It's been the most simplified so far, with absolutely no unit variety. Still the EXACT same bugs as predecessors, along with a bunch of new ones. Rome 2 looks exactly the same...

11 years ago

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I dont own it yet (hell I havent had a chance to touch the total war series since the first shogun and medieval) BUT I can say with certainty that you should give them a chance to send out patches for the bugs everyone is having issues with before making full judgement.

Granted that would be unacceptable years ago but thats the world we live in. Games come out sooner but they can be a little buggy. Sometimes even the best games are, like Enemy Unknown for example.

11 years ago

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CivV was like REALLY buggy too at launch.

11 years ago

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Only thing I heard: Bugs, bugs everywhere.

11 years ago

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why is it Klendathu? Just call in the Roughnecks!

11 years ago

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Was annoyed that you can't save during the prologue.

11 years ago

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Does it have horrible castle takeovers like Shogun 2?

11 years ago

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To be honest I haven't sieged a fortified city yet. I let them starve and wait for an exit. I only directly attack minor settlements.

11 years ago

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It's a great game and I love it. But they really need to put an optimization patch because I am having low FPS problems and Shogun 2 runs and looks better than Rome 2 on my system. I understand they will patch it on tomorrow, which is great.

11 years ago

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Currently $80 here. That's about $70 over my budget this month, unfortunately (not that I would spend that much on a single game even if I had it - I'm cheap like that!) :)

That said, I'm sure it will be available for that in the June/July winter sale next year, and the bugs should have been squashed by then too.

Hopefully they can sort things out soon, as while it's working for some, there are plenty of unhappy people who paid top dollar to get this as soon as it came out, and they deserve better :(

11 years ago

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I can't even play Empire right now. There is no way I order another TW title unless they can figure out how to make their previous titles run properly via Steam.

I was really disappointed, being my first TW experience (likely also my last). I really think I would've enjoyed the series had they figured out whatever the problems are. I have zero trouble running any other game in Steam. That includes ancient titles like Ghost Master, and late-model AAA titles.

11 years ago

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What happens when you try to run it? It crashes?

11 years ago

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Yup. CTD. And I went through a couple of nights (a couple hours each night, which is my gaming time allowance) of troubleshooting on the forums here and @ TW. Consensus from quite a few others was the same as me...resigned to a virtual coaster.

The sad thing is I got to play the very first part of it one night, save and then my troubles began.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MrCastiglia.