Is anyone interested in using my fork of SGP?

A little while ago, Kaitlyn's hosting for SGP died. A couple of guys here copied the code and put up their own copy of it. They didn't maintain it, however, and I got no response when I asked to be added to the repo as a contributor so I could keep stuff up to date, and there's also been no response on my pull request to update the DLC list.

I forked their code and am now hosting my own. I've fixed a couple of bugs in the code, set up CI to run the JS through the Closure compiler automatically (for minification), and I'm keeping the DLC list as up to date as I can.

If you want to fix bugs, you'd be welcome to pull down the code and make pull requests.

Since at least one user wants to see it, here are some installation instructions:

Download this (Chrome users right click -> Save Link As).
Firefox users, run it through Greasemonkey.
Chrome users, download it to local storage, then drag and drop it into the Tools -> Extensions window or run it through Tampermonkey.

You should be good to go after that. It'll use the same settings/storage as SGP/A if you're already using it.

EDIT: If you update from the old SGP, be sure to force a DLC update so that you're using my shiny updated DLC list!

If you're interested in contributing to the code, feel free to fork, modify, and push back with a pull request. If it looks reasonable, I'll merge your code into the master branch.
If you want me to add DLC, open an issue and add details (name, Steam store link, etc.).

1 decade ago*

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This seems a lot faster! Thank you!

1 decade ago

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Haven't released the update yet, will let you know when it's ready. Currently working out some kinks in filtering.

1 decade ago

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Updates pushed. See my Github for info. I recommend wiping your current SGP data (advanaced tab on options page), deleting your currently installed script, then reinstalling it.

1 decade ago

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  • Thanks for doing this, first post just uncalled for, you're doing something to help us all out by updating it, the rest of us appreciate you taking the time to do so!
1 decade ago

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This update took me a few days, first trying to figure out how it worked (in a language I don't really understand), then trying to figure out how to improve it (in the same language, although slightly better understood).

1 decade ago

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Thanks for doing this, faster for me :D

1 decade ago

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Hey just wanted to say a big thank you for doing this! my sg+ alt stopped working days or a week ago and i just got around to looking into it. I have to say this version is really working well and seems to be MUCH faster too. I dunno if thats cause they also improved the sight 7 hours ago (saw thread by cg saying this) but either way thanks again. so helpful

1 decade ago

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Wow, no idea how I've missed this one. I've been using the Alternative version and it's been working fine but this is sooo much better :D Thank you a thousand times for maintaining this script!

Plus, I'd like to report that it works like a charm on Opera 19 (based on Blink rendering engine which is used in Chrome) using the Tapermonkey extension :)

1 decade ago

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Bumping this thread to remind users that this exists and has significant (?) improvements over the old code, including most forks I've seen of the original.

summons the spirit of cg or any other mod listening
If you could add this link to the user add-ons thread, that'd be great. If not, that's also fine. This is going to be obsolete once SG2 launches, but people may as well enjoy it until then.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for keeping this alive. I've tried other forks of SG+ but none of them seem to work properly or simply hasn't been updated in months.

1 decade ago

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I update the DLC list whenever I come across something that should be hidden. Could happen a few times a week.
As far as updating the logic, I might clean up some other stuff soon.

Spread the word and keep this bumped!

1 decade ago

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When i saw SG i thought about suicide girls T_T. Que desepsion.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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I want some taquitos!

1 decade ago

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I'm not sure why it's taken me this long to try you script but I got tired of blacklisting DLC for games I didn't own. However, having installed your version, I still see those DLC. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "force a DLC update" but I was using SGPA before, not SGP. Still, I cleared my previous custom filters, enabled then disabled the default SG games filter, unchecked then checked "Hide DLC for games I don't own" in the script settings.

1 decade ago

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Which DLC do you see that you shouldn't? If they appear on the DLC list, then they should be filtered, otherwise, your browser hasn't downloaded the list properly, or Github is serving you an old version of the DLC list (I found that happened a few times in my testing).

Basically, the script asks Github for a raw version of the DLC list (scriptDLC.src = '';). Github will translate this into or, and may end up serving a version that is one set of commits behind.

Currently, though, Github appears to be having issues with connections on port 443, so that may or may not be affecting things.

EDIT: wait, problems fixed.

1 decade ago

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All the DLC that are displaying for me are in your list, so the problems seems to be on my end. Any ideas on resolving this or finding out why it's not requesting that list? I'm using Firefox.

The Firefox console is only showing these github js files being requested:
GET [HTTP/1.1 302 Found 383ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 583ms]
It's also showing me the following warning but I'm not sure it's related:
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery-1.5.2.min.js:16

In "steamgifts-plus-alternative-install.user.js" I'm seeing the following line:
steamgiftsPlus.src = '';
but I'm not seeing:
scriptDLC.src = '';
Or is the latter only supposed to be called in "steamgifts-plus.min.js"?

1 decade ago

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Correct, the latter is only in the actual file containing all the logic, not the installer.
The getPreventDefault doesn't seem to be breaking anything, and is something to do with jQuery, which is not my work.

Can you try wiping your SGP data (back up your filters first), then refreshing the page with Ctrl + F5 (force refresh), then manually downloading the DLC list, then seeing if the problem persists?

1 decade ago

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I wiped the SGP data and force refreshed which fixed my issue. Also, the "Delete Saved Addon Data" spawns a progress indicator below it that doesn't disappear (at least for the few minutes I waited and it shouldn't take that long to delete that stuff). In addition, more indicators appear if you keep clicking the delete option. When I clicked okay at the prompt you get when first loading SG with the addon, it doesn't show the changelog, just a white box. None of those really affect me but I thought I'd make you aware of them.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I'm aware of the perpetual spinner thing. It's not major (it doesn't break the add-on), but I'll fix it if I have time/motivation.

1 decade ago

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Since I don't have (or really want) a GitHub account, I'll post this here: Dragon Age: Origins Awakening isn't getting filtered out.

1 decade ago

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Added to DLC list.

1 decade ago

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Awesome. Didn't disappear after a browser restart but the DLC "Force Update" worked. I'm wondering if I'll have to manually update it from time to time, which isn't a huge deal.

1 decade ago

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If the last check was > 6 hours ago, the script will update the DLC list. Updating it manually or force refreshing is a good way to make sure you have the latest.

1 decade ago

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Click force update link for dlc under advanced options tab is what he meant by "force a DLC update"

When you click it the console will show "Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain: ""."

1 decade ago

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Ah, that's what he meant. Well, I fixed the issue with his second suggestion, but thanks for making me aware of this. I might need it in the future.

1 decade ago

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Good to see your problem was fixed.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for being so responsive to my questions & of course, thank you for maintaining this wonderful script.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I tried NoScript a couple of times, but could never be bothered trying to set it up correctly so it doesn't break everything.
Also, I approve of your avatar.

1 decade ago

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Doesn't work me anymore since last firefox update.

1 decade ago

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That's not helpful. You might as well have said "it doesn't work when I'm naked".

1 decade ago

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You serious ?
Nothing changes except the firefox update

1 decade ago

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That still doesn't tell me anything. Nobody else running FF has noted any issues.

1 decade ago

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Yeah and instead saying it's doesn't tell you anything, maybe you may tell me what you need to know.

1 decade ago

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Browser version, script engine, what you mean by "it duznt wurkz".

I mean seriously, if you walked into a hospital and said "I'm sick", what the hell would you expect the doctors to do? Do you honestly think they can diagnose anything with so little information?

1 decade ago

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Oh god you're so pretentious and condescending.

Your comparison is 100% bullshit, in a hospital doctors can sound my body.
I've got no fucking skills in programming (or whatever it is called), if it's so obvious, tell me what you need to know instead of looking down on me.

I run on Seven 64b Ultimate Edition.
Firefox last version.
Scriptengine ? You mean smth like Greasemonkey ? (which is the one I used, 1.15V).
I'm using in the same time :

  • Adblock + 2.5.1
  • Enhanced Steam 5.9.1
  • Ghostery 5.2.0
  • Noscript
    (but anyway I tried by deactivating everything, doesn't work).
    If you need anything else tell me.
1 decade ago

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You're unhelpful and wilfully ignorant.
In a hospital, do you fancy paying a whole host of bills and wasting a lot of time to have scans and tests done just because you can't open your mouth and give more relevant info?

You still haven't told me what you mean by "doesn't work" (anyone seeing a pattern here?). Does the script not do anything? Do it half do things? Is only filtering broken? Is your PC on fire?

When you disabled everything, did you restart the browser to apply the changes?
noscript is the likely culprit.
When you load SG, if you open the JS console (Ctrl shift J), do you see any messages mentioning steamgiftsplus at all?

1 decade ago

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Haha oh boy, you two have an amazing friendship here. I've had a good laugh. :P

But in all seriouslness, psyren give newbies/unexperienced people a bit help, even if that's not your job. Just don't be too harsh on them. :)
Your work is appreciated here, keep it up.

And AureasAetas, you really could provide more info, than just "it doesn't work".
What you listed in that one post above with your system specs and browser Add-ons, is usually something you should post right away. You know, browser Add-ons can often break or even prevent other Add-ons or scripts from working. Also I see NoScript on your list, have you tried turning it off?
Disable all other Add-ons and scripts except for Greasemonkey and SG+AA, restart Firefox and see if it works.

Take it easy, lads.

1 decade ago

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Best I can do is ignore help requests like these in future.

I genuinely want to help people if they've uncovered an issue, but if I have to spend as much time excavating the problem as I would fixing it, it's just not worth it.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, this is the best SG+ add-on :D

1 decade ago

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I'm a complete noob with GreaseMonkey.

Can you tell me "how" to run it through GM? I installed GM, but can't figure out how to get your addon to work/run.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thanks... But GM isn't intercepting it and it is enabled. Best I can get is the .js to load in a browser window as a text display. :P

1 decade ago

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Can you download the .js file and then "install Add-on from file..." in Firefox Add-ons window?

1 decade ago

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"This add on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt."

I rclicked on the link to the .js file and chose save as file & saved to desktop.

Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't work either. :/

1 decade ago

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That's strange.
Have you tried adding the script manually?

  1. Open your FF profile folder

(if "gm_scripts" folder doesn't exist, create it.)

  1. Create a new folder inside gm_scripts called "SteamGifts_Plus_Alternative"

  2. Download the "steamgifts-plus-alternative-install.user.js" and put it into that folder.

  3. Restart FF and if necessary, activate the script in GM.

1 decade ago

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Ok. Now we are getting somewhere. I think I figured out why it isn't working. I don't use Mozilla Firefox standard. I'm using a derivative of FF called Comodo IceDragon. I'm thinking GM just isn't compatible (without tweaking).

I don't have that folder structure you mentioned, but I do have it under ...Roaming/Comodo... and no gm_scripts folder. I added the folder and followed the directions, but GM just won't see the .js file. This is the first headache I've run into with this browser. (shrug)

Thanks again for the help. :)

1 decade ago

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Yeah no biggie, let's try something else.

  1. Install Scriptish and restart.

  2. Click OP's link, which is

  3. You should see something like this

It works for me as you can see.
I hope that helps!

1 decade ago

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Maybe IceDragon's enhanced security settings are preventing something from working.

Try opening the GM scripts window and dragging the installation script saved on your desktop into it. If that doesn't work, I don't know what else will.

1 decade ago

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There are 2 script window options in GM for me.. "Manage User Scripts" (which just launches the add-on feature of the browser) and "New User Scripts". I've tried dragging the .js file into New User Scripts, but nothing happens.

1 decade ago

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Try copying and pasting the contents of the install script into the "New User Scripts" window.

1 decade ago

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Thanks everyone for your help on this. All efforts have just failed. I'm almost certain that GreaseMonkey is not functioning correctly in this browser. So I'm going to simply uninstall it and use Chrome to try out the script for its filtering. :)

1 decade ago

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So have you tried my suggestion with Scriptish? I tested it myself and it works just fine.

1 decade ago

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No I haven't. I did switch over to Comodo Dragon (Chrome with added Comodo security) and the script is running great. is much nicer in this browser.

@Psyren89: Great script! I've been wanting more filtering for a long time. :)

1 decade ago

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I really do appreciate the up-to-date DLC list. However, with the "Hide DLC for games I don't own" option enabled, it's actually filtering out some DLC for games that I DO own. I just realized this when SG+ took a bit to apply itself and I saw a giveaway for "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction Insurgency Pack" at the top of the list. As soon as SG+ loaded though, it disappeared. Turning off that option brought it back. I've owned the base game for a while and it shows up under my list of games on SG. I don't own the DLC. Something to look into when you get a chance.

1 decade ago

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That's an interesting one. Steam must not properly report that you own the game, so SG+ is hiding it. Can you check your owned games list (Account > Sync Account) and see if the parent game (Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition) is listed? Or if not, what is actually there? I'm thinking it may be something to do with what SG reports the game's title as...

1 decade ago

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I have the Deluxe Edition on Steam but SG is listing it as "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction" on my games list. I received the game back when there was the standard version and the deluxe version. Now there only seems to be the deluxe version, so maybe that's a contributing factor.

1 decade ago

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Ok, I'll add another entry to the list and see what happens.

EDIT: wait, by SG+'s logic, that won't work. I'll have to modify the filter to either match the deluxe edition or the standard edition. Both won't work...

1 decade ago

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Is the game actually showing up as "Deluxe Edition" in the SG games list for anyone? Because I have deluxe and it's not. So maybe it's best to have the entry in the DLC list be the standard edition.

EDIT: the deluxe edition shows up as a DLC on Steam for my version

1 decade ago

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Does it show up as "deluxe edition" or "deluxe edition upgrade"?
I'll change the title to point to the non-deluxe edition, that should keep most people happy.

1 decade ago

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Steam lists the DLC as "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction - Deluxe CD Key." I purchased the deluxe edition rather than the standard edition plus deluxe upgrade.

Possibly related, SG is showing that I own Natural Selection 2 Deluxe, when in fact I don't.

1 decade ago

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I don't know what the deal with NS is, unfortunately. Is it SG or SG+?

1 decade ago

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SG. I only mention it because, not knowing how SG retrieves games/DLC from profiles, I thought perhaps it just retrieved "deluxe edition" and assigned it to NS2 rather than Conviction. Probably not, but then again how did it come up with NS2 Deluxe...

1 decade ago

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SG will ask the Steam API for the games you own, I assume :\

1 decade ago

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This has stopped working for me. The link in the OP shows as unavailable.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It's "hear, hear", and Github is down. Nothing I can do about it.

1 decade ago

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It's back up! No worries.

1 decade ago

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Github has derped and is not sending the script with a MIME type of text/plain, rather than application/javascript. This may break the script on some browsers (I have no idea about Firefox, but it's the case with the newest Chrome). I'll see what I can do, but if anyone has any suggestions on where to host SGPAA, let me know.

1 decade ago

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How about I'm not sure if you can use it for the intention of automatically updating the script, but its worth a look.

1 decade ago

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Or google code

1 decade ago

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Looking into Github pages now. I've already set up automated minifying and such with Travis, so all I'd have to do is point it at a different branch.

1 decade ago

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Just stopped working at chrome Version 35.0.1916.114 m. Tried in 3 different machines, same version: same error... :/

1 decade ago

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Temporary fix is up, more permanent solution in the works (shouldn't have to change anything from the temp solution once it's up, though).

1 decade ago

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Thank you.

1 decade ago

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If anyone knows how to get Travis or any other CI framework to automatically push/sync files between different branches on Github, let me know.

Otherwise, things should be fixed now. Follow directions listed in the OP.

1 decade ago

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Look at all those CoH DLC!

I wish it had been included in the DLC list.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by psyren89.