
hey there, ,, so story time.
been doing some testing and created a bunch of public GA for nonCV and bundled keys i had, and you would think setting it to level 1 would filter some bad apples. Yet i get multiple flags on a bunch of users thanks to ESGST. And since im in a good mood after a friends wedding, with the keys been given free before, Also after checking they seem to have been good users for the last year (no broken rules in 2017).
i wonder if its right to report the users, are we meant to report every violation anyway?

also,, how was your day? pQkca

6 years ago*

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GA winner broke the rules before (multiple wins/not activated)

View Results
Report but gift him anyway
Ask for re-roll and report
just ask for re-roll and give him a chance
If its over a year old just ignore it
He is a Potato,, who cares?!!

You don't have to report every violation. Check the entire profiles (SG & Steam) and give a chance if you think profile is fair. Depends of your mood in fact ^^

Use SGTools to filter the "good users" (according your rules). Here is an example:

level >= 2 and last_multiple_win <= date_modify(date('now'),'-1 years') and pass_activated_rule == true and trade_ban == false and community_ban == false

With the date_modify() option you deny access to your giveaway if there are multiple wins the last year. This allows people who got multiple wins later (because they didnt knew the rule when they registered years ago, because there wasnt the actual prevention system etc.)

Missing one letter no?

6 years ago

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yeah SGT is becoming a necessity unfortunately
yep i did forget a letter, fixed it ^^

6 years ago

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Re-roll = Report

If you request a re-roll, it acts as a user report as well (support will re-roll and hand out suspension as necessary). In other words, there is no such thing as "re-roll but give the user a chance".

But back to topic, I think that reporting rule breakers is the better action to take. SG relies 99% on its users to report users who break gifting/winning-related rules, so if you can catch any, then why wait. They'll get caught eventually anyways. The only annoying thing is how there's no way to know for sure if the user already served their suspension time or not, so re-roll requests may sometimes be a waste of your time.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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rumors has it the MODs have tons of tickets to go through, wouldn't want to increase the load
i was under the impression that non activated wins = permaban unless activated

6 years ago

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Not activating a win is a 5 days suspension, same with multiple wins. I think in some cases infractions may stack suspension duration, but I'm unsure.

6 years ago

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nope, you can see basic suspensions duration at the bottom of the page . Only offences that cause instant permaban on first time are missuse of GA feedback (fake CV farming for example) and multiaccounts (and not listed Scamming I believe). Ofc you can get permaban for other things as well, but only for repeated offences, until then you only get longer suspensions for same thing. So for example someone who has 3 non-activated wins and was never reported before when caught will get 15 days suspension (5 days per non-activated win), if after that he doesn't activate 2 more he will get 20 days suspension (double suspension x 2 wins), if he continue to not activate wins he will risk permaban only then, but it's on support's discretion, it may be on 3rd time, but may be not. Generally it's not that common anyway, I remember someone from staff stating that 99% of users after getting suspended first time don't break activation rules ever again (also a lot of these suspensions are for people who didn't bother to read the rules, they get suspended, they learn it's not allowed, they don't so it again), so permabanning them would be pointless if rule already has been broken, and if they got suspended they will most likely never break rule again.

6 years ago

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reroll everything that looks shady. even private profiles
it's the only way to catch offenders.

6 years ago

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Can you actually get a reroll accepted for a private profile? o.o

6 years ago

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Does my Steam profile need to be public to use the site?

You'll need to switch to a public profile when registering, so we can confirm you have a legitimate Steam account that meets our minimum requirements. From that point on, you can use the site with a private profile. However, if you wish to enter giveaways, the site will ask you to switch to a public Steam profile once a week to bring your account up-to-date.

Edit: I was thinking this would catch rule breakers, but if the site has no automatic rule checks then I guess this wouldn't do much. Maybe support can request that the user in question sets his account to public for the purpose of verification, I'm not sure how they deal with that.

6 years ago*

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I always assumed the FAQ part is just so the site can sync any new games you got. Anyways others explained what is the process below, but thank you anyways!

6 years ago

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Support has a record of the user's previous syncs, and can check their library and account violations for you [excepting DLCs, you still need to add the user on Steam to check ownership of those; though if the user refuses to allow that, then you have grounds for a reroll anyway].

I always put in a reroll request on private profiles, so that Support can check them for me. While it's more work on our volunteer staff, it's still a lot less stress overall than trying to back-and-forth with the winner, especially given that private profile users seem to tend toward pricklyness. This way, rules are properly checked, and the winner gets to avoid needing to add any new friends or adjust their profile privacy for any duration.

While I've not noticed any clear trend to indicate that private profiles are less reliable than other users at higher levels, private profiles in lower-level public entry do seem to be reliable red flags. Definitely get private profile winners checked with public giveaways, if you're swimming in those piranha-infested waters to begin with.

6 years ago*

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I had no idea they actually had records. I never got uncooperative winners that didn't want to switch their profile to public either. If I ever encounter one now I will know what to do :) Thank you for the informative answer!

6 years ago

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I had no idea they actually had records.

You can actually view your own owned games list at any time, through your account page. I recall staff mentioning they can check against past syncs as well, allowing them to easily note if there's been any exploitation on the account.

6 years ago*

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I was aware that existed but it has never crossed my mind that moderators could access the list of any user (which thinking about it makes a lot of sense than they can). Well TIL :)

6 years ago

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they can check for you and if there's something wrong, you get a reroll.

6 years ago

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Ahhh I thought it was something like an automatic reroll or something like that. I only had to happen a couple of times before that winners had private profiles and when asked to turn it public to check they both did and were clean. Good to know if I ever encounter someone that refuses to colaborate, thanks for the answer :)

6 years ago

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I don't get it, probably because its very late for me and because i never used ESGST..
1 - I thought that at this point not activated/multiple win checker is build in steamgifts. So you cant get two games.
2 - Does ESGST show you if user was or wasn't punished? And for what? (You wont be banned forever because of one mistake)
I mean if someone was alredy punished for that thats ok, he got banned for some time, can't enter some sg-tool protected GA... but why reroll him in normal GA and report him for the same thing?

6 years ago

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1 - I thought that at this point not activated/multiple win checker is build in steamgifts. So you cant get two games.

This is a new feature so past infractions are still a possibility. There's also the event where a user may win 2 giveaways exactly at the same time, in which case I believe one win does not cancel out the other (but don't quote me on that). In addition, there are some giveaways which are glitchy and allows for entering even though you own the game (usually packages, bundles, special editions etc).

2 - Does ESGST show you if user was or wasn't punished? And for what?

No, ESGST is just a userscript that, among other things, allows you to enter giveaways from the main page without opening the giveaway itself (see attached image below). Realistically, there's no actual way to verify if a user was suspended for a rules infraction, unless you're support OR you contact support so they can verify for you.

why reroll him in normal GA and report him for the same thing?

As I said, there's no way to know whether or not a user was suspended for breaking any rules - For this reason, when encountering a user who has inactivated/multiple wins, they only option is to request a re-roll (which also acts as a user report) and support will suspend/re-roll accordingly (if the user was already suspended for the offense, the re-roll will be denied and no suspension will be handed out).

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Okay, thanks for nice explanation.
Now rerolling makes much more sense.

6 years ago

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You're welcome!

6 years ago

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2 - Does ESGST show you if user was or wasn't punished? And for what? (You wont be banned forever because of one mistake)
I mean if someone was alredy punished for that thats ok, he got banned for some time, can't enter some sg-tool protected GA... but why reroll him in normal GA and report him for the same thing?

ESGST adds a button and a new dialog to the GA winner page with both SGTools checks. It also caches the result (e.g. when you have many GAs ending at the same time, check a winner by this function and later the same user won another GA, it directly shows the result).
I assume that the OP meant this.

6 years ago*

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What does it flag exactly?

6 years ago

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something like this

Failed to send gifts to 6 winners (check the tooltips to find out the cause of the failures)
6 years ago

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I've asked for rerolls in this case (user has past non-activated wins). In all cases support has told me the user has already served his 2-week account suspension, so they don't reroll. I stopped submitting tickets for non-activated wins that are older than 3 months.

6 years ago

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yeah, thats looks like the reasonable action

6 years ago

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if my winner has any rulebreaks, I send a reroll request, if the suspension was already served, they get their win.
Else, support issues a suspension and a reroll.
Now, some users stop submitting tickets if the infractinos were over 3/6/12 months old, but picture this: I've found users (even among my winners) with at least one multiple win, and over 5 or 10 not activated wins, even though all those infractions were over a year old, they wer quite severe. And sometimes, they did not have a suspension yet. So, I ask a reroll for every rule-breaking winner.

Support is now really fast, as my reroll tickets were open for less than a day, and even my 15 user reports from this week were resolved within 2 days (I decided to check everyone who commented on any of my giveaways in the last 6 months).

EDIT: aslo, my day is okay, I guess, thanks for asking.

6 years ago

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