TL;DR Version - pirate that uses SteamGifts

Story - Person asks me if The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a good game, says he loves RPGs with NPC interaction, etc. I told him it's a great game and he should pick it up on the Steam winter sale, and he replies with nah, I'll just piratebay it. I know he has a SteamGifts account, won't say how because I don't want to hint anything.

What are your thoughts about this? Why do pirates even bother having a SteamGifts account?

1 decade ago*

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Why do you assume that someone who pirates games has no desire to own them? Or that he/she will pirate everything?

I've barely pirated anything since I started using Steam, due to my ever-expanding backlog. However, if a game is published by a company I'm boycotting (Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Activision, Capcom) then I will most definitely pirate it. Same goes for games with extra DRM and ones that I consider overpriced.

1 decade ago

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Except that i pirate nearly every game before i buy it, so i know what i'm about to pay for.

1 decade ago

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What the hell!?!!? The point of a boycott is to stop a company from doing something wrong! Pirating their shit is the exact opposite of this! You use boycotting as an excuse to pirate you ass. Plus what major games come out that yuo don't pirate?

1 decade ago

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-- "The point of a boycott is to stop a company from doing something wrong!"
-- Exactly

-- "Pirating their shit is the exact opposite of this!"
-- Nope. By pirating their games, I'm sending a clear message - "Your game is good enough for me to care, but I'm refusing to pay you because I don't agree with your policies". From then on, it's up to them to stop doing whatever is pissing me off if they want my money.

-- "Plus what major games come out that yuo don't pirate?"
-- If by "major" you mean AAA console ports, those generally don't interest me enough to even bother pirating them.

1 decade ago

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-- "Pirating their shit is the exact opposite of this!"
-- Nope. By pirating their games, I'm sending a clear message - "Your game is good enough for me to care, but I'm refusing to pay you because I don't agree with your policies". From then on, it's up to them to stop doing whatever is pissing me off if they want my money.

BULLSHIT! You just want shit for free. Don't try and say, "Your game is good.....but I don't agree with X or Y, so I should get it for free." That will never be and has never been a reason to pirate.

You boycott you don't get the product or service. Plain and fucking simple.

1 decade ago

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Sometimes, some people don't have the money for even $30 games, imagine that.

1 decade ago

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Nice necro, and I never buy my games on sales, I make sure my money lasts; plus, you don't even NEED games, so why pirate?

1 decade ago

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You have odd criteria for necro-ing. The thread is barely a few days old.

1 decade ago

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Agreed. It's not really necro-ing if it's done in the same day as the last post

1 decade ago

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I always thought necroing is like bringing back a thread that is dead or about to die

1 decade ago

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If it's in the same day, it's not dead. And it doesn't really seem like anything was made final, so it might not be obvious that it was about to die. Considering you made the thread, if you feel it's done, you could just hit the close button in the top right.

1 decade ago

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+1 for DEFINITELY NOT NECRO, and everyone NEEDS food, and no one NEEDS tobacco, so why are there tobacco farms where there could be food farms and people are starving? People WANT to play games, so they pirate them. I'm sure, in most cases, the person pirating doesn't have the means to get the game.

1 decade ago

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I pirate cause I don't have enough money to get the games I do pirate and/or the game in question is not available in my region.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Kill yourself.

1 decade ago

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Oh, you again. Made me laugh. Have a cookie.

Not clicking that, thought.

1 decade ago

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Not sure why this is brought up, pirates are free to do what they want, it's like rich people. :P

1 decade ago

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Closing this for a few reasons, some more obvious than others.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by DoubleQuarterPounder.