Australian Grand Prix

Also running: Gent-Wevelgem in Flanders Fields 2018

How it works

Predicting the winner would be much too easy in a field of twenty where only six drivers (if that) will likely contest most wins. To make things more interesting you will have to predict the top three finishers in the correct order and do so before the start of the qualifying session on Saturday.

Race Preview

The first race of the season; everyone starts fresh and no one really knows what the teams are capable of. The 'winter' tests ended just last week but most teams have been playing hide and seek so we don't really know what they are capable of. Most 'experts' seem to agree that Mercedes is still the strongest but it's very unclear how Ferrari and Red Bull are really doing. Reliability will be the key word this season.

The top three finishers will likely be found here:

Both at Mercedes and Ferrari they have one driver that is cleary better than the other; at Red Bull things seem to be a bit closer between the drivers, could make things interesting. But in the end having a good car is the most important thing so we might be getting Mercedes one-two finishes...

Leave your predictions below; you can use this template:

1. xxxx
2. xxxx
3. xxxx

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  1. Vettel
  2. Hamilton
  3. Rรคikkรถnen
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6 years ago*

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Predictions Closed

6 years ago

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Bottas went boing...

6 years ago

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After one race it looks like Mercedes will easily win this season, yet again.

If not for the (virtual) safety car, Hamilton would have won handily.

Uncharacteristic mistake by Verstappen today but Red Bull and Ferrari look pretty close; their battles will help Mercedes even more.

6 years ago

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Nice prediction.
It was quite annoying to see Alonso holding everyone up. Had overtaking been easier he'd have been outside the top 10 probably.
Poor Haas :/

6 years ago

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Still, it's vindication for their decision to leave Honda and opt for Renault, when Gasly's engine failed. Can't really argue with that ;)

6 years ago

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I was close but failed again!!
๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜ญ

6 years ago

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At least you got all three right, so yours was still the best prediction ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

6 years ago

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