Should steamgift make a rule to not re-gifted from the site chrono to here.
This sounds like an issue for that other site to handle, not for SteamGifts to handle.
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Because no one understands the context of the matter of personal gain. This same principal as regifting on here to what you won in the first place.
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The person didn't use any money or ask the dev for some key to post on here as the way to promote. Does seem to fair that everyone else had to shill it out while few are bending the rules slightly for their own personal gain
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ask the dev for some key to post on here as the way to promote.
Do not ask users or developers for keys or gifts, whether in comments, chat, or outside the site.
I still don't know what is your problem with that site.
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I mean all you did on the site so far is just leech , so dont act like Mother Theresa please ...
Also i honestly dont understand your issue with it ... did a game you wanted to idle ran out of stock to quickly ?
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Voted no, never heard of nor do I care about that site. I have money, what do I need fake coins for?
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Then you should not bother voting for this more for people abusing one system flaw for a gain
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People will always abuse flaws in a system no matter what that system might be.
Taxes, multiplayer cheating, CV farming from shovelware bundles, etc.
Only a very few do not abuse loopholes such as the one mentioned in this discussion.
And provided the person earned the coins to get the key in the first place, who cares what they do with it?
They still earned the key, even if they do something not intended with it.
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That kinda the point to fix the flaw new rule mean less likely of it happening
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I doubt it will change anything at all.
People will just make more accounts to farm keys, and things will just continue as they are.
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Actually yes case in point the pit that soul out within 10mins. I'm more suggestion addition ruling to what is allow for the site. To prevent users in any form trying to cheat the system making more stable and healthy community.
As you can see from user
Key farming by bot / bunch of alt accounts is already a well known thing, there's always gonna be some people who think they're smarter than the rest...
One thing that makes it quite more painful is the fact that chrono has this small, but very cool and united community.
The people doing that are sorta stealing from this community, wich provides the games in the first place...
We know people can make all the accounts they want and farm them then regifted them to over here. There is no control of the fact people can freely be regifted keys because they bought to make their teir level go up kinda how people try to do that with on here and we tell them to remove it from the listing because of the same reason.
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There are several members with multi accounts (I read in the comments from one of those giveaways a person proudly saying that he has 6 accounts to farm coins everyday in but one of the admins wrote in their forums that they are taking measures to prevent this problem. There will always be ways to cheat the system but at least they will improve this matter.
btw, move this thread to off-topic because this category is only for bugs & suggestions related with Steamgifts
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Look understand where is the fine line between all this that what you should be asking should we allow same shit pardon my language that we deal with right now aka regifters to just think they can get away with it from another site that they got for free. As well those that work to grind that tier ladder legit.
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Bugs/Suggestions is for points pertaining to Steamgifts. Giving those keys away here isn't breaking any of this sites rules - and even if it was against Chrono's rules it wouldn't matter as it still wouldn't be breaking the rules here.
This "issue" is purely down to Chrono's staff to resolve.
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There is absolutely no way to know where a key came from, so it would be impossible to regulate on this site. Voted no as a matter of practicality.
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Sg isn't!?!
Does that mean I didn't have to submit to that cavity search?
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again I voted NO - because you cannot police where someone got their steam key from - it is not like each steam key has some magic watermark saying chrono, or humble bundle, or indigala etc... - thus it is not something anyone can, or would even want to, try to police on this site - if you know a way, and I did ask in the thread you already started on this subject and could have edited rather than making a new thread, then please tell cg
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As someone already said in the previous topic you made, which you could have EASILY edited with the new link for reference rather than making an entirely new thread, there isn't any way to police or check for that sort of thing.
Beyond that, it's not "Re-gifting" if the game was not a free gift to them to begin with. Okay? Regifting = You were given a gift for free and then turned around and gave it away. If you purchased a key, either via actual money or a site's own currency, it wasn't a gift to you.
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Should we also not make giveaways for fames we brought with steam card profits?
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Fair or not Steamgifts has no way of tracing the origin of a key without asking for proof of purchase, something that is most certainly not gonna happen.
We can discuss how moral or not it is to regift keys you got for free elsewhere but it changes nothing.
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I don't get your point AkiraMysticMoon, what is this do with Steamgifts?
If you concern about people take all the keys while don't want and make giveaways, then this need an action from Chrono at first place, a firm hand, a smart move from its Admin, to prevent people create multi accounts to gain coins, and a system forces users activate the game on their own Steam account, there is nothing to do with Steamgifts.
All you know is looking at Steamgifts and think this place is the only reason, have you looked at any trading site? Any grey market? to investigate how many keys from Chrono ended up there? Even if Steamgifts doesn't exist the problem still the same, free is free and people will abuse it since Chrono has no clearly rules for users about using their keys, all will end up on grey market for sure.
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Sorry if this is a dumb question, and feel free to berate me for it....but what is CV Farming?
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As far as I understand it- basically when someone buys a cheap bundle (sometimes multiple times) with the intend of only giving it away for "CV". Y'know, not because they wanna share the games in it or because they got some of the games from it and have leftovers- only because they can get 10$ by spending 1$ or something...
(Of course there is no way for people to know what the intend was without a mind reading device but people like to blame others for whatever they can come up with constantly. XD )
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Thanks for less thing in the world i don't know!!!
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This come into context now with this link right here----> <----
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