Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)

An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.


Tested and confirmed as working:

  • Chrome (since v55)
  • Firefox (since v52)
  • Pale Moon

Not tested but should be working:

  • Any Chromium-based browser (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...)

Not supported:

  • Edge
  • Safari


There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.

Option 1 - Extension

It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).

You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Option 2 - Userscript

To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.

You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Beta Versions

The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.

7 years ago*

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The new Enter Giveaway button unfortunately doesn't appear to do anything. Clicking it doesn't popup a description, and also doesn't enter the giveaway (as confirmed on the giveaway page itself).

Also, I tried clicking "Leave" on a giveaway I'd already entered, and, while it takes away the "leave" button (it should probably add back the Enter Giveaway button in its place), it didn't actually remove me from the giveaway.

7 years ago

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It's actually a popup like the ones for the checkers. And yes, it only pops up if there is actually a description.

7 years ago

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yeah, i saw that. i think that's a pretty fair compromise really, and not encouraging them to ignore descriptions at all since it's the default now. ^^

7 years ago

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Popping up the description upon clicking the button if it has any is the best that I can do, sorry. Only showing a button if a giveaway has a description would require all 25 giveaways on the page to be requested every time you load a giveaways page, and that would potentially stress the server. :/

7 years ago

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Thanks for that !
Is there any way to put the link to the giveaway in the description pop-up ?

7 years ago

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2017-02-23 v4.4.1

  • Made some improvements to Entered Games Highlighter and Discussions Highlighter.
  • Extended the fix for this to giveaway descriptions.
7 years ago

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I would like to request two simple things (in thesis):

  1. Can you add the nickname of who is doing the giveaway on the giveaway popup when I enter?
    I often use the nickname and some are pretty much uncommon to write... If place the nickname as well as giveaway description on that window (or whatever you call that xD) it will help a lot!

  2. Can you add filter giveaways by whitelist and groups?
    People that have me on their whitelist often write useful things on their description. If my memory serves me right, there's one script that already does that (probably ESG, but not sure). Filter giveaways by group/whitelisted (to show only groups/whitelist gibs) will shortcut my path to them, making easy to comment where my comment will be read. :)

7 years ago

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2017-02-23 v4.6.1

  • Points Refresher and Header Icons Refresher now only work if the tab is active (if you leave the tab it will stop working but once you return to that tab it will start working again).
  • Added an option to unhighlight a game in Entered Games Highlighter.
  • Added the giveaway creator's username to the description popup in Enter Giveaway Button.
7 years ago

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Okay, found it. But please, could you not do that again? The script's update turned on "Entered Giveaways Filter" after today's update, and that did hide every entered giveaway - a feature that I've never had turned on. Why does every update automatically activates everything, then I have to work around why giveaways are disappearing, why the GA-description button is on the right, why do I have a "you entered for this giveaway" highlight on a giveaway that I can't even enter because it's higher than my level, why is there a game-tag option as well. New features are nice, but not in a way that they just appear out of nowhere, being active, even the unwanted ones :\

7 years ago

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I didn't do anything, the script enables everything by default. :P It didn't turn it on, Entered Giveaways Filter is a new feature as well. Giveaway description button on the right is a revamp of that feature and it's not optional. The highlight doesn't care about levels, and it says "you entered for this game before". It servers to show you what games you might be interested in because you entered for them before. I'll add an option to the settings menu to make features disabled by default.

7 years ago

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I think he's just referring to the description popout in Enter Giveaway Button.

7 years ago

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If you click the groups button (which shows a truncated list) you end up on another page, replacing the current one. In any case, it's probably not worth the effort to implement anything here. Opening the list in another tab is what I normally do and is sufficient.

"Giveaway Groups Popout" indeed is what I'm looking for (based on the description on github), but it doesn't seem to work here. When I click it I end up on the regular page, no popup is displayed. And the option is enabled in the script setting.

7 years ago*

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i kinda wouldn't mind having a "Read Giveaway Description" without having a "Enter" button. Is it necessary to have those features tied together?
i don't require the comment part of the dialog, my goal would be just to read what is said in the description without loading the page. however it wouldn't bother me to have the comment part still, i just don't see it necessary if you aren't joining from the mainpage anyways.

7 years ago

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2017-02-28 v4.13

  • Renamed Enter Giveaway Button to Enter / Leave Giveaway Button.
  • The buttons in Enter / Leave Giveaway Button are now also updated when you enter / leave a giveaway.
  • Removed the option to display giveaway descriptions from Enter Giveaway Button and added it as a separate feature: Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup.
  • Added Giveaway Winning Chance.
  • Added the option to mark discussions with 0 comments as visited in Comment Tracker.
  • Forgot to mention in the update to v4.12 that I inverted the icons in Stickied Giveaway Groups.

Enter / Leave Giveaway Button


  • Allows you to enter / leave giveaways directly from the giveaways pages.

Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup


  • Allows you to view giveaway descriptions and add comments to giveaways directly from the giveaways pages.
  • You can enable an option to show it automatically upon entering a giveaway if Enter / Leave Giveaway Button is enabled.

Giveaway Winning Chance


  • Displays your winning chance for a giveaway.
7 years ago

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Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup unchecked (disabled ?) causes one to show.

7 years ago

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I too suggest that this should be implemented and in a way that you mark where do you want the functions to be available. And by functions I mean Enter / Leave Button, comment and description popup, generally all of these features. Thank you again for your hard work and effort.

7 years ago

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2017-02-28 v4.14

  • Changed the background color of popouts to white.
  • Added Featured Container Hider and Grid View.
  • Extended Enter / Leave Giveaway Button, Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup and Giveaway Winning Chance to "/user/" and "/group/".
  • Fixed a bug that was popping up the Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup popup even if the feature was disabled.

Featured Container Hider


  • Hides the featured container in the giveaways pages.

Grid View


View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago*

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I want to give some suggestions about the "Enter / Leave Giveaway Button". Assuming I have 20 points now and I like to enter a GA required 15 points. After I click the "enter button", the button becomes "Not Enough Points" instead of "Leave". If I have enough points and enter a GA successfully, it should become "Leave". (this should be fixed, too) And once it becomes "Not Enough Points", there is nothing I can do but refresh that page, wait the points refresher (if enabled) or open the GA page. I suggest you could let the "Not Enough Points" become a button and when the user clicks it, it becomes "Enter" again and the user could try to enter that GA again without doing other actions or wait.

1.Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup
 1.1Pop up when entering a giveaway if Enter / Leave Giveaway Button is enabled.

This function is broken. If you only enable 1 but not 1.1, it's not working.

I have put it on the GitHub issue list.

7 years ago*

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2017-03-01 v4.14.1

  • Optimized Whitelist / Blacklist Checker and Not Activated / Multiple Wins Checker to show the results faster in the settings menu.
  • Fixed a bug in Enter / Leave Giveaway Button that prevented the page from loading correctly if there was a private giveaway in the page.
  • Made it so that the "Not Enough Points" button is shown separated from the "Enter" button, so that you can try to enter a giveaway again without having to refresh the page or wait for Points Refresher (if you have it enabled).
  • Fixed a bug that wasn't popping up the Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup popup if the giveaway had no description and added that as a separate option.
  • Fixed a bug that wasn't calculating the odds correctly in giveaway pages in Giveaway Winning Chance.
7 years ago

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2017-03-01 v4.14.2

  • Revamped Settings Menu and added more options for importing / exporting / deleting data.
  • Changed the order that Enter / Leave Giveaway Button, Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup and Giveaway Winning Chance appear.
7 years ago

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Cache never updates. There's no reason to pull all the user's giveaways a second time.

Mine does take in all copies, yes, but I thought SGTools also did that? I'll have to look into SGTools later to compare, but as I mentioned in the description of the feature, results are not 100% accurate if an user has not received giveaways.

7 years ago

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technically what about changing out the entire header to 5.0 except changing the version to 4.9 so it updates to 5.0 properly?

// ==UserScript==
// @name ESGST
// @namespace revilheart
// @author revilheart
// @description Adds some cool features to SteamGifts.
// @version 4.9
// @downloadURL https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/raw/master/ESGST.user.js
// @updateURL https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/raw/master/ESGST.meta.js
// @match https://www.steamgifts.com/*
// @match https://www.steamtrades.com/*
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @connect steamgifts.com
// @connect script.google.com
// @connect script.googleusercontent.com
// @connect sgtools.info
// @connect steamcommunity.com
// @connect api.steampowered.com
// @require https://github.com/rafaelgs18/rhSGST/raw/master/Features/FixedElements.v5.0.js
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/26575-bpopup/code/bPopup.js?version=169515
// @require https://cdn.steamgifts.com/js/highcharts.js
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
7 years ago

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Then you're in luck because I just happen to have a few minutes to kill so I've created a new list for you based on the current README.md:

## Features
### General
* [Settings Menu](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#settings-menu)
* [Fixed Elements](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#fixed-elements)
* [Endless Scrolling](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#endless-scrolling)
* [Grid View](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#grid-view)
* [Header Icons Refresher](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#header-icons-refresher)
* [Accurate Timestamp](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#accurate-timestamp)
* [Points Refresher](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#points-refresher)

### Giveaways
* [Giveaway Templates](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#giveaway-templates)
* [Stickied Giveaway Groups](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#stickied-giveaway-groups)
* [Advanced Giveaway Search](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#advanced-giveaway-search)
* [Entered Giveaways Filter](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#entered-giveaways-filter)
* [Enter / Leave Giveaway Button](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#enter--leave-giveaway-button)
* [Giveaway Description / Comment Box Popup](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#giveaway-description--comment-box-popup)
* [Giveaway Winning Chance](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#giveaway-winning-chance)
* [Giveaway Groups Popout](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#giveaway-groups-popout)
* [Giveaway Winners Link](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#giveaway-winners-link)
* [Delivered Gifts Notifier](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#delivered-gifts-notifier)
* [Unsent Gifts Sender](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#unsent-gifts-sender)
* [Entries Remover](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#entries-remover)

### Discussions
* [Active Discussions On Top](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#active-discussions-on-top)
* [Discussions Highlighter](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#discussions-highlighter)
* [Main Post Popup](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#main-post-popup)
* [Discussion Edit Detector](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#discussion-edit-detector)

### Comments / Commenting
* [Comment History](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#comment-history)
* [Comment Tracker](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#comment-tracker)
* [Comment Formatting Helper](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#comment-formatting-helper)
* [Main Comment Box Popup](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#main-comment-box-popup)
* [Multi-Reply](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#multi-reply)
* [Reply From Inbox](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#reply-from-inbox)
* [Reply Mention Link](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#reply-mention-link)

### Users
* [Username History](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#username-history)
* [Permanent User Notes](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#permanent-user-notes)
* [Real Won / Sent CV Links](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#real-won--sent-cv-links)
* [Sent / Won Ratio](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#sent--won-ratio)
* [SteamGifts Profile Button](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#steamgifts-profile-button)
* [SteamTrades Profile Button](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#steamtrades-profile-button)
* [Shared Groups Checker](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#shared-groups-checker)
* [Permanent User Tags](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#permanent-user-tags)
* [Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#whitelist--blacklist-highlighter)
* [Whitelist / Blacklist Checker](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#whitelist--blacklist-checker)
* [Not Activated / Multiple Wins Checker](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#not-activated--multiple-wins-checker)
* [Not Received Finder](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#not-received-finder)
* [User Giveaways Data](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#user-giveaways-data)
* [Inbox Winners Highlighter](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#inbox-winners-highlighter)
* [Avatar Popout](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#avatar-popout)

### Games
* [Entered Games Highlighter](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#entered-games-highlighter)
* [Game Tags](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#game-tags)

### Other
* [Featured Container Hider](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#featured-container-hider)
* [Blacklist Stats Hider](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#blacklist-stats-hider)
* [Multi-Tag](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#multi-tag)
* [Groups Highlighter](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#groups-highlighter)
* [Groups Stats](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#groups-stats)
* [Archive Searcher](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#archive-searcher)
* [Other Info](https://github.com/rafaelgs18/ESGST/blob/master/README.md#other-info)
7 years ago

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Would it be possible/reasonable to add giveaway descriptions in a tooltip rather than in a popup, or in addition to the popup?

7 years ago

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It's not possible to add giveaway descriptions in a tooltip. What do you mean in addition to the popup? It already appears in addition to the popup.

7 years ago

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Sign in through Steam to add a comment.