Again me.... what can i need to do to make someone similar like this? I need to create a interactive map where i can click on citys for detail and zoom.
i already have the map, i need just zoom and add icons and info, images, link..

6 years ago*

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there is Leaflet but javascript is more complex than HTML imo

edit: additionally i heard some map creators use realtimeboard and it maight be easier for you since no html or coding knowledge is required

6 years ago*

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i can do that without any knownledge of programmation?

6 years ago

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You've already asked for help and got a few dozen of useful replies yesterday. You've disregarded all of them and asked again, completely disrespecting not only the SG community by creating another thread for exactly the same thing, but first and foremost people that have attempted to help you in the last one.

I don't know why you decided that it was a good idea instead of adding your 2 sentences of extra info right in the top, but you've already opened one thread about this and that's enough in my opinion.

6 years ago*

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sorry.... i say Thanks with one edit. i check all reply and i see all. Just is a real similar request but not about a website but about a interactive map, little bit different question

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by AlbyPhenix.