To start off, I'm not perfect, if you notice any flaws with the things I describe, feel free to correct me. However, don't just tell me that it's a bad idea and not say why. I want to create a discussion, not an angry mess.


  • It's hidden from new users. Nowhere on the "create a giveaway" page is there a clear explanation of what the bundle system actually is, how it affects your contributor value or what the * next to the name of the game means. If you want to find it, you have to find the FAQ, which is on the very bottom of the site (a place that may not be discovered if you're using SG+ like a lot of people) and find an explanation in a very specific question. Not only this, the FAQ is my opinion more to solve problems. It's good to read it before you do anything on the site, but it's far from necessary.
    When people don't get contributor value for bundle games, even though the deserve it, they go to the forum to find an answer. This is where they get a ton of shit from the community and eventually get pointed at the thread hidden in the FAQ. At this point, they have given away a game through the site which they won't get back and have received an unhealthy portion of abuse. In my eyes, they have been cheated out of contributor value because they didn't read the little details hidden away in some thread.

  • The greatest offense of them all happened recently. The mods came out and said that the Humble Weekly Sale will not be added to the bundle list. Now they have changed their mind and a lot of people are losing contributor value retroactivly. I've seen someone that payed for 10$ in these sales, yet now they'll only receive 30$ contributor value. They are literally tricking people into giving away lots of weekly sales, to later rob them of their contributor value. He could have taken those 10$ and bought a bundle on amazon or bought some games on steam and received 50$ to 100$ of contributor value, yet he didn't have the choice because the system was changed after he gave the games away, and he can't get his prizes back.

  • The system isn't homogeneous. Bundles that are essentially 75% off are added, yet games that are on sale for 90% or 95% on amazon, steam or other places are in the clear.

  • If you give away a full bundle to one person (example), you get the same you payed for the bundle or even less (if you payed double the average). This is quite odd, because these bundles offer a lot of awesome games in a package, yet you get contributor value that matches what you paid for it in the best case scenario. You're punishing people for giving away awesome bundles and encouraging them to just buy the game that is on sale on steam, if they want to build up some kind of contributor value.

  • You discourage people to give away games. Personally, I like VVVVVV and I've thought about giving it away, but if I don't receive any contributor value for it, why should I bother going through SG? I feel cheated out of something I should get, because I payed for it, but I can't get because of the system.

  • There are way too many contributor giveaways. We should give away to those who can't afford games, yet we're just giving away to those who have enough money to just gift games to random people. The contributors are lovely people and should be thanked properly, but with the amount of of contributor giveaways, it feels more like you need to gift something before you can win anything, and at that point you're turning the site into steamtrades.

I could probably go on for a little while, but now some solutions.


  • Best possible scenario? Get rid of it all. We should be happy for anything that gets gifted to the community, even bundle games. There is no clear way to give people exactly the contributor value they deserve (the price they paid) and with so many games being in bundles, a lot of awesome games are not given away just because they don't earn you more contributor value. Still want to weed out the "farmers"? I disagree with that, but you can still create giveaway groups and private giveaways to gift to those who in your eyes have contributed enough to this community.

  • You can also reduce the contributor value for bundle games to 1$. This means you can't "farm" insane amounts of contributor value from bundles, yet you don't get limited to 30$ if you decide to give away lots of bundles. It's an option I've seen suggested on the forum, but I think this would still create an unfair advantage from cheap bundles (indie gala, 10 games for 3$) to expensive bundles (indie royale, 4 games for 5$). I suggest there is a set percentage of the total game value you get, which varies from bundle to bundle, so that people don't buy a ton of indie galas, just because they gain more contributor value from it. How we calculate the percentage, I don't have an idea for, but feel free to suggest anything below. This idea is probably going to be shot down anyways, so I'm not going to invest time into thinking a system out to determine the percentage for now.

  • EDIT: Another suggestion was to work with entries on your giveaway. For example, you set 1000 entries for your giveaway, which means that you need to have 1000 entries on giveaways you created. There are a couple problems with this system (private and group giveaways get less "contributor value" and it encourages making giveaways 2 months long.

These are 3 solutions that I remember off the top of my head and I've been working on this for too long, so I'm going to stop for now. Got any other, better solutions? Write a comment and if they make sense, I'll add them to the thread.

I hope some of the mods and critics of me take some time to read this and tell me what's wrong with the suggestions, or start thinking about implementing them (okay I'm dreaming here). I hope the community and the mods can work this out, because the problems with the current system are too big not to do something about it.

If there are any spelling mistakes or sentences that don't make any sense, excuse me and feel free to correct them or ask me to clarify.

1 decade ago*

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I figured this would get ugly. I never saw the thing in the FAQ, so when my contributor value was not what I thought it would be, I submitted a ticket. I was politely informed how SG operates, and I accepted that explanation. I continue to accept it.

My one thought is this: I have given away $70 worth of games. My contributor value is $30. When I see a giveaway that is between $30.01 and $70, I think, "How petty do they really have to be to have made this overly complicated system to cheat me out of, not a game, but a one in hundreds or thousands CHANCE of winning a game?" But that's just what I think when I see them. I don't believe my contributor value should be raised. I think a similar thing when I see a giveaway for a much higher contributor value. For example the guy who is always making $500/$1000 giveaways. You all know who I mean. If you can afford to give that much, you don't need a free game. I'm a guy who works for a living and pays bills -- yet somehow, I'm on SG and I've given away $70 worth of games.

Here's my suggestion. And it's in no way meant to be taken seriously at all. As I said, I accept the way SG operates now. It may not be perfect, but it's not terrible and hey, I have gotten one free game already. I haven't gotten nearly what I've given and that's before I consider my time, but I have gotten more than I expected. I'm not complaining. Anyway, the suggestion: Let people choose whether to make a contributor giveaway or not. No amount set. If they have gifted the value of the game or more, they're in. If not, they're out. The only other option is a non-contributor giveaway in which everyone can get in. That way, there would be no game $30 or less (or $70 or less, if the bundle thing went away -- since bundles are limited, it should be what the game costs when the gift is given) I could not enter a drawing for. But something like the GTA bundle would be out of my reach. And what would make people gift more than $100 in games? I dunno. Rewards of some kind? View the site without ads, automatically enter givewaways (e.g. create a watch list, like say "Tomb Raider" and any game matching that, you enter), things like that. I don't know. If you have that much to give, you're a generous person, but you probably don't need more free games. Right? So create value elsewhere.

1 decade ago

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People make $30.01 giveaways on purpose to let only certain sub-group of contributors pass. No one is forcing them, they choose so. My advice for anyone who has problems rising above that limit and is suffering from it.

  • Next time you see a dollar bundle: skip it.
  • Buy the most cheap (non-bundle) DLC on Steam and gift it here.
  • Enjoy entering those giveaways now.
1 decade ago

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Just one little correction:

Buy Fortix on Steam and gift it here.


1 decade ago

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That is one obvious option but I chose DLC for example as they can be cheaper (about half) than Fortix.

1 decade ago

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Yup, best way for stable CV is buying 99 cent (24 cent 75% off) DLCs that never drop in base price.

1 decade ago

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I have a simple question for the OP. Ever wondered why the 90+% off sales from Steam, etc are not labeled as bundle games in SteamGifts, despite all that data being already processed by SteamGameSales and thus available?

It should be trivial to add those deals automatically and make sure nobody gets inappropriate CV from deeply discounted games. Compare with bundle list? managed manually.

First hint: referrals.
Second hint: no amount of sensible reasoning about this will ever result in any change.

1 decade ago

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How would you implement it?

And since when Steam has referrals?

1 decade ago

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I don't really see how someone who essentially contributed nothing should be concerned with contributor system. It's not made for you.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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TL:DR, but Sales=/=Bundles, thanks.

1 decade ago

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A better cap for the contribution value that can be requested by the person gifting the game might help, imo its the sight of multiple Hundred (or thousand in some cases) of dollar requirements to enter a giveaway that drives ppl to farm contribution values, some of the contribution requirements on something that is meant to be a giveaway are a little harsh to say the least.

Im sure this has been suggested before and shot down so feel free to flame away, its just my opinion as a newbie here is all.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I think it's good as it is. Bundle games = more common, more people have them, hence those giveaways are discouraged (but not forbidden!). Also, games that are not bundle games are being encouraged, because they are in higher demand.
Enough said.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Are you serious? Get rid of it all?!
That's like saying you donate to something to kickstarter without getting something special in return.

I veto this.

1 decade ago

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For stypid mans and women

You buy bundle games and help children, poor mans and another. It's noble cause.

And about another sales - valve and another companies grab money from idiots. So you agree with that fact and that's why this games isn't in bundle list

1 decade ago

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1) I agree. This needs to be changed. It is very vague.

2) They didn't expect such a massive flow of giveaways. People were just trying to farm. "I've seen someone that payed for 10$ in these sales." And how many of them do you think are actually doing that?

3) It's because they single games, and not bundles. (Well I guess amazon has bundles as well.)

4) Gotta say this I agree with. It doesn't count as a bundle, but it really does encourage people to giveaway the games separately instead of as one. Though on the other hand, I guess there can be more winners?

5) Yea I agree, it is a sad thing and it really does discourage people to give away indie games.

6) Can't say I agree with this. Not all contributors are wealthy at all. Also there are plenty of giveaways for the public that need 0$ value, I just checked and it was about 300, even saw 3 or 4 Bioshock Infinites.


1) Probably. Still, I think there should be some way to reward the people who give things away.

2) That'd actually make it lower kinda. A LOT of people forget you get the indie bundle keys value back when you donate nonbundle games.

3) This isn't really a solution to the value system at all. It's an idea as old as time as self. :p

One last thing people should remember is 5x( or so) giveaways were made and have been stable since the value system came into place. If the value system just left over night, many people would stop gifting because many people do it for the value. You can say "we don't want those kind of people here." but the simple fact is they help the site live. Yes, it's not the best reason to gift at all, but many people do it for that reason, and doing that as least gives a little good for people to win games.

1 decade ago

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System is alright, just us humans are a bunch of #$)@# #$@#%, while also being @#)$)% and dicks.

1 decade ago

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There use to be no contributer system at all, the site functioned fine, honestly I could care less if there is one, its whatever, BUT problem is people do take advantage of it, best course of action I think is to leave it be and just update the Bundle list when stuff happens(like the Humble weekly).

I think people obsess to much over the system.

1 decade ago

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This site was invite only once, too. And it functioned fine. Problems started, when the site got public and each and everyone could join.

Even if there is only one 'idiot' in one hundred fine people, with this many people joining steamgifts they surely don't make just a minuscule difference.

1 decade ago

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I see your point but I feel like making it private would be way to drastic, anyways you could say this website is just like life in the real world in a way, people will cheat and do messed up things, us as the good citizens(Members, mods, what have you) should just do the best to catch and fix the fixable holes.

Nothings perfect after all.

1 decade ago

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How to fix the contributor system? Stop treating it like a pay2win system. Because it really isn't. Groups and private giveaways are still where individuals get the most wins.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I wouldn't say it's flawless; there are clearly issues. But I agree that, basically, having even a flawed CV system is superior to having no reward structure at all.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I like the system how it is at the moment.
The only thing I'd like to be different is the number of thread made almost everyday about how to change it.
And weirdly enough it's often someone with a CV < 30.01.

1 decade ago

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I've read it all. Even if I don't agree with some of your points expressed there I do think that removin the CV definitely is the only completely fair measure.

1 decade ago

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There's also the thing about sales. Noone gets mad about people giving away stuff they got cheaply in a sale and bundle games aren't free, almost, so it's pretty much a huge discount rather than something different than a discounted game in a store.

1 decade ago

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My contribution value decreased?!
It's ok but the fact that other contributors/ givers are upping the price too high to enter their giveaways is not really cool.

1 decade ago

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Don't you think that people can do as they wish with their money and gifts?

1 decade ago

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They sure can :-)
But people who got bargains or bundles shouldn't be asking $100 - $2000 for a game they bought for $5.

1 decade ago

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It's they call after all. :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You gave away just about the same shit as I did, from bundles. Yet, you already won 5 games and you're still sad that contributors up the prices of their giveaways? Not cool man. Just be happy to have giveaways below 30$ and stick with them, or buy a game elsewhere and give it.

1 decade ago

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Sorry for contributing? :-)
Sorry for winning? :-)
Those games I entered were not asking for so high of a price for entering
I entered every chance I got
You wanna win some more? enter every single day every single game you want and may just want no matter how "small" they may seem
I gave away games with no contributions necessary even though I already have contributions myself.

How about the guys who come here just to get a chance to get games they can't afford to buy, but can't even join cause it's too high.

1 decade ago

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I think the $1 bundle games is fine, if they work out the problem with that ... a game was in a bundle a year ago, ALWAYS A BUNDLE!, which is false. If someone wanted to hang onto a key for 4-8 months, I don't care if they get full credit.

I am vehemently against earned giveaway entry points, that's just turning this site into the other ...

1 decade ago

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you only giveaway 2 free game but complain,its not false steamgift if new user dont get point from bundle game and the system its fine, new user should learn to read before join/giveaway a game

1 decade ago

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I don't see anything wrong about people giving away bundle keys. As long as they don't abuse. Any game that has been a "cheap" bundle, should be flagged as such, and, only 1 should count to CV per person.

I only gave away bundle games yet, and just a few, but I only got a copy of the bundle, the games I gave away were those I already got in my collection. I could just simply gave them to anyone in my friends list, instead, I came here to give them away. If people are so worried about leechers, you got the option to create a giveaway for contributors only, at whatever the price. Clearly there are some people here that want to abuse from humble bundles and such, but the bundle games aren't the problem, people who abuse are.

Bundle games could even be considered like, 50% of retail price, but only AFTER they appear in such bundles. CV shouldn't be changed every week just because.. Get a good system going, then stick with it, but do a system where it's really hard to exploit such bundles.

And don't forget, there are always games on sale for really low prices, or giveaways on other websites, so, it's nearly impossible to keep track who's exploiting or not. This is really hard to cover. Good luck.

1 decade ago

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Honestly, I really do like the fact that you can make the giveaways semi-exclusive with this kind of system. That being said, I think the site would be better off without it, or at least with an overhaul of the system. There are plenty of times where the site just seems too exclusive in the contributor's favor. It's not something that the site did, but more about how the community handled it. Especially when you have giveaways that you needed to donate literally thousands of dollars to enter. While it also isn't necessarily a terrible thing, there's a ton of giveaways with pre-reqs of $30 or $40, but there'll be like 1 or 2 cents tacked on there. If anyone legit contributed something, but can't enter that particular giveaway (due to the extra few cents), it almost feels like a slap in the face.

That's just my two cents though. Heh, two cents.. Yeah, never mind.

1 decade ago

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Gee, whatever happened to giving away games because one is nice? Apparently you think everyone just "gives" games to get access to high CV giveaways.
And as far as "homogeneity", only bundles let you pay what you want. Amazon, Steam, etc all have fixed prices.

1 decade ago

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Long but really good discussion. I totally agree with your first point, in which FAQs stays at the bottom of the site. It's very hard to new user to notice. And we also need a little tweak toward the reply system and the way the select games to giveaway as well. Scrolling is just a pain in the *** when I want to create multiple gifts.

I really like your idea about the requirement of number of entries in order to join a giftaway. Why dont we have 2 systems, along with CV, work simultaneously. For example: I create a giveaway require 100$ CV but people with 10 entries for that game also have the chance to enter.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by DrSpychology.