I suggested that in SGv2 beta, but it didn't seem to get much attention from cg or mostly anyone else. :(
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Now that I think of it, I never actually created a thread about it. I suggested it in an already created suggestion discussion, might be why it never got much response. :P
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This is probably completely unrelated but I just thought of this because of your post:
!remindme 6h
So that I can attempt this puzzle after I get back home from work.
So that I can buy this bundle when I get home from work.
So that I can check out the latest and greatest NSFW bundle after work.
Though I'm not sure how much development work this would take. Probably a lot.
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Maybe if you open your own topic to suggest that, it'll get more attention.
As to my opinion, even though I'd probably not use it too much, if at all, it's always nice to have more features. Although, from a development perspective, it seems it would take some work to do...
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Also saw Idiosyncratic suggest it, or did he only back up the suggestion of Coraline? Either way, been done before, but it would be a really, really, really, really
really, really nice feature.
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I think this is a great idea! Like take yesterday for example, someone mentioned me in a nomination for a whitelist GA and I would have never seen it. Luckily I check my whitelist section quite regularly so I was able to join then find the comment to thank them!
So +1 I really hope they try to add this :O
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Yeah didn't see their comment, since the page didn't refresh until I sent the message xD
But yeah... Makes me real sad :'(
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Multiple users can have the same username, so this wouldn't work unless it was context sensitive.
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I don't think multiple users can have the same username, are you sure about that?
It doesn't really make sense to me considering each user's page has their username and it's a unique page for them, can't search one username and it wouldn't know what page to go to?
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That's a good point. Maybe it's been too long since I joined, but doesn't it just take your display name from Steam when you join as your username?
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It's been too long for me too, I think it is possible that's the default but maybe it checks if the name is already in use? I know you can change your username though (I think once a year?), and since Steam names change it'd be really hard to keep track of someone's name :P
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Nope, multiple users cannot have the same user name. When you go to your profile, you'll see that the URL is your username. Therefore, it wouldn't be possible for multiple users to use the same name, since it would link to the same profile.
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I don't know how often I'd personally use it (besides the occasional topic like the one that probably made you suggest this), but sure.. why not :P
Edit: Also, to prevent getting spammed you could have an option like.. "Would you like to receive notifications when someone mentions your username? Yes/No"
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I really like this feature. I have wanted to do this already since being here, but the functionality doesn't exist.
I think if properly thought about, there are ways to eliminate the potential spam, revealing invite onlys, etc.
+1 for a great idea.
+2 if the devs think on it and implement it so it doesn't cause them a headache.
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Necroing this because I think it should be a thing (and this thread already exists).
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Hey, we could pretend we have this feature and mention users anyways. :D
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In some alternative universe this failed joke was funny. We can pretend we live in that universe! :D
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You're welcome, it's a great suggestion.
I'm wondering if there are technical issues that would need to be worked out before this could be considered (like mentioning users in giveaway descriptions/comments that they are not eligible to view), or unwanted notification spam for the admin and support by voluminous mentions (with the potential for abuse by ne'er-do-wells). One way to counter this would be to make this an opt-in/out option for users or admin/support only, or just disable it for the latter group outright but that would also obviously complicate matters. And this being SG, I could also imagine automatic disabling for admin/support leading to the usual drama and cries of out of touch or "hypocritical" staff or something of the sort :/
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Is that really a problem, though? What's stopping me from browsing an admin/support and go into their past giveaways and spam them with messages (therefore generating notifications). Spammers would be punished accordingly the same way they are today if that's the case.
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I would hope it wouldn't be a problem of course, but I can imagine that from the admin's point of view, the potential volume of mentions for him could become taxing. You're right that there's nothing stopping spammers doing their thing but it's arguably more convenient to just throw in a mention in a post wherever I feel like it and do it publicly on the forum and garner more attention. I wouldn't be surprised if the novelty of the function would lead to considerable volume for the admin and support especially in the beginning, even if the mentions are meaningful or warranted and aren't spam per se. But yeah, this is pure speculation on my part regarding some potential issues.
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bump! bump! bump! bump! bump! bump! bump! bump! bump! bump! bump! bump!
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I keep encountering situations where this feature would be really cool, and I don't want to add awkward separate replies and bump old threads and whatnot. I really wish this feature to be considered for implementation.
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Just chiming in on my desire to have this feature available on SG.
It turns out about 1 in 5 winners doesn't deal with their winning in a timely manner - ie. days going by and no marking the game received, often times even when the game has been redeemed into their library.
I would like the ability to @mention the user within the comments of the giveaway in which they won - Not only could I congratulate them on the win, I can give them a soft reminder to claim their winning and mark it received.
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I've searched and couldn't find any suggestion for this.
What about if we had a way to mention other users and that would generate a notification to them?
For example:
That would generate a link to my profile where my name is (not really required, but it could help in some situations), as well as a new notification under http://www.steamgifts.com/messages for me.
For the sake of simplicity, it's ok if it doesn't work within GAs, as to avoid the drama with people mistakenly revealing invite only GAs to other people and not being able to check the message on Group GAs for groups they're not part of. Of course, if it's simple to handle the exceptions (invite only and group GAs), it would be nice if it worked within GAs as well.
I know there's the downside for it to be used for spamming, but... The positive side of it overcomes the negative side imo.
EDIT: Something along these lines has been suggested here, under the name of "Tags", but since it has multiple suggestions, I'll keep this one.
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