And they should've named it it Quoting, The Movie. The number of quotes they make is just ridiculous, literally most of the dialogue in the movie are just quotes, never seen such a ridiculous abuse of quotes anywhere, gosh its so damn ridiculous.

Have you encountered anything really ridiculous in otherwise well received movie, game or anything?

11 years ago*

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"I'm the master of quotations." - Oshii Mamoru

11 years ago

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Well I can suggest you to watch Steins;Gate.I've never seen such an original anime before and it is completely perfect.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I watched it, won't say it was one of he best I've seen but it's pretty damn close.

11 years ago

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Visual novel is much better.

11 years ago

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"One who watches crap movie will always feel no happiness" - Anonymous

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Had to google this. Thought you meant the movie "Ghost" with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. Couldn't figure out what Shell 2 was and how you watched it in it. Thought it might've been some new format or something.

11 years ago

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Death Note had that stupid fucking thing for L, where he would end up knowing about stuff just cause. Seriously, the writers pulled that shit out of their asses I think, or L himself was watching the series too, otherwise he wouldn't ever had been able to guess most of the stuff he did.

11 years ago

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Yeah that series got waaay to clever for its own good, and too clever for it's own writers. It was just too stupid in the end. Such a shame.

11 years ago

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I know what you're talking about, especially with the fake rules part.

11 years ago

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... He explains how he guessed all of them.If you don't get it, don't watch it simple as that.

11 years ago

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True, he does explain his methods, even if they seem preposterous that's kinda the point, L has hyper-real autistic deductive skills, people just need to suspend disbelief like they do with the magical stuff.

11 years ago

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he had such a omnious reportoir, that i'll never belive he died... he's just faking faling from the chair so Lighto lowers his guard to bust him

11 years ago

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Yeah that is why I really disliked Innocence. So much pretentious homespun philosophy. It really pulled me out of the otherwise interesting story and just made it feel pretentious and yeah like "quote - the movie".

But then again, Oshii only really made 1 good movie: Ghost in the shell. And in best George Lucas style (even using skywalker ranch), he fucked that movie up with 2.0, which is the biggest piece of crap since jar jar binks.
The story in Innocence is really good and the movie is beautiful and the music is amazing! But all the pretentious philosophy is pathetic.

11 years ago

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2.0? Isn't it just 1:1 copy of the first movie, barely any differences except the stupid CGI parts.

11 years ago

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  1. They replaced parts of the movie with crappy low quality CGI, completely breaking the illusion of the movie, pulling you out of the gits universe.
  2. They replaced sounds and effects with new crappy ones.
  3. The worst by far: The original colour scheme was this green/blue tint, that made the world seem cold and unpersonal future, that cyberpunk usually is; and replaced it with a sunny golden tint like innocence, completely removing the atmosphere and feel of the movie. This makes a big difference and makes no sense.
11 years ago

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First Patlabor movie was pretty cool.

11 years ago

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Yeah ok, that's true, but that movie is very atypical of all the crap he made since.

11 years ago

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Do you mean 2.0 or innocence? I watched innocence time ago and keep no memories about it.

Besides i watched the original only because of some interest in oni, also not so great imho.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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We weep for a bird's cry, but not for a fish's blood. Blessed are those with a voice. If the dolls also had voices, they would have screamed; "I didn't want to become human."

11 years ago

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"Man... I don't know what the FUCK you just said, Little Kid, but you're special man, you reached out, and you touch a brother's heart."

11 years ago

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But that's what's awesome about Ghost In The Shell, everyone having external storage access implants allows the romantic ability to relate through iconic texts and passages

11 years ago

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"And they should've named it it Quoting, The Movie. The number of quotes they make is just ridiculous, literally most of the dialogue in the movie are just quotes, never seen such a ridiculous abuse of quotes anywhere, gosh its so damn ridiculous."

(I just watched Ghost in Shell 2)


11 years ago

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I see what you did there you sly dog.

11 years ago

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In Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World early on you are treated to a flashback of a conversation you had less than 5 minutes beforehand. A full on flashback, not some reference to it, but the full scene replayed. Worst of all is that this is the sequel to my favorite game of all time.

11 years ago

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Isn't that the storyline of every Tales game?

11 years ago

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The rest of them don't treat you like you have only half a brain to work with. It's the only one in the series I would recommend staying away from.

11 years ago

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Tales of Symphonia was one of my most favorite jRPG games, but didn't have the chance to play the sequel.

11 years ago

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Please don't. It physically hurt me how much they ruined, don't want anyone else to go through that.

11 years ago

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Two that come to mind are the romance storylines in Drive and The Amazing Spiderman. Drive for featuring so little dialogue that the audience has no idea why there's even a love interest beyond repeated lingering stares and The Amazing Spiderman for featuring such an uncomfortably awkward and creepy performance from Andrew Garfield (Peter Parker). Not in an awkward but possibly endearing way like with Tobey Maguire but in a way that in real life would have women trying desperately to get away from the guy as quickly as possible. Far, far away.

I found both films pretty disappointing.

11 years ago

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Drive was awesome. You should rewatch it when you are older, then you would realize most of the communication in that movie is not oral. Subtle hints, stares, etc. can be hard to pick up, but you'll learn it with age.

11 years ago

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Well that comment isn't remotely condescending. The film's shallow and completely vapid, a perfect example of style over substance, like watching a well directed music video for an hour and a half. Character development and anything resembling intelligence were sacrificed for numerous needlessly drawn out scenes over a mushy 80s style soundtrack, "real human being, and a real hero, real human being" repeated ad nauseum in a desperate attempt to tell the audience how to feel about the character they've been staring at stare at everyone else for the entire film.

inb4 you didn't get it, go back to Hollywood blockbuster XYZ, sorry there weren't enough 'splosions for you etc.

11 years ago

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Drive is absolutely beyond sick, the only Refyn film I didn't enjoy was Valhalla Rising. For someone named Fandango, one would think you would be open to multiple interpretations of cinema, rather than writing off a film (or filmgoer's opinion) at face value. Sure, Notional judged you on your age, but it was more of a statement reflecting the state of mind from a majority of older folks rather than a personal stab at you. What's more telling about age is your vapid reaction to an otherwise understandable assessment.

For the record, a perfect film doesn't have any need for dialogue-- characterization and development done well isn't forced to rely on dialogue for support.

11 years ago

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Crikey, not sure where to begin. I've been using Fandango as an online alias for well over a decade; there's a story behind it but it's nothing to do with cinema.

Again with the age nonsense. I really don't see how "you'll learn it with age" is an understandable assessment, implying that previously hidden layers of depth will suddenly come bubbling forth with a few more years life experience. If I can't see the brilliance of Drive because of my assumed lack of age, what of the numerous film critics (though admittedly in the minority), who weren't overly impressed with the film either? Or maybe age really has nothing to do with it.

Thanks for pointing out what a perfect film requires. I never would have known otherwise.

11 years ago

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What? I simply pointed out that you judged Notional with the same disregard that he did you. I wasn't supporting the "age" theory, but promoting the view that each filmgoer is entitled to their own assessment-- something that doesn't require any amount of callousness. This is in defense and vocation of people both like yourself and others such as Notional (as well as any others). For whatever reason, you're extremely quick to defend a self-admitted unpopular view, on to frothing venom at the slightest attempt for pacification.

tl;drlolbro, Put the e-peen away for a few minutes and we can talk about some flicks ^__^

11 years ago

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Thank you, your entire answer pretty much reinforces my point. It's fair if Drive is not your type of movie, but you cannot criticize a movie for you lack of understanding. The movie runs at a very low pace, and you learn to enjoy and get the deeper meaning with maturity. Aging is definitely linked to maturity. How you can compare a slow paced movie like Drive with explosion Hollywood movies, just enforces your lack to understand this movie.

11 years ago

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Heh, there we go. "You just don't understand!"

We're always going to have differing opinions on this one - you claim it has a deeper meaning, I claim it's shallow trash. Skilfully directed, but still trash. We shall have to agree to disagree. :P

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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Ghost in the Shell 1+2 are def one of the best mangas ever made

11 years ago

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I found both series of GitS Stand Alone Complex a lot more enjoyable than the movies. No philosophy stuffed into, no quotes frenzy, just really good cyberpunk anime.

BTW: Akira is also awesome!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Necroblight.