So, what would you guys think about people using points to increase their CV for one giveaway. They can still enter a giveaway of someone with higher CV, it would just cost more. Perhaps at a ratio that isn't 1:1 to make it fair? Maybe 3P can boost your CV by $1 to enter a giveaway that you otherwise wouldn't be able to? What do you all think? Good idea? Bad idea? Perhaps a different ratio?

Edit: So, yeah, most seem to think it's a bad idea. Not that I disagree with that opinion. I just wanted to talk about it, mostly. Probably too much work, and perhaps a higher ratio might be needed. I do agree, however, that this should be an option for the creator of the giveaway if s/he wants to be generous to contributors but also to people who don't have enough money to donate but will give up on entering other giveaways to throw it all in for a game they really want.

Edit 2: Check out woofrikinhaw's post a bit down to see an alternate idea to this, which I like quite a bit too!

1 decade ago*

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Maybe ratio $1:299p will do :3

1 decade ago

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I'd prefer to just be able to buy games with SG points. It would make things much simpler.

1 decade ago

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lol, most stupid idea ever. at what rario? 250k points per game? ;p

1 decade ago

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Okay, I guess implementing a sarcasm filter on the Steam Gifts forum should be higher on the wish list.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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In what universe is Haruhi Suzumiya "kinda innocent"? o.O

1 decade ago

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I'd like to exchange them for air miles.

1 decade ago

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Nice idea

1 decade ago

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Maybe it if would be like 300 points = 1$ :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

1 decade ago

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That is not what points are for. They exist solely as a way to prevent people from entering literally everything. They are not some kind of currency to be traded in for better odds at winning.

Changing the already flawed CV system in this way would only complicate that whole issue further.

1 decade ago

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That's probably the worst suggestion I have heard in my entire life.

1 decade ago

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Actually this idea have some potential, as additional option for giveaway creator.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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i understand what you getting at but i think it needs a little work on the idea:

a) must have given a game away prior

b) for each $ in CV you are under by, it uses an extra 5 points (rounded, therefore if you are $1.01 off it would cost 10 extra points)

c) can only be applied to games including the "*" next to their name

1 decade ago

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My problem with CV has always been the cents. Most people post $XXX.00 or whatever CV, but since everything costs $XX.99 generally, it causes conflict. If one would do this, I suppose the best way is to do 1pt=1cent, to make those slightly out of reach giveaways in reach.

1 decade ago

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and then all ppl who gave away only bundle games suddenly enter all 30.01CV GAs that were set as 30.01 SPECIALLY to reward ppl who gave away something besides bundles.

1 decade ago

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I don't see how CV being one cent up helps that. If I had given away 3 $9.99, or a $9.99 and a $19.99, or any combination of games, that if rounded up and added to $30.00, I would be still screwed over, because I would only be pennies short. I think that the CV system does need SOME change. I have also noticed that most posts against this (not checked all of them), are from people with high CV's, such as $200, $500, and $2500. People with high CV would have very little impact from this because they can enter most CV giveaways, but someone like me who has now posted the last giveaway they can for the forseeable future, can lose out just because they can't raise their value by a few pennies.

1 decade ago

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Why not just be grateful for all the giveaways for FREE GAMES that you CAN enter, instead of moaning about the few you can't? "Losing out"? FFS. You've lost nothing...

Get a grip, comrade!

So many people grousing this month about not being able to enter a handful of giveaways :(

1 decade ago

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The difference in pennies causes many more problems for the people with less than $50 cv, almost every day there is something that I am close to, but can't enter that I want. The CV system will never change because the people with the most influence don't want it to, because IT WON"T AFFECT THEM, because they already have $500+ cv.

1 decade ago

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the pennies are importsant - especially between 30.00 and 30.01 CV.

1 decade ago

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CV giveaways make up a tiny fraction of the total giveaways on here. If it's causing you that much sorrow, either give some more games away, or hide these giveaways using SG+ so that they aren't in your face all the time. Don't tell me you can't afford it either. If you want it that much, there's always goods to trade, trading cards to sell, or a lawn to mow.

1 decade ago

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you clearly don't understand the bundle system, so let me explain it to you. Even if you give away games for 10000$ if they are all from bundles your CV will be only 30$, as it is maximum CV you can get if you give bundle games only. That's why a lot of ppl create GAs with CV requirement of 30.01$ to ensure that only ppl who gave away anything non-bundle may enter their GA. With your idea it would be pointless, because all these people stuck on $30.00CV would simply spend 1 point more to get this 1 cent and enter all GiveAways that clearly were't meant for them (if they were, they woiuld create 30.00 not 30.01 requirement).

And about People with high CV would have very little impact from this because they can enter most CV giveaways the thing is that contributor is spending his real hard earned cash to create a GiveAway while user just spends virtual points he's getting for free anyway. So GA creator should have absolute right to limit who may and who may not enter his GA. If I create GA with 100$CV with a game I had to pay for myself - it means that I want it to be won with someone with 100$+ CV. If I wanted to give it to someone who contributed less I would create smaller CV requirement.

1 decade ago

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I understand it is his right, but since I have $14.98 CV, I can't enter the giveaway I really want to enter. People who have a high CV don't have to worry about that, so they don't care. It isn't that I am against the CV system, it is that it forces people to skip on what they want when they have low CV, because they really can't afford to raise it by 2 CENTS. IT ISN'T A BUNDLE ISSUE!!!

1 decade ago

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Buy a Fortix nuff said.

1 decade ago

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Anyone can raise their CV by 2 cents if they want it enough. Whether through trading card sales, TF2 items, or some other method, there's no reason why you can't save up for a copy of Fortix to push you over the line...

1 decade ago

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first - like Woodchuck already pointed - anyone can earn 2 cents if they want it enough. You've got shitload of games with cards - you could easily use these 1-3 cards to buy a cheap DLC.

And why you'r problem isn't a BUNDLE ISSUE, your solution IS A BUNDLE ISSUE. Because with your solution all ppl who gave away only bundle games would be able to enter non-bundle CV GAs.

1 decade ago

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So the solution is to leave out the people who haven't done these bundle things and are short?

1 decade ago

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The solution is to pony up and make some more giveaways if you're THAT desperate to increase your CV and/or to gain entry to these higher value giveaways. It all seems pretty straightforward to me.

Again, to reiterate, CV giveaways make up a small percentage of the total made, and the ones you could enter by having a few more cents on your CV are absolutely miniscule. If it means that much, follow the advice people have given already, and give away some more stuff.

Personally I wouldn't sweat it. There are countless giveaways you can enter with no CV at all. "Investing" in CV will only erode your soul and make you bitter...

1 decade ago

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Is that like Jake Long's "dragon up!" Except with a pony form?

1 decade ago

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if I PERSONALLY DECIDE to leave out these people, and I WAS THE ONE WHO PAID FOR GAME, you sir have no right to FORCE ME to add this people in. Simple as that.

Want to enter something that you cannot?

Good solution - enter other GAs - I mean SG is not galagiveaways - you have a shitload of running GAs you may enter at any given time. You have too small CV to enter GA for ABC? Enter GA for DEF instead.

Even betetr Solution - if you're so desperate for this certain CV value you're few cents short from - buya freaking DLC for 20-30 cents and give it away. You buy a lot of games yourself, have a lot of games that drop cards - you can easily "invest" these 20-30cents.

Worst Solution Imagineable - force a stupid and pointless rule for whole community because it would benefit you. Don't bother with any arguments against it, because you're the centre of the freaking universe, so it only matters that it benefits you not if it's a harm to community overall.

1 decade ago

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I like how a simple idea, such as entering my opinion on a topic, turns into me putting a gun to someone's head, forcing them to do something. THIS is the kind of thing that is getting me tired of the forum, because all ANYONE seems to do is start bashing what I say or arguing with me whenever I post, unless I ask a question.

Basically, they way you put it is that the only reason why I say this is that it would benifit me. Sure, it would benifit me, which is why I see the pennies as a problem, BUT DON'T MAKE IT LOOK LIKE I AM SOME A-HOLE, JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE MY OPINION.

1 decade ago

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the reason you got bashed is not because we don't agree with your opinion, but because even when you were given arguments, you were simply ignoring them in an egoistic manner ("my case isn't bundle issue, so why should i even refer to your argument about it possibly becoming bundle issue") and the only counterargument you decided to give was a stupid low "sure, you guy's don't care cause you have ultra-high CV already".

So if because of us not agreeing with your clearly egoistic-driven idea (plus how dare we point out why it is a bad idea?!) you're getting tired of the forums then sorry - but maybe you're better off then.

1 decade ago

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(sorry, I felt the urge to do a unnecessary comment) :p

1 decade ago

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If you want to make a giveaway with high winning chances (fewer entries) without having to use CV, just give it one hour of time. And if you create it in the middle of the night/very early morning, there'll be even higher chances, without having to set any minimum CV.

1 decade ago

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"Wait, you meant I can't just get shit easy AND free?"

It would be funny if people didnt think like this on a daily basis. All any human 'deserves' is the opportunity to die.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Even more leechers. I like it.

1 decade ago

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lol sketch

1 decade ago

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I know right? :o

1 decade ago

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Feed me!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The whole point of contibutor's giveaway is to thank those who are giving away games and making the site work. Allowing someone to use points, which they get for free an are pretty unlimited, kinda defeat that purpose. I'm stuck at 300 points 99% of the time, which would mean I could essentially enter any giveaway I want even if I don't have the CV requirement. CV would mean nothing in that case. Actually, I already foresee minimum CV value of 130.01 on giveaways to keep the leech and points spenders out.

1 decade ago

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Destroys the whole CV concept. Nope.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I would use my points to make a higher CV giveaway.

1 decade ago

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Been on this site for almost 2 years. I have to say this is hands down the dumbest fucking idea I've ever seen for this site.

Making points into CV value isn't fucking contributing to anyone. All it does it make it so leechers don't have to do shit to enter CV giveaways. If you want value go give away some games. That simple. They are called CONTRIBUTOR GIVEAWAYS for a reason.

1 decade ago

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^ this

1 decade ago

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nuff said

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yeah no, let's not reward leechers. This is a terrible idea, and you should stick a nail under your toenail and kick the wall hard for even thinking that this is remotely a good idea.

1 decade ago

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This idea is so dumb that no one cares about it

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by PeasOfCrab.