Payday: The Heist/Payday 2, Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2.
[EDIT] Oh, didn't notice "Good story". Heh.
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It has not so good story but give it a try.
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The first one which titled as Unreal Gold.
It has co-op and you can play it without problem with a virtual network software like Hamachi. If you don't mind it's outdated graphics and old kind of gameplay elements; it's a decent choice to try something as co-op.
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Borderlands 2
Both are enjoyable games which can be played solo or co-op for a total of 4 players.
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Maybe the Resident Evil games on Steam? Each of them have co-op.
Resident Evil 5 has two players go through the story, but you can also play solo if you don't mind an AI team mate who wastes ammo. Uses Games for Windows Live.
Resident Evil 6 is similar, but with better AI and 4 different campaigns to try.
Resident Evil Revelations is the best game available on Steam IMO, but the co-op is limited to the Raid mode, Story is single player only.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is for up to four players, but isn't considered as good as other Resident Evil games (though I felt it is worth trying). Uses Games for Windows Live.
Edit - And some reviews for you.
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
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Cry of Fear (HL1 Mod), Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Dead Rising 2 (And Dead Rising 2 Off the Record), Portal 2, Saints Row 2, Saints Row The Third.
There are plenty of games you should try.
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The last time I played DR2 it kept crashing every 15 mins due to GFWL, but I think that was a problem on my end :/
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Ooh, sorry for taking so long to reply. Well, the CO-OP is basically the singleplayer but with a friend. It is fun, tons of fun actually. But you should look into it first, check some videos and so on. I like it.
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Star wars: republic commando or Kane & Lynch 1+2 or Saints row 3
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Star Wars: Republic Commando (do not own) but i damn sure want! D: is it even on steam?
Kane & Lynch 1+2 (already own (XBOX 360) got the for free from our store here in our town after i tested working here :p
Saints Row 3 (own XBOX 360) I'm thinking about buying it again i might have to wait
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Republic commando is on steam. There's actually a lot of pc starwars games on steam.
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Binary Domain has no coop campaign and the horde mode sucks sadly :(
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story in FPS are generally weak? Did u play MW? Bad Company 2? Half Life? Metro? STALKER?
If u only play a few games like Serious Sam...that doesn't mean all the fps are shit like Serious Sam.
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Hl, Metro and Stalker have great world/atmosphere, but story? Didn't play MW or BC2 so don't know about them, but pretty sure people playing these because of multiplayer and not the story. Also this thread is about co-op FPS games and i listed the ones we enjoyed in co-op.
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u ain't playing them but u say about them having a bad story? How ipocrit u have to be? I'ts like saying that a car it's bad but u don't have a licens to drive that car...
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and in case udidn't know...Resident Evil it's not a FPS, it's a TPS.
There are plenty of good story in FPS and TPS: Crysis, Mass Effect, Spec OPS, Conflict Series..etc. Stop bullshit people with u not playing games (fps and tps) but talking about them like a pro player.
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Oh wow, now you're joking. You just can't use words like "story" and "Crysis" in the same sentence. Crytek is only good at doing great looking engine, but all their games had dreadful stories. I assume you're talking about the recent Spec OPS: The Line which is the most overrated piece of boredom i've ever seen, there was some psychological wannabe drama thing going on but failed miserably. Can't say anything about the other ones, probably you're right about them.
Anyway, GENERALLY F/T PERSON SHOOTERS have weak stories, there is some gems no doubt, but even some most popular of them have terrible storylines.
If you're looking for great story in games then you chose the wrong genre, i'd recommend to search through RPG/adventure/quest library.
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but u played only a few could u say something like that? And if u don't like it, that's just you. Don't want to offend you, but milions of people said they are great games and now u give this bullshit and u didn't play most of the FPS/TPS games.
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and Mass Effect it's a RPG shooter, Borderlands too, STALKER Call of Prypyat/Clear Sky too and much more.
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It's shooter with RPG elements, different things, but whatever, i like RPG elemnts anywhere. Again STALKER has great world/atmosphere, but story is weak, especially the ending part in CoP. BL has a great world too, especially because i like postapocalyptic setting, the story is pretty good in it though, especially some side quests. Planning on playing ME someday, will see on that one.
P.S. I have a friend who loves shooters, but he agrees with me in most cases about the story elements in them, for him the story is just a not so important part of the shooter, i guess the same thing applies to most shooter fans.
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I don't have to know u to tell that u ain't play much shooters because u said it u ain't play most of the titles i mention (Mass Effect, Bad Company 2, Modern Warfare series) and u generalizet that all shooters havea weak story...let u knw fps/tps with good stories...u may try them. Mass Effect series, Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City , San Andreas, Mafia I, Mafia II, Max Payne 1&2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Half Life 1, 2 + EP, CoD: Modern Warfare 1, 2 & 3, Battlefield Bad Company 2, F.E.A.R., Saints Row 2, 3 and 4 (This is a funny one too), Far Cry 1 & 3 (Specialy 3 if u like survival games with humans, no zombie survival), Resident Evil, Metro Last Light, Spec Ops: The Line, Quake IV, Condemned Criminal Origins, Wolfenstein, Bulletstorm, The Chronicles of Riddick, Conflict series...May be more but not all of them came into my mind...This have the best story in them, can't denied them.
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Played through all of these with a friend. Tons of fun.
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Sniper Elite V2 (Do not own) but i'm thinking about buying it :)
Transformers (Do not own) But i wont buy it... i'm not a big fan of the movie or games
Operation Flashpoint: Red River (do not own) but it is on my wishlist so i will get it soon :D
Kane & Lynch 2 (already own (xbox) so i wont buy it again
Saints Row: The Third (already own (xbox) so i wont buy that again :p
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If you are already thinking about buying SE V2, then do it. It is tons of fun in co-op.
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Killing Floor (Do not own) But i tested it during the free to play weekend and i regret installing it :/ was not fun at all
F.E.A.R 3 (do not own) but i'm joing tons of giveaways of the game here because i want it so bad :p
Saints Row 2/3/4 (Already own 2-3 (xbox) So i wont buy them and i will NOT buy saints row 4... it litterly looks bad and i dont like how it went from 2 :/
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Ahh thats to bad, oh well, heard 4 was better then 3 but worse then 2....up to you though.
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So! i'm looking for a game that haves a good story also can be played through with a friend!
I have been looking at Ghost Recon Future Soliders but i'm not sure!
They MUST be on steam!
If they are please provide with a link thanks :)
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