Moved to puzzle/events category because a certain puzzle got added after creation.

I got bored and browsed the steam sales, had a few positively rated games lined up to make a mini train, goes to buy... must send gifts immediately.
at least steam is protecting me from me now. I don't find myself browsing sites that sells keys all the time at least.

I apparently took to long a break from SG/steam news... cant buy gifts to inventory, games free on store don't give cards... what else did I miss in the past 8ish years.

level 3 required, starting soon, ends 5 days after it starts.
SG tools GA link
another lovely waifu fanart puzzle leading to a mini train These giveaways are already active, where as saints row has a few more hours to go
poll because poll

on a side note... tackling the steam backlog going well.
2 recent additions currently in playing slowly working through, one ancient game in the library moved to completion... and ... 10 drops/technical issues.
.... only a few hundred to go including long RPG's!
now to decide the next game to tackle(spins the wheel of RNG)

1 year ago*

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View Results
potato 1
potato 2
I am the potato

For a moment I was suprised. But that 8ish years remake made it a bit more clear. Yeah, buying inventory gifts is not possible for at least .... 5 years? This has been changed long ago. Most likely because people abused it to trade.

As always, nice things happen only as long as idiot people are not abusing/exploting it.

1 year ago

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Yeah sadly that's how it usually is everywhere, stuff works fine, people abuse it and then ruin it for the good people!

1 year ago

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yup, now you can't even use the steam market if you buy nothing on the steam store for a year(who knows when this change was to, maybe this one is even older but I bought enough before to not notice), ez to do when your not always hunting for a new game because you have a giant backlog + life eating games(path of exile, diablo 4, genshin, etc...)

1 year ago

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Oh, that is new information to me to be honest! Wonder if gifts from others count or not since 1 year is not very long! I didn't buy any game for half a year now and no clue when I will again, need to be careful not to be blocked from the market then since I am trying to sell a lot of useless crap XD

1 year ago

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already listed things on the market will definitely still be able to sell, its just add new or buy.

1 year ago

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Good! Now I just need to be sure to buy something in the coming half a year, or not... will see! I mean being forced to spend money 1 time a year just to be able to use the market is sad! That they make a limit for new accounts or cheap accounts, sure, but for older ones?
It sounds a bit like many mobile providers have, if you want prepaid, you are forced to add money to it 1 time per half a year or you lose the number so even if you never use the money, you HAVE to add more to it and the minimum is usually €10 or so, at least back in the day it was, such a waste of money since you can never get it back if it's not used at the end.

1 year ago

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You can usually buy the cheapest game which is usually a few cents though. So its not quite as bad.

1 year ago

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Yeah but buying a game to then be able to sell some cards which usually bring only 0,01 sounds like a waste of money, unless you find a card that is worth a lot more, then it's indeed nice!

1 year ago

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some of the profile backgrounds are a few dollars for some games, I have seen some with buy requests starting at $5(not available in points shop, so only from card turn ins) in the past week(as I was browsing listings to make my steam profile... cuter)

I feel cards aren't what you shoot for these days, its emoticons/backgrounds/etc... from crafting badges

part of regaining market access is also buying cards to complete your badges.

1 year ago

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Yeah, I stopped making badges long ago, now I just sell all cards since usually the stuff I get from badges are not worth the money I spend on the cards I need to buy, maybe for some badges with expensive drops that's worth it, but either I don't own those or never got lucky with them XD

Buying something on the market also counts to be able to sell on the market again? that's nice since market items can be bought very cheap :O

1 year ago

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I was not talking about cards. I just meant you can easily buy a game worth a few cents if you want your accounts market restrictions off for a year. So it's not really that big a problem. Just means you need to spend a few cents to have the restriction lifted.

1 year ago

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You don't need to buy anything if you sold something in last 12 months.
And cards/items in your sell list are returned to your inventory after IIRR 6 months.

And no, receiving gifts doesn't count to this restriction.

1 year ago

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Not sure what IIRR means and Google isn't helping much but I have stuff on my market for either 1½ years or 2½ years now and it's still on there so no it's not removed for me.
But good to know selling anything last 12 months also works since once in a blue moon I do sell a useless emoticon for €0,01 XD

1 year ago

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IIRR: If I Remember Right

Guess I didn't remember right then.

1 year ago

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Ah thanks for explaining!
To be fair, I think someone told me that before, so maybe they did have that but changed it, or mine is just bugged, it's Steam, who knows!

1 year ago

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to note if you lose access a purchase doesn't immediately give you access back either. proof
I happened to have purchased a couple things for myself(moonlighter, it was on my switch shop watchlist, but steam is good enough and the banner saga trilogy legendary or w/e edition(had a good discount, had been interested... so I nabbed it... hope I like them because I will be out of the refund period before I get to it :/)

1 year ago

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Wait so there is some sort of cooldown? that is sad!
Wonder what made Steam into thinking that would be a good idea, though I assume it's so that alt accounts or fake accounts can't buy/sell on there or something?

1 year ago

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likely so you can't just buy something, do your market stuff, then refund the purchase immediately.

also likely to help combat fraudulent charges giving the proper owner of cards a chance to deal with it before they need to even consider reversing market transactions between users.

I see the need for this... only reason I am trying is I am trying to relist a foil card I had up... I listed to be cheapest originally... the cheapest listing now is 50 cents less(shows how long I've been away right!)

... also having fun discovering limitation in the point shop... have to own a game(no issue here)... and put at least 2 hours in(ok fine... if I'm within the refund period... but I have owned this for years lol)... I just want a profile background >>

1 year ago

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Yeah, am sure Steam has a reason like that for it, to save themselves the issue when stuff goes wrong, just sucks for people that never buy in Steam but from outside sources.

To be honest, I find it weird that you have to own a game to be able to buy a background for it on the point shop, what if I just really like a background but don't own the game? I would then be forced to either buy the game (and seems to actually play/idle it) or just forget about it, but why? That it's not standard shown for you and you need the search function to find it, sure, but to block it makes no sense to me.

1 year ago

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I suspect ownership requirement is to protect the market.
many of the things on the point shop are also on the market.

1 year ago

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Losing access to market after a year is also an OLD thing.

1 year ago

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God forbid that someone else make a little bit of profit except Lord Gaben

1 year ago

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Welcome back to the site full of bots, bad takes, arguments and begging :D

1 year ago

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That sounds as something a bot would say to try to pretend it's human...

Curiously my reply has the same characteristic.

And my remark makes me sound triple sus...

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Your profile picture is also not helping the situation...

1 year ago

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Thanks for the train and welcome back after such a long break!

1 year ago

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Welcome back!
You've missed a lot and also nothing at all.
Feel free to check out these neat online gaming magazines Atomic Blond + others make here on SG, I like them!

1 year ago

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I glanced at them, my ADD makes me go elsewhere though.
used to love Nintendo Power/Official Xbox mag/Game Informer as reading material... back then I didn't have 500000 games to play though... I had 14.

1 year ago

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welcome back!
something you miss probably theres a limit of 10% price difference on gifting game on steam now

1 year ago

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We've not met before, but welcome! I've been here for almost 2 years. I don't know how life used to be back 8 years ago, but in the last almost two years, things have been rather interesting. Some of the members here have been working diligently at keeping the community alive and interesting with cool pools and groups to be part of. I hope you enjoy your return.

1 year ago

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Are people crazy? Who were the deranged people who voted for Potato 2? Potato 2 is annoying, irritating, they made it as a greedy cow-milking cash grab! I am sticking to Potato 1, and no one will make me change my mind!

Vote for Potato 1!

I imagine some people will think I am talking about the new version of Steam, others will think I am talking about a certain game and its remake... Neither, I am really just potatoeing around. ;D

And yes: I also hate the fact you no longer can buy gifts and store them for giving later... So, I guess I do like "Potato 1" better!


1 year ago*

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Yep, it sucks. Developers wanted a way to sell their games without there being any chance of second hand sales though, so it's understandable why Valve decided to make such a change. Still, I almost never buy games from Steam itself anymore as a result of that change, instead always buy from either Humble Bundle or Fanatical (formerly Bundle Stars).

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 year ago

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I don't blame them either.
going to save me money in the long run as the steam store is the easiest to randomly browse for things to giveaway.
so I will likely have mostly bundle extras now, still debating the June humble choice.

1 year ago

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thought somebody was necroing a 5 year old post for a second

1 year ago

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time to go discover some other change and make a new thread making you think I necrod another then :D
ok... I wont do that
doubt I will go exploring steam stuff enough to notice other things(maybe ill notice the sale event stuff is different at most... if I notice a big sale going on at all)... even as I work through this backlog that I just added even more to... I failed my checks fell into the hole named humble choice.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I had no idea that you used to be able to do that! While I would like to have that functionality, I do see how it could cause problems for Valve... Anyway, thanks for the puzzle + giveaways!

1 year ago

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it was my to do some giveaways before for full price games.
just buy when its on sale, then give it away whenever I was ready.
easy to manage(aka remember if I sent/it was already used) as it sits in the steam inventory instead of text on some other site.

it wouldn't surprise me if I had a key or two unused from oldddd bundles that I am unaware of.

1 year ago

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well, welcome back!

1 year ago

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Welcome back bump

1 year ago

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Also not happy of the market restriction

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Killing inventory gifts is a blow i stil feel to this day. I had hopes they would change it back but so far nothing...

And i wouldnt look at backlogs that way. I did it once, until i noticed i was playing more like a chore. I managed to start looking at games more like what they are- games, not movies or books. Ending a game is more akin to removing it from a library- ending is exausting all or close to all a game have to offer. I see the library more like netflix- all the kinds of experiences i can have in a few clicks, and then i let my mood dictates what comes next... some games get finished sure but if i get tired or burnout i just flip to another genre altogether and come back later... if ever. No probling not finishing titles either, if they get too repetitive or arent delivering as much...
End of the day what matters is getting enjoyment, enjoyment by the hour so to speak. My free time only gets shorter, all i care is relaxing and having a good time at that- if at any point im not enjoying, just going through to 'finish' i stop that title for another one for the time being.
Just my 2 cents

Thansk for the gas!

1 year ago

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im not doing a true random on the backlog, also roughly half my library is in the never going to try or stored away for mood type lists(jrpgs, bullet hells, dark souls or similar, etc...)

im intentionally mixing low-moderate desire games and when I start to get really bored I go dive into that high interest backlog game that will probably eat away 80 hours of the backlog gameplay. I always stop if I get frustrated or bored and move on(I will use Hue as an example, I was enjoying it... got to a really long room with slightly repetitive puzzles, made a mistake had to start over completely, try again get near the end... fail the jump and get put back at the start... game wasn't interesting enough to do that room a third time so I quit), needs a good checkpoint system for the longer rooms.
Might have actually completed it if it had a proper checkpoint system... or the platforming elements were more fluid like in mario games.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Bump, ty for the giveaways OP!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Thanks for the GAs!

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Carenard.