I dont though about buying it but ive saw an offer in g2a, 26€ for it. Ive liked GTAV too much so ive decided to buy it at that price.
There is a lot of hype around it, but buying it at 26€ makes me feel comfortable even if its graphics arent a incredible thing.
What do you think? Its there too much hype about it supposing that will cost around 50-60€? Would you buy it for 26?
PD: there isnt any GA

1 decade ago*

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Never preorder anything. Ever. You don't know how good or bad it will be. Wait until reviews are out so you can get at least a vague indication of the quality of the final product from a source you can trust.

Personally I'd also wait until a very deep discount as well, because I'm cheap and have been conditioned by previous sales and bundles to not accept prices higher than about £10.

Patience is key.

1 decade ago

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Meh, I trust Ubisoft. They've made a bunch of awesome games (bad ones too, but whatever). And from what I've seen it looks good enough to buy for 26€. I'd go for it.

1 decade ago

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The only thing selling that game right now is hype. We know more about the single player dlc and multiplayer than the actual game itself. I already hate the idea of day one dlc. From the short clips we have seen the game doesn't seem to offer anything groundbreaking (I never include graphics because graphics doesn't make a game good), the hacking seems like it's going to be more of a gimmick than a core mechanic. There is a reason why out of the 3 days of PAX Ubisoft had a "hands off" demo available for only a few hours on the first day and didn't show any more of it for the rest of PAX. They seem to be hiding something, maybe because they know they will sell more units due to hype.

1 decade ago

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Wait for Steam summer sale. You won't regret it ;)

1 decade ago

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It's not even out yet, no one here knows if it's worth buying. All you've got so far have been delays.

1 decade ago

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"graphics arent a incredible thing."

What? Its literally amazing looking.....

1 decade ago

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Awesome, that actually looks like the E3 demos. Probably needs a beast of a PC to run like that though.

1 decade ago

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I would say a 760-770 most likely...who knows though, I have a 750 ti personally.

1 decade ago

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It says it need 780 to run at ultra :'( my 770 is crying right now

1 decade ago

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Yeah probably means unltra at a steady 60fps though and at 1080p, personally I am betting I can run it at 30-40fps or more on my 720p TV on ultra...:-D!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Same here, its when it dips sub 30 that I get annoyed.

1 decade ago

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when it's rainy it's... <3

1 decade ago

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Yeah also loved it in Sleeping Dogs...

1 decade ago

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If you want to play mostly (only) in single player then wait for sales. If you want to play mostly in multiplayer then pre-order. There is no way that watch dogs will be "bad", or at least I'm sure that will be worthy that 26€ (and we are taking of pre-order price).

1 decade ago

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pre order is the worst thing that has happened in gaming history

1 decade ago

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Not really, its useless now but back in the day it was a nice thing, at least in popular areas, also the bonuses were better, I remember getting the most awesome watch for pre-ordering Chaos Legion for the PS2, so worth it.

1 decade ago

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Sure, I'm pretty sure it will be an enjoyable experience so why not.

1 decade ago

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"even if its graphics arent a incredible thing"
Should I start correcting your grammar or point how much shallow you are for following the mainstream without thinking. Who said the graphics aren't incredible ? are you blind, or you just read articles about how they downgraded the graphics ? or maybe you're a tester and played the game before everyone.

1 decade ago

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"even if its graphics arent a incredible thing"
Should I start correcting your grammar or point how much shallow you are for following the mainstream without thinking. Who said the graphics aren't incredible ? are you blind, or you just read articles about how they downgraded the graphics ? or maybe you're a tester and played the game before everyone.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Koala257.