New! Convert your trades list directly to relevant games informations (lowest price, cards, bundle, ratings...) on : https://gameslisttosteam.freedom-substitute.fr

Last course: Comparative: GET vs POST methods in PHP

Today I'm here to introduce you a website that I'm currently running: "FREEDOM SUBSTITUTE".

We are actually 3 people working on it (Two French guy, and one Scottish guy) and we are open for recruitments if you want to help us managing/improving/translating/post on the website (most post are still translated by a bot).

Here is a little summary of what we can offer you:


  • Buy games for free (yeah that's paradoxal) with a points systems (that you win also for free like when you visit the website)
  • Participate to giveaways every week on the website
  • Regular giveaways on the Steam group
  • Win points by trading Steam items (rate = selling value * 0.80 = points)
  • There is a lot of others ways to win points, just visit our website to know more about it!


Learn IT courses about:

  • CMS
  • Hacking and how to prevent being hacked (social engineering, flaw, deep web...)
  • Games (in C# for example)
  • Hardware
  • Programming (mainly C#, HTML5+CSS3+JS, PHP, SQL and Batch)
  • Internet & Networks (VPN, Proxy, DNS, IP Addresses...)
  • Security
  • OS
  • Utilities
  • ... and more!



  • Here it's a pretty new section managed by the Scottish guy, he's posting his action/hacking books every weeks!


► Website: https://www.freedom-substitute.fr/
► Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/FREEDOM_SUBSTITUTE
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomSubstitute/
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/FSubstitute



Dernière mise à jour : Vous gagnez désormais des points de fidélité à hauteur de 20% du prix d'achat (échangeable).

Dernier cours : Comparatif : GET vs POST en PHP

Salut !

Aujourd'hui je vient vous présenter un des sites que je gère actuellement : "FREEDOM SUBSTITUTE".

Nous sommes actuellement 3 personnes à travailler dessus (deux français et un écossais) et nous sommes ouverts à toutes demandes de recrutement que ce soit pour nous aider à gérer/améliorer/traduire/poster sur notre site.

Voici un petit un résumé de ce que nous pouvons vous offrir :


  • Acheter des jeux gratuitement (ouais, c'est paradoxal) à l'aide d'un système de points (que vous gagnez aussi gratuitement quand vous visitez le site par exemple)
  • Participer à des tirages au sort chaque semaines sur le site
  • Tirages au sort réguliers sur le groupe Steam
  • Gagnez des points en échangeant des objets Steam (taux = prix vente réél * 0.80 = nbr de points)
  • Il existe beaucoup d'autres manières de gagner des points, visitez notre site pour en savoir plus !


Apprenez des cours d'informatique autour de :

  • CMS
  • Hacking et comment se prémunir de certaines attaques (ingénierie sociale, failles, deep web...)
  • Jeux (en C# par exemple)
  • Matériel
  • Programmation (principalement C#, HTML5+CSS3+JS, PHP, SQL et Batch)
  • Internet & Réseaux (VPN, proxy, DNS, adressage IP...)
  • Sécurité
  • OS
  • Utilitaires
  • ... et plus encore !



  • C'est une section toute nouvelle gérée par l'écossais, il y poste chaque semaines des chapitres de ses livres d'action/hacking!


► Site : https://www.freedom-substitute.fr/
► Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/FREEDOM_SUBSTITUTE
► Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FreedomSubstitute/
► Twitter : https://twitter.com/FSubstitute

7 years ago*

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Don't worry guys, it's legit

7 years ago

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It's the thing the guys says when it's not aha, but here yeah, it is. We already gave more than $200 of games if I remember.

7 years ago

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ça m'a l'air pas mal tous ca, je m'inscris :)

7 years ago

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Merci pour ton soutien !

7 years ago

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well gonna take a peak xD

7 years ago

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nice idea

7 years ago

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Thanks! :D

7 years ago

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that's interesting idea,gonna check it out

7 years ago

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Thank you! All criticism is welcome to help us make the website better :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Unfortunately yes, at this time I still havn't managed to translate it...

If it can help you here is the translations :

  • Username
  • Firstname
  • Lastname
  • Email
  • Password
  • Confirm Password
  • Agree the CGU

and the left button is subscribe.

7 years ago

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EDIT : It's now translated, thanks for the report! (in a HTML placeholder)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yeah thanks for the link but we already use one of thoses plugins (Polylang), I know it's not the best one but it's a free one, the best solutions for SEO and optimisation would have been to buy 2 different domain name (.fr and .com) but it's the same we can't really afford it (we are also on a shared hosting so.. Some plugins consumes too much resources)

7 years ago

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and subdomain?

7 years ago

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I already tried that with the same plugin (Polylang) it worked well but it was more difficult for nothing more in comparaison with just adding a /en/ before the ".fr". And btw as I already explained to some people, I can't use this plugin anymore because it has a limitation of words in the free plan so... I tried to see if there were any other solutions than just a google translate application but they all seems to work the same way :/.

Sadly, Polylang wasn't able to translate all the text in some pages, like in the shop (because it duplicate the original page to translate it but it can't do it for some kind of pages) so I had to put the 2 differents languages on the same page, separated by a " / " and it wasn't a good solution. When you were going to one of thoses pages that wasn't translatable, you was loosing the selected language and thus, had to change back again the language to english...

So it was nice for the SEO and for the english people because I was able to edit the translation of all posts instead of using a bot but well... now theses extensions can't translate our new course version (different from the post).

So for all theses reason that's why I choosed (maybe it's not a definitive solution) to use a plugin that use google translate and that are able to translate everything on the website in more than just one language! Hope it was clear enough :D

7 years ago

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actually i'm interested in the course, but cant help translating.
Thanks. i'll check the course later, keep up the good work!

7 years ago

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Also you can tell me in which course you are the most interested in and I will work on the translation as fast as possible (btw they already are translated but it's by a bot, still better than google translate but well)

7 years ago

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Programming and Games (C#). its on my "Programming Language wishlist" to learn someday

and Hacking seems interesting too :p, people tend to search about this topic.

7 years ago

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Well I though that you was having just some specifics posts to translate, 3 category is going to be a little bit longer lol but nvm I'll try to work on it as soon as possible!

7 years ago

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lel. To be honest, for me, all of that topic is interesting enough. so Thanks for your hard work! wish you guys the best of luck in your future!!. :)

7 years ago

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Aaaah, thanks again! I'm so happy to read such motivating comments! :D

7 years ago

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whole language is French. is this website also in English?

7 years ago

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Yep, if you add "/en/" after the ".fr" it will translate it in english.

You also have a widget at the right named "languages" under "My Balance" where you can choose English if the page is already translated in english.

7 years ago

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Where are the courses that teach an old guy like me how to sell his design and graphic skills?

7 years ago

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Aaah... we still havn't considered that kind of courses, maybe we will later! :p

7 years ago

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That would be great. I've been looking all over and still can't figure it out. And I really need to pay the bills!

7 years ago

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Have you tried sites like Freelancer.com? I'm sure there even better but thats one that i am using myself.

7 years ago

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Thanks, I'll look into it. Though I'm not sure how useful it will be. It's hard to avoid being underbid by someone on another continent. But you never know.

7 years ago

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just add some oauth registration, registration is so boring

7 years ago

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You mean social login? You are already able to do this with FB, Twitter, Steam, Twitch... But it seems that I have to check its implementation again. Thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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yea, but there's nothing showing up for me from those

7 years ago

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Yep it's what I saw but now it should be ok, I added a widget under the "My Account" widget. I'll see tomorrow if I can improve it.

7 years ago

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Your website seems very genuine and you guys must surely have put great effort in order for the whole thing to come along. Will surely take a look, and most importantly, thank you for raising awareness about important issues of our daily lives and for being generous to host giveaways on it as well.

7 years ago

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Yeah it took me a lot of time when I was working alone at first, but then when a friend joined me to help me publishing content I got more time to work on the functionality of the website and now we have also 2 new member, one author and one editor from different countries and it's even better!

7 years ago

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I'm paranoid. I like the idea but I'm all worried about it being a phishing scam or something.

7 years ago

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It's not Steamgifts.co, it's a revolution

7 years ago

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Ahaha maybe not a revolution but well :D, in anyway you can't get scam, you just need a valid email to register and after that, the points that you win to get games etc are automatically generated, everything is under control and if you have any trouble I'm here to help! BTW, can you imagine the time that it took to publish 10 pages of tutorials in two different languages aha, I'm not that much desperate to scam people :p

7 years ago

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Well since the first article is about social engineering, will check later.

7 years ago

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Thanks! If you like theses kind of articles we can publish more of them and I'll take care of the translation :)

7 years ago

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Happy cake day! :D

7 years ago

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I never did very well in French classes but I could have a go at correcting the bot translations if you like

7 years ago

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Ah! Thanks for your help, well you don't really need to master French because all posts are already translated but by a bot, it would just be to check the spelling / if the sentences makes senses and if not, change it. If you are interested please contact me at contact@freedom-substitute.fr or add me on Steam so that we will be able to speak about it! :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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Well that's weird, what kind of special character do you use? Because I already tried with things like ""@& etc and it works? Otherwise you can login with a social account

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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Hello, well I think that this is related to Ryzhehvhost issue (see under this post) it might be because the system check if you have uppercase, lowercase and number in your password. So, because people seems to get some problems with it I'm going to remove the verification!

7 years ago

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Alright, should be fixed (I removed every limitations)

7 years ago

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Ok, we have done one of your tutorial request if you want to check! BTW we made some change today (CDN & some plugins) so the website may no be working properly at the moment

7 years ago

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"Votre mot de passe doit contenir au moins une minuscule, une majuscule et un chiffre"
And now I hate you. Seriously. The only one who have the rights to tell me what should be my password - is my employer. Because, you know, it this case safety of my account is his concern. I know many site have such restrictions these days, oh well - I can hate many people simultaneously.

PS. "Abcd1234" is considered a secure password. What a freaky world we live in today...

PS2. I can change registration date in my profile... Great idea.

7 years ago*

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Hello, I understand. I though that it would be more secure for the website to have only strong password but it seems that people don't like it (and it's true that having to put at least a uppercase letter when we don't want to can be frustrating). So, I'm going to work on this :)

7 years ago

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mymotherisap00ldankmeme is more secure than FGE85dsF
moreover, it's ez to remenber !

7 years ago

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OK it's fixed! Now there is no security verification and no minimal value, which means that you can use the password "a" if you want... but I don't advise you to do so :p

7 years ago

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Regarding the registration date in the profile, "normally" it had been fixed but I'm not sure I have to check with a user account

7 years ago

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Site plutôt sympa =)
le truc de la déconnexion au bout de 60 min c'est bof d'après moi.
je l'ai ajouté à mes sites de démarrage.

7 years ago

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Salut ! Merci pour ta critique, je vais en tenir compte et modifier cette valeur, étant sur un serveur mutualisé c'était de base pour éviter tout abus, je pense que je peux le passer à 2 ou 3 heures à la limite. Dans tout les cas, ça empêche pas de rester connecter (grâce aux cookies) si la case est cochée lors de la connexion :)

7 years ago

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Tout compte fait, j'ai supprimé le timer que ce soit pour les cookies ou pour la session, de ce fait ça évite que les gens aient la flemme de se reconnecter à chaque fois ^^

7 years ago

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is this similar to tremor?

7 years ago

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Well I don't really know how Tremor works, but it seems that it's similar, on FREEDOM SUBSTITUTE you can either win a giveaway (so without points, just by being lucky) or you can be sure to get a game that you bought in the shop if you have enough points.

There is multiple ways to win points like Tremor I guess, but you don't have to play games on FREEDOM SUBSTITUTE, all what you have to do is connect every day, read/comment posts, refer a friend, trade items for points... etc. If you want more informations about how to win points you can go to the following address: http://www.freedom-substitute.fr/en/how-to-earn-points/

Hope this is clear :D

7 years ago

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I need to check it out :D thanks for the info

7 years ago

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I'm here if you need anything :D

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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First I want to thanks you for your report :D

  • So, for your first point you are right, the post are currently translated by a bot and I'll have to check all of them (it's still 10 pages!) one by one to see if all the sentences make censes. That's why I am "recruting" people to help me with that task, with all the other things I have to do on the website it's hard for me to translate the post, but it's planned!

  • For the random log out that's weird, I disabled the auto session / cookie destroy... I'll investigate.

  • I see what you mean for the shop yeah, I'll see if it's possible or what I can do (because it's managed by a plugin).

  • For the points I don't really know, because there is other way to win points like by trading items, and even without trading any item, one of our new recruit (the scottish) as managed to buy 2 games, 1 T3 & 2 T1 cards in less than one month (T3 cards is 0.50 and more, even premium) so if I lower the price I'm afraid that it will be too easy for people to get them,and that I won't have enough stock proportional to the demand :/

  • For Gleam I still havn't found a better (and free) giveaway plateform, I know there is other free plateforms but they don't support all what I want the people to do so... If you have any plateform to suggest, I'm interested :)

Anyway, I'm going to see what I can do for most of theses points, it may takes time :p

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago*

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Hmm... well your right, I'll have to search a new way to present our next giveaways as the Scottish suggested... :p

7 years ago

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You forgot to mention the kinguin referral cleverly hidden

7 years ago

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Well, that's the point of theses ads :D I don't think they are that much invasive?

7 years ago

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Alright, for your 3rd points, I made a new category nammed "Top" which is the first on Steam games page, on that page we will be able to see the most positives games / popular. Here is the link : http://www.freedom-substitute.fr/product-category/steam-jeux/meilleurs-jeux/ (I'm not able to make a drop-down without editing the PHP of the plugin :/)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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Ah, I'm glad you like it! :D And no problems, I'm also here for that aha, I don't know if you already answered to my mail but if you want me to add / edit anything on the post you can ask me. Regarding your other tutorial I'll make it in a few days I think (we divide the publication of post in a calendar with the others author and we try to don't publish too much post to never run out of idea^^)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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Alright I think I see what you want here, a very in deep explanation of what to choose for what you want, like explain why is it more useful to have a high frequency ram instead of having a lot of memory... theses kind of things?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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Well, I could almost make one post for each of theses things like "How to choose a good monitor"; "Lean more about mouse"... and at the end, make a big article combining both of them, what do you think? It should be better for our Hardware category :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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Alright! I'll tell you when we will be working on it so :D

7 years ago

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Alright, it tooks some times and I'm sorry for this, but we released the first post of the "serie":

Choose wisely a computer screen => http://www.freedom-substitute.fr/en/material/components/choose-wisely-a-computer-screen/

Tell me if it fits what you need / your expectations

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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Hello, thanks for you analysis, I'll transmit your informations to the person that writted the post and make the changes as fast as possible!

7 years ago

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Hello, sorry for the delay but we got a lot of work and we wasn't able to work on the website in the meantime.

So regarding the changes that my friend and I made:

  • New part for the differents panels, strenghts / weaknesses and for what purpose.
  • In the Frequency part there is a new subpart "V-Sync"
  • In the Size part there is a new subpart "Screen size"
  • Black to Black part has been changed to grey to grey and thus we added more content.

There is still some things that we havn't spoke about like all the overview of all manufacturers.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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Ah, thanks! Well, we try to do our best but it's not always easy as we are still students (I don't know the equivalent in the US) we don't have much time during the week, that's why theses days we did not publish any news/update :/

7 years ago

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Update: All points for signing up has just been ditributed, sorry for the delay!

7 years ago

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I may can help translate English to Italian

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I can help and learn at the same time! :D

7 years ago

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Ahaha, thanks for offering your help, at the moment we don't have an italian version so I'll see what we'll do about it because it takes a lot of time to translate everything, I'll tell you later our decision!

7 years ago

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Well, I am good at translating from voice to text when there are videos. Same thing for texts. I'm just bad at translating Italian to English :.
Oh and english it's simple to translate, not so hard. :D

7 years ago

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Well it would be English to Italian if we do this, but if you are also able to just check the English spelling it would really help too :D

7 years ago

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I think I found a bug. Login, change language -> the session is over permanent, I need to login again. Please help me to check this case :)

7 years ago

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I think it's a cache issue, when you change the language if it redirect you to the homepage it shows the cache version, in other words the one when you are not connected. You have to move from this page to see if you are really connected if the widget. Tell me if it help^^

7 years ago

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ça commence bien j'ouvre ton site je tombe sur: Fatal error: Call to undefined function newannouncement() in /web/freedomsubstitu/www/wp-content/themes/i-max/header.php on line 108
Sinon l'idée est pas mal je regarderai ça quand ça sera résolu :)

7 years ago

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Désolé c'était dû à une maintenance de cet après-midi, c'est résolu !

7 years ago

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Looks nice, will surely check it out soon :)

7 years ago

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Thanks! I'm here if you have any question! :D

7 years ago

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Programming in MS-DOS and webmastering?


7 years ago

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But well at this time it's not the category where most of our posts are posted, Webmastering is more about CMS at this time but regarding the MS-DOS if I remember we have 2 hacking course using it :)

7 years ago*

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LOL I was being facetious. No one "programs in MS-DOS" -- if anything it's called batch scripting -- and no one calls managing websites/hosting "webmastering" it's just a really funny term to hear/type/say and it gave me a good laugh.

Still I've joined your group waiting and hoping to see something entertaining pop up aside from the awesome JJam & Doge banner on your front page. :D

Good luck! (P.S. if you need any English help feel free to add me on Steam and PM me or you can DM me on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/hackers)

7 years ago

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Aaah, I feel so awkward right now :D. But yeah thanks for the suggestion I'll probably change the MS-DOS thing.

At first it wasn't easy to found the appropriate name of each categories for all the posts without making too much categories so... I tried to use names that includes severals subcategories in one.

Regarding the Webmastering, at the beginning I wasn't planning to post only CMS course and I don't see what other name I could use (because in the futur I will probably post something else in relation with Webmastering but not with CMS so I can't call it "CMS").

And thanks for you support, I'll go back to you soon :D

7 years ago

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Hi! I know it's a little bit late but we wasn't able to work too much on the website these days. Today we released the new version of the website and in the change we also renamed webmastering in CMS, we'll be updating a lot of others things in the next days too!

7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Keohookalani.